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Yoursay: Perhaps Dr M should ‘interview’ Haziq like he did Azizan

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘The wheel has come full cycle and the same charges are being levelled at his protégé.’

Azmin: My accuser exhibits character of one who is manipulated

Anonymous_b3cdcd05: Just because Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad dismisses the sex video clips as 'fake' does not mean Economic Affairs Minister Mohamed Azmin Ali is in the clear.

He must sue Santubong PKR Youth chief Haziq Abdullah Abdul Aziz (who said he had sex with Azmin at a hotel in Sandakan on May 11) and prove his innocence in court.

The video is not conclusive but a forensics expert can determine the players.

Nevertheless, one's sexual preferences is a private matter, especially if it is consensual. It is not right to draw a parallel with PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim's sodomy 1 and 2, because in those cases, they were non-consensual.

Anonymous_1550204262: Mahathir is like god towering above all. When he believed Azizan Abu Bakar (who accused then deputy prime minister Anwar of sodomy in 1997), Anwar was mercilessly thrown into the slammer.

How many other crooks did worse but got away because they happen to be in Mahathir's good books?

Today, the wheel has come full cycle and the same charges are being levelled at his protégé, but lo and behold, Mahathir has described the videos as fake.

My2sen: It is very telling that Azmin is hiding behind his new godfather. He has already burnt his bridge with ‘godbrother’.

We didn't vote Pakatan Harapan to install him as next prime minister. So I think this is a good turn of events.

Though I don't personally believe it's anybody's business even if the whole PKR is gay. The problem is they are a bunch of greedy opportunists, with the same DNA as Umno.

Mushiro: Azmin speaks like a psychologist when he said that Haziq exhibits the character of someone who had been manipulated.

Indeed, he should prove that the person in the video is not him. He was in Sandakan in the wee hours of May 11, the date Haziq claimed the incident happened and Azmin was at the hotel that Haziq mentioned.

When Mahathir personally accused Anwar of sodomy 1, he went all out to destroy his then deputy with false evidence like the incomplete Tivoli Villas, the frequent exhibition of a mattress in court and finally Anwar was jailed for abuse of power.

Tell me which ministers have not abused power. Now that his blue-eyed boy is caught in action, karma has come to haunt Mahathir where he is prepared to look like a fool with arguments such as fake video and gutter politics.

Scoopy Doo: Yes Azmin, obviously it is a smear campaign against you. That we can see. But you have some hard and stiff questions to answer.

You know Haziq... From afar? How deep?

When part three and four of the video clips are released and other information revealed, I hope you can still keep it straight... I mean your face.

Haziq lodges police report in response to critics

Vgeorgemy: Haziq feels that he is a smart guy by filing a police report in Peninsular Malaysia as he knows the alleged incident happened in Sandakan, Sabah.

He must submit his police report in Sabah, not in Peninsular Malaysia. He is testing the patience of the rakyat and creating hate and anxiety.

Haziq must stop the wayang kulit (shadow play) and be brave enough to submit the police report near to the police station where the alleged incident happened.

Toffeesturn: People who hate what Haziq is doing are not the type to go and threaten him. It more likely the people he is in league with to make him look innocent.

Innocent he may be, but I really can't understand what has motivated a lawyer like him to come out with his confession, if indeed that was a confession.

He should make a police report regarding his deeds and allow the law to take its course, and believe me, with the present people who helm the positions of authority in cases like this, the truth will prevail.

Anonymous 435551439668541: Is Haziq someone who is happy to sleep his way to the top? What is he profiting from by arranging to have his sex sessions made public, assuming the clips are not fake?

KingKriolle: Haziq is digging his own grave even deeper. What he said or alleged so far does not make sense. It is really puzzling what he is trying to achieve. He must have gone cuckoo.

He has caused a big embarrassment not only to his family but also to Sarawakians in general.

Anonymous_3f4b: Only in Malaysia will an accuser become a victim. Meanwhile, the accused is walking around scot-free and has turned into an accuser.

The victim has every right to lodge a police report, not be hounded and threatened by those that he has implicated.

If you are in the right book and have the right political connections, you can get away with anything. This is a sad reflection of our state of affairs. Whither New Malaysia.

Saving TunDrM: I see a bigger game being played here. There is more to this than just Umno's runner Lokman Noor Adam or PAS.

Anwar is probably feeling his chances of getting the prime minister's position are fading away, so many believe he must take out his main competition, Azmin, and checkmate Mahathir. Is this true?

And if so, isn't there a better way than to use the same tactic that knocked Anwar out the last time (sodomy and corruption)?

Even so, if this is even slightly remotely the case, Anwar still does not have the cash to mastermind this... this game needs big money. Investigate this fully as we need to know.

Scoopy Doo: Haziq, you have done the right thing by making a police report. Now the police can get to the bottom of it since you are so cocksure about it.

Now the police can expose both of you and examine your private parts... I mean your private affairs.

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