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Yoursay: What does the PSC hope to achieve by grilling Latheefa?

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | 'Stop wasting time and let the new MACC chief accomplish her mission.'

Parliamentary panel to grill Latheefa on three aspects

Tembikai: Parliamentary Select Committee on Major Appointments chairperson William Leong should not waste the rakyat's money and time.

What does the PSC hope to achieve by grilling newly-appointed MACC Chief Commissioner Latheefa Koya on her impartiality as a former politician, her inexperience in fighting corruption, and her vision and mission?

If the PSC had put all the necessary reforms in place over the past year, it would have the clout to select the MACC chief, Election Commission chief, and so on. 

Please move on, and work on instituting reforms first.

Hearty Malaysian: The PSC under the leadership of Leong is wasting its time, and appears to be vindictive in its intention to grill Latheefa after Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his designated successor Anwar Ibrahim have both confirmed she is to stay as MACC chief.

Don’t bring your PKR internal conflict into the picture, Leong, for you only make us feel disgusted. 

Let Latheefa do her job, prove her worth, and show her many critics that they are wrong. The PSC is not empowered under the law at present, yet expects to have the sole right to appoint the MACC chief? 

Wg321: It is very unfair of Leong to find fault with Latheefa. If he wants to go on the attack, please go after Mahathir, who made the appointment in the first place. She did not appoint herself. 

Anonymous_1547638132091.44141547637684502: It is not just Latheefa who should be called to answer to the PSC, but other leaders too, such as the prime minister and the members of his cabinet. 

The PSC should show its teeth, even though it does not have the power to finalise the appointment or reject it.

Van Helsing: Trying to ape the Americans. Except here, it is a done deal. What is the PSC trying to prove? Do the members now want to put the cart before the horse?

I hope they have nothing to hide and are squeaky clean themselves. We should check all of them first, to make sure. Guess who should clear them? The MACC, of course.

Puzzled: Just because Leong was elected as an MP, that does not mean he knows everything. 

Malaysian politicians do not exhibit patriotism, but stand for and feed on trivial stuff – now including sex scandals – just for the sake of point-scoring.

Just how will Leong decide whether Latheefa is qualified to hold the position she has been appointed to? What criteria will he use? Have these criteria been tested for their reliability, or is he simply out to score points?

Legit: This is nothing but a comedy show. It is a face-saving step for the PSC. But since you are there, do ask the right questions and don't get grilled instead. 

Keropok Ikan: Really? What is it that you want to grill Latheefa about when she has only been at the job for a few days? If she refuses to turn up, there is nothing you can do about it.

The best thing this select committee can do is to disband itself until it actually has the power to do anything, apart from issuing press statements.

Citizen: So what if Latheefa was a former politician? Haven't police officers investigated other officers who have committed crimes? Has Leong not sat at tribunals or inquiry committees involving friends or members of his profession? 

Latheefa is a woman who does not mince her words, although what she says may not be palatable to some.

She need not have any experience in investigating corruption cases as the MACC has dedicated and honest officers who can and will guide her through. 

If she needs assistance, all those with investigative knowledge and/or experience will answer her call.

Her vision and mission will be to get rid of the corrupt who permeate every level of society and have brought this beautiful country down to its knees. 

The prime minister has endorsed controversial preacher Zakir Naik, who has openly stated that Muslims should only vote for Muslims, even if they are corrupt. Latheefa, at least, has shown her utter contempt for this reprehensible man.

Now, will the PSC members stop wasting her time and let her get on with her honourable work? She has been given two years to do her job. 

If you have nothing better to do, go around the country and make right what is wrong.

Anonymous_6b878845: Leong himself should be grilled by his bosses for failing to table reforms. 

Furthermore, Leong should not be conducting the grilling, as he was against Latheefa's appointment from day one.

Another point to note is that in his initial statement just after her appointment was announced, he said he is not questioning her "personal capabilities, integrity and character," but the process. And now, you want to grill her to find out whether she is capable?

Anonymous_1411652657: Leong is acting like he has all the power to grill Mahathir's appointee. Does he possess the qualification to evaluate her suitability?

Tidak Harapan: I hope you do not have any skeletons in your closet yourself, Leong. It would seem like you are trying to make yourself look important. Tell us what have you contributed, to date, in relation to the previous corrupt government?

Latheefa may not have experience in investigating corruption, but she has integrity and intellect. Her role is to manage MACC with its professional investigative staff, not conduct investigations herself. 

As an experienced lawyer, she can look at the resulting reports from a legal perspective and ensure integrity and professionalism.

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