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Yoursay: Can PAS be trusted to protect rights of non-Muslims?

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Before you talk about convincing us (non-Muslims), stop the lying and vilifying.’

Convince non-Muslims their rights will be respected, delegate urges

Vgeorgemy: Non-Muslims only want PAS to accept the original spirit of the Merdeka Constitution.

PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang wants political Islam to be dominated by a clerical ruling class that is not inclusive as envisaged in the Merdeka Constitution.

This is a non-starter. Accept the reality of a diverse society and agree with the Merdeka Constitution and everything will be in order.

No Fear Nor Favour: If what PAS initiated is sincere, then it is one up on Pakatan Harapan which has consistently ignored the plight of non-Muslims.

Kural: An encouraging and a very sensible statement from Selangor PAS Youth delegate Ahmad Ubaidillah Abdullah regarding religious tolerance and co-existence.

Senior leaders like Hadi who claims to be more learned in religious matters should encourage strengthening such views in solidarity with their youth.

It will be pointless for the old for whatever priorities they choose to uphold to leave a divided nation to the young.

It should be an honourable and humble human trait of all leaders in any religious denominations to bequeath a better more peaceful world to the young.

Newday: A political party based on religion cannot govern for all. Please understand this, PAS.

Yes, you talked about looking after Christian places of worship and the right to worship, but what is your stand on atheists, agnostics, liberal Muslims and Hindus? You have stated time and again how these cannot, and will not, be tolerated.

PAS also promotes a narrow interpretation of Islam, which is just plainly not compatible with just about everyone else.

If (and I dread the thought) you do achieve federal power, where does this put us liberal Muslims then? Will we be safe to be liberal or be hunted and hounded as if we are devil spawn?

I do know one thing, we will not be left in peace. Forget about non-Muslims for a moment and focus on reconciling with liberals and moderate Muslims first; and I know this is something you will never do.

Anak JB: This must be a good joke. Each time PAS leaders open their mouths they are using their interpretation of Islam on how one should dress, should behave, should eat and drink, romance and vote, the number of wives and also the total submission of a wife to her husband.

Everyone not with PAS is seen to be against Islam. Now, you expect the non-Muslims to believe in PAS?

Previously, many of us did, but we are now very wary and sceptical of these PAS ulamas. Hadi once said better a corrupt Muslim leads than an honest kafir (non-believer).

Freethinker: Talk is cheap. Propose and support a constitutional amendment that syariah law has no power on non-Muslims.

Even now, non-Muslims are affected by certain state rulings on business times during Ramadan.

We will believe you when your religious beliefs do not impose on non-Muslims and they have the right to operate their business unimpeded by religious doctrines and rulings.

BTN: PAS, the minute your party continued to back Hadi, who cannot be trusted and is a racist, you have closed the door on yourself.

To add to this misfortune, you have decided to work with Umno, which is not only a racist party but mired in corruption.

The PAS we know under the late spiritual leader Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat was a party that non-Muslims also wanted to be associated with. Not anymore.

DEX: Indeed, if it’s Nik Aziz’s PAS, then it’s a yes. Hadi’s PAS? It’s a no!

We just cannot trust a leader and a party that say lying is okay.

Iphonezours: What PAS had preached, said and demonstrated so far, clearly shows that non-Muslims are considered to be second-class citizens in a Muslim nation. Ask Hadi himself.

FairMalaysian: Now that Islam has become the lifeline for success in local politics, non-Muslims are being ‘fished’ for their votes.

Most of us see PAS and Umno lying and vilifying non-Muslims as the source of all ills faced by the Malay/Muslim community. Before you talk about convincing us, stop the lying and vilifying.

Isn't it laughable to say that non-Muslims are grabbing power when all the seats of power, including the royalty, are all in the hands of Malays?

Non-Muslims have become the punching bag for different Malay political and non-political groups and quite a number of them are so extreme that it made some non-Muslims wonder about their future in this country.

The behaviour of PAS and Umno leaders during the Cameron Highlands, Semenyih and Rantau by-elections left lasting impressions in our minds that non-Muslims have practically zero future if they vote for PAS and Umno.

Anonymouss: Dear Ahmad Ubaidillah, to convince non-Muslims that PAS is also a party that looks after them, the first thing you should do is to leave this party because looking after the interests of non-Muslims never crossed the mind of PAS leaders.

What you are saying now is meant for political expediency. PAS is in alliance with Umno and is just hoping to win the next general elections.

The only thing both parties have in common is to use race and religion for their own political gain.

Jaded: Put simply, we don't trust you.

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