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Family in the dark - not a word from Haziq

This article is 5 years old

Santubong PKR Youth chief Haziq Abdullah Abdul Aziz, the man who confessed that he was the individual featured in a sex video, has not contacted his family since the video emerged.

He has also claimed that the other individual in the video is PKR deputy president Mohamed Azmin Ali.

His father Abdul Aziz Ibrahim, 53, said that his family had failed to contact Haziq since June 11, a day before the videos went viral, The Malaysian Insight reported today.

“We have not been in contact with our son ever since. We do not even know his whereabouts.

“What news we get are all from the media,” he said in a phone interview.

Hoping to hear from Haziq soon, Aziz said his wife fell ill because of the ordeal that the family has to face.

Subsequently, The Star reported that Aziz today said that Haziq had contacted him several days ago.

Haziq, in a conversation which only lasted a few seconds, had told his father: "Dad, I am okay. Do not worry about me."

“He called me to tell me that he was safe and we do not have to worry about his safety.

“He was using a different number to call me. We have tried many times to call his number since June 11 (the day the video went viral) but could not get through until now,” Aziz said.

Aziz added that on June 11, Haziq had told him that he was going to Paris for work-related matter, but he knew Haziq was still in th country based on news reports.

It has been reported that the family had moved out of their home in Petra Jaya to a Malay village in another part of Kuching to avoid prying neighbours.

Yesterday, it was reported that Haziq had dared Azmin to initiate legal action to prove his innocence.

Haziq had also challenged Azmin to lodge a police report against him over the series of leaked sex videos.

"He should do it himself. Let’s have all the evidence and details in the open," he had said.

Azmin has strongly denied his involvement in the sex videos, calling it a slanderous attempt to end his political career.

Haziq said he is looking forward to the matter to be brought to the court.

"I am not a liar. I want the matter to be brought open in the court so that Malaysians can see for themselves the evidence.

"Malaysians would then be able to see who’s telling the truth," he was quoted as saying.

He claimed to have been a victim in the scandal and urged the police to wrap up their investigations as quickly as possible.