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Yoursay: Should Mahathir stay on for more than two years?

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘The seat of the prime minister is not for Mahathir to bequeath.’

Dr M promises not to stay on as PM beyond three years

FellowMalaysian: I think it's not fair to PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim if Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad stayed on beyond the agreed period of up to two years.

Mahathir's timeline as the country's PM should and must only go up to mid-2020, and anything beyond that, his stay is unwelcomed.

We need to be fair to Anwar too as by then, he has barely three years left to hold the fort before the next general election.

Anonymous_1543386245: Be fair to Anwar? Is he fit to be PM? Look at how PKR conducted its elections.

Anyway, now that Mahathir has openly stated that he would step down within three years, what more do Anwar and his supporters want? Malaysia to go into chaos just because someone wants to be PM?

Show us he has the support of the majority of members of parliament first.

Casey: Unlike a royal succession which is determined by descent, Anwar, of all people should know better that the seat of the prime minister is not for Mahathir to bequeath.

Article 43(2)(a) of the federal constitution points out that Anwar must be able to show that he commands the confidence of the majority of the members of the Dewan Rakyat, without which, he cannot be declared as prime minister.

But as things stand, one wonders if he actually commands the support of the majority in his own party, let alone Harapan and the other friendly political parties.

Cry For Malaysia: The successor must be ready. How can Mahathir hand over to the weak and compromised Anwar who has not done anything to prove that he is capable of leading the country to greater heights... other than just being obsessed with the idea of becoming PM.

He can't even manage his own party. Hidup Mahathir!

Rance: Just keep your promise, Dr M. That is two years.

Just A Malaysian: A PM cannot give a fixed date for resigning which will make him look like a lame duck. Mahathir has been forced to state the three years due to all the politicking that is happening around him.

Stop speculating and let our leaders get on to the task of running this country. If they fail, we can vote them out. But right now, let them do their job.

Let's ignore the plotters and conspirators, and the spin specialist obsessed with being PM.

Anonymous 133971438080786: Mahathir, I would appreciate if you could go by this year.

It looks like you are making things more difficult for Harapan. Maybe age is catching up or you have some other ulterior motive.

PKR points to Harapan document after Rais claims no handover agreement

Toffeesturn: All of us who followed the Harapan campaign from its beginning know that there was an understanding for Mahathir to move out after the transition and for Anwar to get in, but the way things are moving now I am really worried about Anwar's takeover.

Anwar has absolutely no control of his party people, they have all seen PKR deputy president Azmin Ali as a threat not because he is one, but going by grassroots popularity, he is the most likely choice for the next PKR president’s position.

PKR is in disarray; we the voters are with the people we elected but we can see through the schemes.

Azmin, we know, is not beholden or begotten to Nurul Anwar or her mother (Wan Azizah Wan Ismail), but was a true and loyal supporter of Anwar all through the years and the Reformasi campaign.

Any move by anyone in the party, be it even Anwar, will have negative vibes right across the country with the PKR supporters. I'd like to call on Anwar to rein in on his divisive lieutenants who are wreaking havoc in the party.

Manoharan Malayalam: The Harapan joint statement on the transition is morally correct but legally unenforceable. It has no legal effect. The joint statement, which was agreed by Harapan parties, has no force in law.

Anyway, the agreement is void as no timeline was set for Dr M to pass the baton to his successor, Anwar.

Capo: @ Manoharan Malayalam, why only now you are talking about legal validity of the consensus document? An agreement made in good faith between coalition parties for the greater good of the country at a critical time is above the law.

If it’s not valid in law, then by implication it means Mahathir's premiership is now invalid. The whole Harapan government is invalid.

And the people who voted Harapan into power must bring class action suit for being cheated big time by a fraudulent government in Putrajaya. Then the whole country is plunged into anarchy and chaos because someone now decides to question its legal validity.

Only people with a sinister agenda will talk about its legal validity at this point in time.

JW: Yet another one butt into this issue. This whole damn thing wouldn't have been an issue if Mahathir were to do the right thing as a leader: honour the promise and draft a black-and-white plan for the transition.

It should not be succession because it means the current PM will have the right to choose who to succeed him. It is a transition because it reflects the promise given to Malaysia during the campaigning leading up to last year's election.

The problem, as always, is Mahathir, who never know how to leave the stage graciously and never think about the future generations and Malaysia as a whole, always only about him. Shameless and disgusting for an old man.

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