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Yoursay: Why is PAS mesmerised by DAP?

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘When Hadi wakes, he sees DAP; when he sleeps, he sees DAP.’

Hadi: Asset declaration a communist, socialist idea dreamt up by DAP

Wsoi: PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang seems to understand why the asset declaration is important under different circumstances in Islam.

First, you opposed the move and blamed DAP. Then you explained why it is needed and important. You are contradicting yourself and being a hypocrite.

You are a confused man who is trying to confuse the public.

Anonymous 428911434555133: Why are all these PAS leaders so afraid of declaring their assets? This is what their party members (and Inland Revenue Board) should be asking them.

Caraba: Declaring assets of those who hold public office to ensure they do not cheat the very voters who elected them is a communist idea? So be it.

What about politicians who accumulate assets illegally, oppressing others, committing crimes all in the name of religion, whose idea is that?

Where in Islam does it say it is all right to be a corrupt ruler, committing crimes, taking bribes, telling lies, and corrupting youngsters?

Vijay 47: Sometimes looking at this never-ending shadow play, I wonder who is Dr Pavlov and who his canine disciples are. But now, I increasingly fear that I am one of those, the many especially here in Malaysiakini, who salivate upon the sound of the metronome.

Each time Hadi comes out with another of his provocative statements, we sneeringly treat him as an imbecile who just got off the boat or more precisely, the camel caravan.

Hadi is no fool, religious manipulators never are, his act has been refined to an exquisite art. He has no expectation whatsoever that he can make us see his light.

His only objective is to make an offensive statement, create controversy and his mission is accomplished when we rush out to defend our cause whatever it is.

And what better way to hold the attention of his gullible sheep than to raise alarms on race and religion, that Islam and the Malays are again under attack.

Much of his success rests on the conviction that the hordes that follow him do not have the wit to get out of the rain. Bandy about words like socialist, Christianity, or communist and you can be sure that the fan club would be eating out of his hand.

These words sound profoundly impressive and the crowds around Bachok will agree that acute danger lurks when the Christians, the Chinese, DAP, and the Jews are on the prowl.

Repeat these warnings often enough and many would swear that they personally saw El Al aircraft filled with armed snarling Chinese land at Penang Airport.

Hadi’s cunning is not a one-man show, it is the product of a concerted effort to keep Malay and Islam in the front burner along with the rulers for good measure.

In the space of just one week, we saw this strategy at work. After an earlier bout where he claimed that DAP was working hand in glove with the Christians to remove the sultans, Umno leader Tajuddin Abdul Rahman has a spat in Parliament and he immediately accuses the speaker of being biased towards DAP.

Hadi adds his contribution by saying that asset declaration is a plot by DAP and socialist communists; sheer idiocy does not matter as long as the keywords are heard in Kelantan.

PAS and Umno don’t care two hoots for that sorry soul firefighter Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim, he is convenient fodder for them to hammer home the theme that he was killed by non-Malays.

Najib Abdul Razak who until recently avoided such topics, suddenly claims that the DAP did not help fight the communists. In the 1950s, even before they even came into being!

Of course, he neglects to mention that one Abdul Razak was prone to enjoying sushi with the Kempeitai. And today, from out of nowhere, Muslim NGOs accuse China of ill-treating the Uyghurs. Coincidences these?

Hadi and allies know that they do not have the luxury of losing another general election. Harapan must be destroyed. Now. And to that end, fair is foul and foul is fair.

Gerard Lourdesamy: So, is corruption and abuse of power an Islamic and syariah compliant concept?

Asset declarations by those in public office, including members of parliament and civil servants are common in most democracies in the world. It is not a communist or socialist idea.

If integrity is not important in Islam as according to Hadi then PAS is a deviant party that ought to be banned.

Anonymous_45551439668541: Wajib (required) is for all politicians, civil and government servants, including their family and friends, regardless of religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

This is to protect the rakyat from those who see it right to steal from the rakyat, like your Umno friends and colleagues.

Beman: "Declaring assets for individuals who may get involved in corruption, tax evasion, then it is compulsory,” said Hadi.

This is precisely the point, isn't it? When someone is in politics and in a position to influence the state or the nation in passing laws, the temptation to be involved in corruption is greater.

Therefore, there is a greater need for asset declaration. Hadi is either really stupid or acting stupid to get away with such a forked tongue.

CKL: Really smart, Hadi. You can see through DAP's secret plan. But it is not a communist idea unless Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng wants to use that to seize all income and asset to make everyone equal.

No, Guan Eng wants to see the hidden wealth gained by dubious means and send the IRB after the crooks. This is what scares Hadi.

People don't declare their wealth if they want to show off how much they have. They buy expensive cars, build big houses and get their wives pink diamonds.

Bbnow: There he goes again. Always DAP this and DAP that. And then communist this and communist that. At the very least, be honourable and just say what is in your mind.

DEX: Hadi is obsessed with DAP. When he wakes, he sees DAP; when he sleeps, he sees DAP; and when he dreams, sees DAP too.

Anonymous 772041447347646: Why is PAS so mesmerised by DAP? They cannot even think straight and with logic.

PAS seems to beat around the bush on this subject. The party seem to indicate their members have a lot to hide and worried about what secrets might be revealed through this exercise.

A straight and honest leader will fear nothing. Instead, the person will be the first to queue up to declare his assets and not find all sorts of excuses and reasons not to declare.

Declaring assets is carried out in many countries around the world and a really old tradition, even before DAP came into formation.

So, PAS has to get rid of its fear of DAP and stop looking for the smallest reason to point fingers at them.

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