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Yoursay: Happy birthday Dr M, but please clean up your own mess

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Please get those right and the country will thank you long after you are gone.’

Dr M's birthday wish: I want to finish my job

Across the Straits: At 94, Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, you don't have much time to clean up some of the mess you have created.

The Islamic Development Department (Jakim) for example; another is the dysfunctional educational system.

Please get those right and the country will thank you long after you are gone.

Proarte: We are grateful that Mahathir led this country with the support of forces opposing BN and Umno to get rid of an utterly rotten and immoral government.

But, Mahathir must take the blame for nurturing and supporting a system that culminated in the creation of the world's most notorious kleptocrat, Najib Abdul Razak, a protégé of Mahathir.

Mahathir's birthday wish should be that he rids Malaysia of the systemic culture of racism and Islamic bigotry that he inculcated throughout his political career, which has done so much harm to our country – a country that should have been at the top of the totem pole in Southeast Asia is now economically as well as educationally ruined.

It has become a haven for kleptocrats, international money launderers, fugitives with alleged Islamic terrorist links.

Malaysia has seen its 100-million-year-old rainforests wantonly destroyed with horrible consequences on river systems, air quality, the indigenous peoples, flora and fauna.

The tens of billions accrued from the rape of the forests have benefitted the oligarchs with obscene wealth but destroyed the lives of the indigenous people whose land was stolen from them.

Mahathir should show he is committed to a just and fair Malaysia by opening the doors of Bersatu to all Malaysian citizens and give them equal status.

The exclusion of citizens because of their race and religion from joining Bersatu as equal members will forever be a shameful reminder of his racist and religiously bigoted politics.

Chuen Tick: Your job is completed when you helped the rakyat evict former premier Najib and the ‘Umnoputras’ from Putrajaya.

To me, you have outlived your welcome. It is time to let a new generation of leaders, those who are more attuned to the aspirations of a New Malaysia, to run the show.

You are unfortunately running our country as an extension of the Umnoputras of old.

Athena: I must say, Tun, you look and sound amazingly youthful.

Your only job should be to repair the damage you have created. Malaysians have become so divided and suspicious of one another.

This ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ apartheid rubbish must not exist in this era. Unite Malaysians instead of dividing them.

Anonymous #33227154: Mahathir has not done enough for Malaysia. He has not eliminated corruption and racism even though he has been given a second chance.

In fact, he is encouraging racial politics and bringing dictatorship back to Malaysia. Appointing incompetent ministers to the government is also one of his shortcomings.

Anonymous 133971438080786: “Finish my work”? That is what worries us, what work? The only work left is - when are you handing over to PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim?

You have managed the country during the transition period, but lately we are seeing that you playing a different game altogether.

Just fix a date for handover. People will be happy.

Rubystar_4037: Tun, with many happy returns of the day to you, please stay on and finish what you have wanted to do before the 14th general election.

That prime-minister-in-waiting is waiting for you to go away, though he talks otherwise, you are smarter than him.

Long live Tun… You will be the greatest son of soil and you will leave a legacy that no other prime minister can match.

Anonymous_1548748441912.35421548748218774: Happy birthday, Tun. Indeed, nobody will blame you if couldn't finish your work.

In fact, you did the country a big favour by getting rid of a world-class thief.

Idiocracy: Each year passes, the appointment with the great unknown draws closer for Mahathir.

The good Lord blesses him with yet another year to reform the nation by teaching Malaysians to be patient.

It took 450 years before we achieved independence without much bloodshed.

Long live Mahathir, may he live for another 20 years - which is not impossible - to teach Malaysians more patient and immortalise the philosophy of idiotic democracy.

Fellow Malaysian: Mahathir, I wish you a very Happy Birthday and every good success in your endeavours.

For the wellbeing of the country and its people, your health is most paramount to us all. We are in awe of how you could muster the strength to deal with the deliberations each day as prime minister.

Just to share a short passing remark that you have mentioned to us all sometime in the early 1990s when you first introduced Vision 2020 and Putrajaya: You said, “This is for you all. I will not be here anymore when the time comes.”

Nagu: I wish you a happy and blessed birthday, Tun. May you and your wife be healthy.

That said, my plea on your birthday is to stop all these silly games you play and hand over to your successor as promised.

This nation does not belong to you and you alone. Your aspirations and our aspirations don't match.

So, don't assume that you can envisage a future for all of us from different walks of life. Your past attempt at managing has not borne the fruit, so why will it change now?

For once in your life do the right thing.

Reasonable Viewpoint: Happy birthday and many happy returns Tun Dr Mahathir and Tun Dr Siti Hasmah - may the Almighty bless you both always and forever.

To those who are making cheeky and naughty comments, please refrain saying anything unless what you want to say is positive and kind.

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