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Yoursay: Who is running Johor gov’t if it is not the MB?

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | 'If the Johor MB doesn't understand his role, then obviously he is unfit to lead.'

Muhyiddin tells palace not to interfere after repeated U-turns by Johor gov't

Fair Play: If the minimum age for marriage for a girl is 16 years and she marries at 16 and gives birth a year later, she would be around age 33 or 34 when her child (assuming it’s a daughter) turns 16.

Assuming her daughter also marries at 16 and gives birth to a child a year later, the first woman would be a grandmother at age 35 or a little later.

Yet, according to this news report, the Johor government wants to retain the definition of youth at age 40 and below.

It is very interesting indeed that a man or woman would still be defined as a youth when one is 40 years old for political reason, but he or she could already be a grandfather or grandmother.

Evin K: The Johor MB must be seen as independent of any outside interference or be accused of being a puppet or a proxy of the powers-that-be.

He must exercise wisdom and maturity when dealing with matters that not only affect his state, but the country as a whole.

The administration of any state in Malaysia must be aligned to guidelines and consensus that have been set by all stakeholders through the federal government and no one else.

This was the newly-minted Johor MB's moment to shine and prove that he is capable of the position he has been entrusted with, but he disappointed everyone, except the invisible hands behind him.

The very definition of youth, in itself, is simply this – it marks the transition between a child and an independent adult. Globally, this has been concluded as people from ages of 15 to 24. Even the age of 30 is too old to be classified as a youth.

This is a no brainer amendment and one that doesn't really affect much and brings zero implication in implementation, other than the fact that office bearers of youth organisations can no longer be those above the age of 30, and rightly so, once the current exemption ends.

It is childish to still want to be labelled as a youth after the age of 24, let alone 30. Every time Malaysia Baru moves a step forward, something like this happens and brings us back two steps backwards. Sigh.

Fredtan: Who is running Johor government if it is not the MB?

Mahathir should summon up Johor Menteri Besar Dr Sahruddin Jamal and ask him who his real boss is? Sack him if he plays rogue again.

Bersatu must have discipline if it wants to survive. This is disunity and can cause cracks in the party when its members are allowed to go against the top leadership.

Before it gets out of control, nip the problem in the bud. Indeed, this is mutiny, to say the least.

Hbasil: What is wrong with the Johor palace giving its views or advice on state administrative matters? It is only advice and it is for the MB to decide if there are better ways or ideas over what was offered by the palace.

If the Johor MB doesn’t understand his role, then obviously he is unfit to lead. The sultan cannot remove the MB but may make it difficult for him; so be it.

The MB just needs to confer with the state Pakatan Harapan head and the prime minister on which course to take.

When the final decision taken isn’t what the palace advice is, the palace will soon behave accordingly - the MB must put the electorate and federal policies above the palace.

Guts are what it takes to run Johor. The current MB needs to attend classes from Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, not Home Minister Muhyiddin Yassin.

PB: In the normal world, to be 40 is to be on the cusp of middle age. Yet, we extend "youth" to 40 and most want to retire at 55. What an irony.

'TMJ, RZ' plates: Johor Bersatu Youth tells DAP rep to respect royals

Vijay47: Once again, the Johor royal household has come into the public eye, and again, for another delicate reason.

While the issues themselves may be trivial – like the colour of one’s trousers or the status of vehicle licence plates – they do tend to evoke rather uncomplimentary perceptions, especially when the members of other royal families are conspicuous in their absence from public discomfort.

Many of the commenters here, like me, do not really know the scope of royal privileges or exemptions from requirements that would apply to the commoner. Thus, it would be useful if a guide were published of the regal do’s and don’ts and the can’s and cannot’s.

I can think of three basic areas that such a guide could address, involving the simple and the complex.

First, what is the role of the sultans under the Federal and State Constitutions? Yes, the term ‘constitutional monarchy’ has been bandied about ad nauseam, but what exactly does it mean? What are its boundaries?

Can a ruler make demands or pass decrees in his personal capacity, or must all his commands be only what are provided for in the respective constitutions?

Second, what are the special rights and privileges that automatically accrue to royalty? For example, Paragraph 1 of Schedule 6 of the Income Tax Act 1967 states clearly that the “official emoluments of a ruler or ruling chief” are exempt from tax.

It is interesting to note that the definition of ruler or ruling chief in Section 76 of the Act does not include his consort.

Similarly, again for example, it would be good to know whether under the Road Transport Act 1987, ‘royal’ vehicles need not be registered for road tax and related purposes.

Third, who exactly is the royalty to whom the various special privileges are allowed? Obviously, this must mean the sultan or the Yang di-Pertuan Agong himself and under certain circumstances, the consort also. But are the rights and entitlements of the ruler equally visited upon his children?

In view of the current controversy, some wiser and more knowledgeable person should explain whether the acts of a ruler can be questioned and if so, to what extent.

Kepala Tak Centre: Respecting the royalty and asking questions about the ‘TMJ’ and ‘RZ’ licence plates used by Johor Crown Prince Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim and Permaisuri Raja Zarith Sofiah are two different things.

Anonymous_1371475682: This incident with DAP lawmaker Pang Hok Liong shows exactly why we are far from being a developed nation.

Our culture is not to question those who hold power. Asking questions means disrespect.

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