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Yoursay: Chief klepto as BN adviser a blatant display of arrogance

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘How can this appointment be seen as restoring faith?’

Najib appointed as chair of BN advisory board

Slumdog: Umno’s appointment of former premier Najib Abdul Razak as chairperson of the BN coalition’s advisory board is a disgraceful display of arrogance and stupidity.

The BN supreme council is so out of touch and foolhardy and shows a total disregard to the widespread belief by many Malaysians that Najib is a tainted politician facing numerous criminal charges.

They are thumbing their noses at the rakyat who overwhelmingly rejected Umno at the last general election for its rampant corruption led by none other than the chief kleptocrat.

Newday: The “accused” was appointed to “assist BN in restoring the people’s faith in the party”.

You appoint a man on whose shoulders rest the GE14 defeat and who is currently on trial for the disappearance of RM4 billion from the civil service pension fund, some of which he and his wife allegedly had fun spending.

How can this appointment be seen as restoring faith? He should not have any position of authority.

It just demonstrates that BN cannot or will not change towards anything of good morals, ethics and integrity anytime soon.

It also demonstrates how successful "the accused" and his supporters have been in conning the party faithful.

My dead grandmother and my best mate, Blind Freddie, can see through this con man facade. Why the BN sheep cannot see this will forever mystify me, and no doubt, many others.

GajahDuduk: What crime should Najib commit to make him unsuitable for the leadership of Umno or BN? What is the moral standard that his supporters hold him to?

That is, unless you believe the courts, the press (foreign and domestic), the MACC, the FBI and everyone else is lying to you, and Najib's highly implausible explanations are true.

How can you reach this conclusion? I cannot comprehend.

Malaysian-United: Ordinary people on the verge of being convicted for multiple serious crimes will enter a phase of deep remorse and self-reflection.

Over here, they get appointed as chairmen of advisory boards and act like nothing happened.

BA Baracus: It speaks volumes about what BN and its partners are about. Appointing the world’s biggest kleptocrat to head its advisory body is a farce.

It’s an embarrassment and slap in the face to the rakyat who voted them out. What is the message that BN is trying to send out?

It’s time BN be given an ‘enforced disappearance’.

True Malaysia: What is with Umno in appointing kleptocrat Najib who has caused so much damage to the country and rakyat?

Umno has not learnt its lesson at all. It's amazing and unbelievable. I just cannot comprehend why, politically speaking.

Sometimes I marvel at Umno's ability to shoot itself in its foot, time and again. What kind of mentality do they have?

You think the people would not accept leaders like Najib and party president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. Good. This is a blessing in disguise as the rakyat could reject Umno once and for all.

Cyclonus: There is no coincidence that after Zahid is back at the helm that Najib is now back in Umno in an official position of influence.

This only proves that Umno is not interested in the development of Malaysia. They are interested in maintaining power for their own ends.

Woe be the rakyat if they are to regain power again. Malevolence and corruption beget malevolence and corruption.

Mosquitobrain: The present political landscape will see Umno do anything to please PAS. Cooperating with the Islamic party is the only hope for it to make a comeback in GE15.

With its party's accounts frozen, Umno has little to offer to PAS. In this respect, it will be interesting to see PAS calling the shots.

Indeed, PAS has to be wary or else be played out by Umno for the third time.

Perumal: Umno supreme members are afraid that they will be prosecuted and go to jail. So, they are trying to get back the power, and then "clear" themselves.

Anonymous_56baa7f8: Zahid came back to lead BN and Najib now appointed as advisor and this was announced by BN secretary-general Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor.

All three men are facing criminal charges for corruption and are undergoing trials. It is really unbelievable.

FlabberPro: A leopard does not change its spot. Old habits die hard.

A coalition which does not believe in racial and religious diversity. All these only prove one thing - birds of a feather flock together.

All the tainted, corrupted politicians band together and strategise how to return to power to embezzle more loot.

I hope by the dawn of GE15, some of these would be serving their sentence already. It is a scary thought if Malaysia is to be led again by a band of thieves.

I would take my family and emigrate if this is to happen.

Anonymous 2456541485523213: I remember seeing a political rally in India where an opposition leader said:

“Today everyone is accusing us of corruption. Tomorrow they will forget and the day after tomorrow, they will vote us back to power again.”

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