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Act in 'G-rated' videos, Kadir advises ministers with 'uncontrollable urges'

This article is 5 years old

Veteran newsman A Kadir Jasin has reminded ministers not to rest on their laurels following Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad's statement that there would not be a cabinet reshuffle and that he is committed to passing the baton to PKR president Anwar Ibrahim.

“This is not an excuse for ministers to feel assured and continue with their moribund ways.

“Maybe this is the prime minister's way of saying, 'You chaps better shape up or get shipped out when l am no longer around to defend you'.

“So any minister who feels the uncontrollable urge to act in a movie or video clip, please make sure that it is G-rated,” he added in a blog post today.

Kadir, who is also Mahathir's media and communication adviser, noted how the sex video implicating Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali has assumed a life of its own.

“It has been immortalised in scores of YouTube uploads and has spilt into the larger political arena with Azmin supporting the call for Mahathir to stay as prime minister for the full term and Anwar assuring that the Pakatan Harapan remains strong.

“Azmin enthusiastically endorsed the call by PAS leader Abdul Hadi Awang for the prime minister to stay on instead of handing over power to Anwar midterm as promised,” he added.

Kadir pointed out that neither Hadi nor Azmin are fans of Anwar (above), while the Umno-PAS alliance's key objective is to break up Harapan.

“The scandalous video is now a living, breathing creature of the netherworld of conspiratorial politics.

“It will haunt its players irrespective of whether they are the confessors, the deniers or the plotters, probably for the rest of their lives,” he added.

For others, Kadir said, there are several choices which include being part of the “unholy” or to ignore the “eerie cries.”

“Number three is to exorcise ourselves of their haunting. I choose the latter – exorcising myself.

“Let us concern ourselves with the more pressing issues and affairs of the country – the hardship of Felda settlers, the fishermen, the padi farmers, the rubber tappers and the Felcra smallholders.

“Let us address the concerns of the business people like the petroleum industry players who are waiting for the resolution of the petroleum royalty demand by Sabah and Sarawak.

“Let us give a boost to the new shared prosperity economic agenda, the Visit Malaysia Year 2020 campaign and the resolution of government debt,” he added.