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Yoursay: Is Harapan imploding over the succession issue?

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Azmin is the tool that Mahathir needs to wreck PKR for good.’

Azmin 'welcomes' Hadi's support for Dr M to complete full term

Anonymous_1538808416: Economic Affairs Minister and PKR deputy president Azmin Ali had gone overboard this time.

Actually, people can tolerate party infighting because not everyone can accept PKR president Anwar Ibrahim as PM but people definitely cannot tolerate pledging support for a party which is aligned with the kleptocrats, not to mention a party which had allegedly received RM90 million from them.

How could Azmin forget all these when he was once a staunch critic of Umno? Anyway, his statement above revealed the ugly side of him - that he is selfish, ambitious and cunning.

Hang Babeuf: It is clear that, even if their efforts are not concerted and co-ordinated, Umno/PAS and Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad/Azmin are following similar and perhaps converging strategies.

Umno/PAS, by mobilising and directing ever increasing ethno-religious pressure, is trying to break both PKR and the Pakatan Harapan bloc of which it is part.

They hope to divide and split Anwar and the PKR Malays from Mahathir and Bersatu. And to drive Azmin, together with the non-Malay PKR people behind him, into Gerakan or some such convenient place.

For his part, Mahathir is trying to put pressure on PKR and Anwar: to split Anwar from Azmin, the non-Malay PKR people from their party, and the PKR Malays from Anwar.

He hopes that, after the split, he will “inherit” and incorporate into Bersatu as his “new BN” most of the ex-PKR Malays; leaving the PKR non-Malays to follow Azmin into Gerakan as some sort of post-MCA/MIC holding pen/facility/storage area for cooperating non-Malays working with his “new BN”, Bersatu.

Both Mahathir and the Umno/PAS people are looking to GE15 as a post-Anwar and post-PKR face-off for national leadership between the new Umno/PAS monster/behemoth and the “new Bersatu BN”.

Will Mahathir last that long? Will he still have the strength to pull off this stunt? And if he does not, who after him will then lead Bersatu?

Mukhriz? He will not withstand the Umno/PAS onslaught. Who else?

Anonymous_1543386425: MPs should be asked whether they want Mahathir or Anwar, not PKR members.

If the nation is not stable and institutional reforms not fully carried out, why change the PM? Anwar has no experience and had been out of government for too long.

Malaysia has more to offer other than Mahathir, Anwar or Azmin. Why can't we consider East Malaysians who are not tainted by peninsula politics of the 3Rs (race, religion and royalty)?

Brave Malaysian: Azmin has shown clearly his true colours. Now that he cannot get to be PM, he would rather Mahathir continue ad infinitum instead of honouring Harapan's pledge.

He is the dangerous man who had chosen to work with PAS in the Selangor government even when PAS had left Pakatan Rakyat.

Even without PAS in the exco (state cabinet), the government could have continued. He chose to defy Pakatan Rakyat partners such as DAP which was vilified by PAS even then.

This man is an impatient and ambitious person. Now he is ready to jump ship but many of his supporters are not willing to jump with him, and that explains his hesitation.

Multi Racial: Can you trust a politician who doesn’t support his or her party president to lead and become PM?

Can you trust a politician who works with the opposition against his or her party’s interest? Can you trust a politician who has more than one time betray his party and coalition leadership?

Can you trust a politician who was allegedly caught with his pants down with another man on video? Can you trust a politician who ascends through multiracial support and now talks racial?

Malaysians want Mahathir to serve two years and hand over power to Anwar. Mahathir should stop this nonsense of requiring a full term or longer to fix the country’s problems.

He was given 22 years and he screwed it up.

Veritas: What else to say? Treasonous, opportunistic, and a tool of Mahathir. All in all, shameless but what else is new about this political class.

All this wouldn’t happen if Mahathir did not get back to his old ways: conniving, self-important, and stubborn.

Anwar deserves a place as PM and it is foolish to deny him this as the connivers will never have legitimacy.

Most Chinese Malaysians will blindly support Mahathir but they will get very little for it. This electoral change was brought on by the people but the clever politicians now treating the people with contempt.

Anonymous_1550204262: Azmin is the tool that Mahathir needs to wreck PKR for good. He will use Azmin to prevent the transition from taking place, expect new revelations and even video appearances to scuttle Anwar's bid.

When he is done with Anwar, Mahathir is going to toss Azmin out with a sudden memory recall of his distaste for homosexuality.

The Analyzer: The saddest thing about this Harapan disaster is that all these politicians were elected to represent the rakyat.

But they do nothing of the sort, they represent themselves. And they no longer even do that. They universally represent Mahathir’s take on the world.

How did we ever allow that to happen? Treason and cowardice is how. And treason and cowardice were allowed to proliferate because there was no unity. And there was no unity because there was nothing to unite for.

And why was there nothing to unite for? Because the politicians never gave a thought for the people who elected them. They were only interested in themselves.

And what makes their stinking behaviour even more sickening is that had they stood up to Mahathir, they would have had the support of the majority of Malaysians.

Yoursay: Azmin walks into a trap set by Hadi

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