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Yoursay: Harapan’s ‘deep state’ is Mahathir

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘As long as Mahathir lives, no past or future PM can break the duck.’

Azmin explains backing Dr M to remain in power, denies knowledge of meeting

Anonymous 23961448716158: How could Economic Affairs Minister Mohamed Azmin Ali brush off a legitimate question with “jangan salah tafsir” (don’t misinterpret)?

If you support the opponent’s suggestion that your prime minister stays the full term, that means you do not agree with the promise of handing over the post to your party president within two years.

Fair&Unbiased: When May 9 happened, it brought to many of us dreams for a new Malaysia. That same dream is now being shattered to smithereens.

We are brought back to the reality that the light at the end of the tunnel has dimmed to a faint flicker soon to be extinguished.

We read nothing but gutter politics in the media. It laded our hearts with great dismal sadness, but we remain helpless. Those who now walk the corridors of power continue to bring us along the path of self-destruction.

I do not know nor advocate that PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim will be the one to bring us to the promise of a New Malaysia.

But what I do know – and that I will put my last dollar down on – is that the Azmins, Maszlees and the likes of them together with their generals, are not the ones to see us to the finish line.

It's time to gamble our chances with the unknown as we now know our great enemy within.

Anonymous_63975706158502: The sooner Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad pass the premiership to Anwar, the sooner the country become stable.

It is because of Mahathir’s reluctance to pass to Anwar, Azmin is going around causing political instability in the country.

Idiocracy: The difference between Anwar back then and Anwar now is this: he was incarcerated, spent almost a decade in prison and had time to think things through.

It’s no guarantee that he will be a great leader. But he’s the only one who has paid big time and once paid, you deserve a new start. And he forgave his nemesis.

Anwar is the only political giant who had paid. I bet nine years in prison would change you one way or another.

Today if you hear Anwar speak, his philosophies have changed. Nine years of reading in solitary have to change a man. Nobody has paid but Anwar.

Anwar deserves a chance, especially when the current cabinet is becoming a ‘kakistocracy’ government.

A prime minister appoints his cabinet at his prerogative (like Mahathir said) and I doubt half of these idiot ministers would survive.

Mahathir would likely to broker a deal with Anwar to protect his useless cabinet line-up to ensure his gravy train doesn’t stop, and Anwar will always be put in check with sabotage prospects.

The ‘deep state’ is Mahathir and if Anwar doesn’t submit, he would do an Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on Anwar.

As long as Mahathir lives, no past or future PM can break the duck. Mahathir is a wrecking ball. The sooner he retires the better.

ChuenTick: Azmin, you are but a pawn in that ex-dictator's strategy to remain in power. You can spin, twist and turn – yet, the bottom line is that you have been turned.

Don't get me wrong, I am no Anwar loyalist and I am not sure if Anwar will be a good prime minister (as in one committed to the promises by Harapan in GE14) but I am an idealist, and I believe an agreement should be honoured – except if DAP, Amanah and PKR withdraw their support for Anwar.

Fair Play: Azmin, reality really bites, right? I suppose you now realised that you have played the wrong cards. Are you trying to backpedal? Too late, I suppose.

Your continued absence without just cause under PKR constitution and under the Registrar of Societies as a registered political society could lead to your removal or suspension as the deputy president of PKR, and there is nothing Mahathir could do because it is a strictly party and ROS matter.

You are now at the mercy of your own party leadership regarding the appropriate disciplinary action to be taken against you.

Mushiro: Azmin said it is important for Mahathir to continue his term for the sake of stability and consistency until we decide at the next election.

I think Azmin wanted Mahathir to continue as prime minister so that he can escape being charged for the gay sex video and also that he can take over from Mahathir after that.

KSD: Azmin, who's causing instability by backing a motion that clearly goes against what was agreed after winning the last election?

Your party president is supposed to take over as prime minister. Should you not be supporting him? Praying that it be hastened?

Instead, you are stirring up strife.

The Wakandan: No, Azmin, what you have done is the most unforgivable thing. By endorsing Mahathir to complete the whole term, ‘kamu telah berpaling tadah’ (you have turned). 

This was never the understanding before GE14 nor was it Harapan’s stand, let alone PKR’s. You clearly have changed sides.

Teaming up with the opposition to jeopardise your own party is unforgivable. We can understand the politicking but you have carried it too far, you have burned bridges. I can’t see how PKR afford to accommodate you now.

Anonymous 2443871479002035: Let's see if our senior politicians will keep their promise about stepping down to make way for Anwar.

A promise is a promise. Or will they now speak with a forked tongue?

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