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Yoursay: Why add ‘khat’ into syllabus if teachers can ignore it?

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Better scrap the whole thing if it is a half-baked solution with no benefits.’

Maszlee: Teachers to decide how to teach khat, lessons cut to 3 pages

MatahariSuria: Stick the three pages of khat somewhere else, be it in Art Studies or Religious Studies subjects.

Since khat is now so insignificant, just a mere three pages in the textbook and optional to learn, it is not right that it is inserted in an important subject like Bahasa Malaysia.

Do not belittle the importance of our national language or the graceful art of khat.

Anonymous_6939cb47: Better scrap the whole thing if it is a half-baked solution with no benefits. Go all the way if you want to proceed with khat, at least the students will end up learning something.

If a teacher can now choose to teach or not to teach khat, then what is the point of introducing it in the first place?

PB: So, can we now focus on real education issues in the Education Ministry?

This is the only thing the ministry should be dedicated to: how to arm our kids with knowledge and with the wherewithal to learn on their own as they grow up.

Teach them how to think. Stop trying to use our schools for social engineering or as an arena for political point-scoring.

Anonymous 2393771451372105: Teachers are now given the option to teach or not to teach khat. Of course, they will opt to teach, otherwise they will be under great pressure.

I encourage all students who do not wish to study khat to boycott the classes. Know that you have a choice in life. Instil this in your life while you are young. Never ever be a pushover.

Monty: Education Minister Maszlee Malik, please stop making policies on the run. And stop this silly practice of making changes as you go along. Khat was a bad idea from day one.

The education minister’s job is to raise the standard of education in this country, not to muddy the waters.

And so far, you have failed completely. The best option for you is to consult serious and genuine educators in the country or admit you are not suited for this enormous responsibility.

Mushiro: Bersatu’s best candidate for education minister, Maszlee, has goofed up so many times that it is a wonder that the prime minister still maintains him.

His learning curve just does not improve.

Anonymous_7d1ca773: This is a very deceiving decision to pass the buck to the teachers.

Implementation is the most difficult part if the policy is ambiguous. Why should the lessons still be there although it’s only three pages now?

Next year, the lessons could be increased. Then, it’s back to square one. If khat is optional, why can’t it be placed in the Art Studies syllabus?

Ipoh Pp: Yes, this is the most ridiculous statement or plan.

Since when teachers become deciders on what to teach or otherwise. Believe me, teachers will be subtly told with the 'carrot and stick' approach.

If I am a teacher and given this kind of option, why would I teach khat? That’s when the 'stick' will be used.

This is all pulling wool over our eyes. I was a teacher for 35 years and know exactly what will happen - teachers will be told to make their choices with the ‘carrot and stick’ approach.

Duh: A fantastic accomplishment by the Pakatan Harapan ministers and the cabinet. They deserve a pat on the shoulder for a good job of making much ado about nothing.

They spend hours, days and weeks in prolonging this khat matter, including going up to the cabinet level for a matter which does not improve our education syllabus to world-class level.

Introducing khat will not help our students in their preparation for their future. Jawi writing is something which someone can take up as a hobby on weekends or after classes.

All the time and effort spent over this issue does not in any way help the country move forward - what a sad day for Malaysia.

Undecided: Malaysians should move on after this compromise.

Give the introduction of khat the benefit of the doubt that it was not done on purpose as this was already on the plate for introduction under the Umno-led government. There would not be a compromise if BN was still in power.

I doubt this watered-down version poses a threat. Furthermore, we need a united Harapan government to continue with reforms.

The silver lining is the ruling coalition is now more aware of how polarised our society is and hopefully, sensitive issues will be handled with greater care.

Anonymous_1371469481: No. It is for the parents to decide.

Also, Chinese and Indian calligraphy must be included in all schools so students can learn about one another’s cultures.

Myviews: If you ask me to draw you a circle, I will most probably draw you a square or vice versa.

The answer is straightforward, I simply cannot draw because I'm born with that kind of inability. So why force pupils to do it without finding out their inability to do so in the first place?

That doesn't mean I'm no admirer of art. Matter of fact, I marvel at the dexterity of the artists' hands in bringing out creativity.

Implement khat and you will lose a lot of talents in other fields. At such young age, their talents have yet to be discovered. So why put a stopper and prevent them from developing their natural talents in other fields?

And by the way, as an education minister, what have you done to improve the standard of English?

Anon Two: So now it's optional to teach khat and no test on the subject is required. It's dead on arrival.

Yoursay: ‘Maszlee, a repackaged khat is still not acceptable’

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