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Yoursay: DAP must continue to remain fiery and vocal

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Staying in power but not doing the right things for the rakyat is meaningless.’

Kit Siang believes Harapan in crisis, pleads with DAP for ceasefire

Anonymous_7c9a867c: I am a DAP supporter. If the Pakatan Harapan coalition can't work together, it is time for the party to leave the government.

DAP will probably be of more benefit to the voters as the opposition rather than with the present coalition government.

We are barely over a year after forming the new government, but yet we are already fighting among ourselves. How can we be expected to govern effectively in the coming years?

The Wakandan: DAP leader Lim Kit Siang sees the reality of the momentous difficulty in harnessing the different parties in Harapan that have different interests and backgrounds.

It is naïve to think that this coalition will go through smooth sailing.

The differences have to be expected. Sometimes that has to be fought, lobbied and argued. Ultimately, they are still partners in the government.

The people on the ground can show their opinions and preferences so that their respective leaders can have a cue of what’s happening on the ground.

Kit Siang is just being pragmatic, and that is wise. The alternative is unthinkable, hence they must stick together and try to come to some solution and that will necessarily be on a compromise.

Do not put all our eggs in one basket because we may end up with nothing. Sanity has to prevail.

The bottom line is we are able to voice our objection or support depending on what the issue may be. This phenomenon is a new discovery in Malaysia Baru.

Where were the MCA and MIC voices when the religious enactment was made in Selangor to ban certain words by non-Muslims?

Did the rakyat know about what was going on in the Parliament or state assemblies? Were not the rakyat in the dark over many legislations and only until they were implemented did we know and thus taken by surprise.

Today, we are able to voice our concerns. This is what open governance entails where the voices of the people are being heard, not just during the general election.

We need to give Kit Siang and DAP a chance. We are only into the second year of the new administration.

Anonymous_2679c6e5: Indeed, everyone should heed Kit Siang’s call to tone down the rhetoric.

At the same time, the senior DAP, PKR and Amanah leadership must sit down with Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and strongly advise him to refrain from divisive politics and do the right thing.

The Harapan government must stay united for the greater good of the country.

CH Y: Now for a cheerful rebuttal to my learned online commentators while having teh tarik.

I propose to stick with Harapan (Mahathir/Anwar Ibrahim/Kit Siang/Mohamad Sabu) until 2023 as I have given them five years to prove themselves and not one or two or three years.

For those criticising Kit Siang and Mahathir and asking them to retire... I presume you will vote MCA or MIC, who are now in bed with PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang and Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

Can you explain to me how BN will elevate Malaysia to greater heights?

If not, vote for some other new parties, or maybe Gerakan or PSM will be better. 

But please elaborate whether they can hold Malaysia together... who in those parties are worthy of being considered for your votes (By the way, once you vote them in, it is for five years and not one month or one year).

FellowMalaysian: The fact is that not only the grassroots of the party are up against the wishy-washy stand taken by DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, but many of the party’s own ministers, MPs and state assemblypersons are not happy and are disappointed with how the party handled the recent issues.

Harapan Habis: Kit Siang, it’s a normal practice for a party to leave a coalition if there are unresolved policy conflicts. The possibility of a coalition losing power is what holds them together in the first place.

Therefore, DAP must make clear of its policy position to its fellow coalition parties, or else leave the coalition and force a new election. This is how a coalition government should work.

DAP, man up to your principles instead of holding on to ministerial positions.

Pies and Satay: When a government doesn’t stand by its principles but sways to populist or racial bias, you will have such quarrels and unhappiness.

Just compare the Zakir Naik and Low Taek Jho issues. On one hand, you want Low back and he is saying that he will not return because he will have an unfair hearing in Malaysia.

Do the government agree? If another country gives Low permanent resident status and openly keeps him there, will you be happy?

This is what the Malaysian government is doing for Zakir. Why? You tell me.

Not only did you breach the Harapan manifesto, you don’t do what you said and do what you didn’t say at your whims and fancies. This is why there is a trust deficit for the present government.

Drngsc: Kit Siang, it is very strange that you should say this. Maybe your call was for greater party discipline and to channel coalition discontent through the proper channels.

However, it is becoming more and more obvious that there is a severe disconnect between the DAP leaders who have offices in Putrajaya, and those who do not.

Somehow, those in Putrajaya have lost touch with the ground and common folks (who are your base). They no longer think and feel like they did, before May 9, 2018. If this is true, then it is indeed very sad.

Return to your roots and your struggle. Be close to the people, not close to the powers in Putrajaya.

On all the major issues over the past weeks, the DAP leaders in Putrajaya have shown themselves to be out of touch.

Zakir must go, the proposal for khat should be withdrawn completely, and the Lynas licence should not be renewed.

The last two items are non-negotiable. Just as the grassroots must maintain party discipline, the leadership must not forget their values and their past struggles.

Brahman: As much as people respect Kit Siang, I believe the silence of the Harapan leaders in the current controversies in the country is what will undermine the new Malaysia dream.

On the other hand, the daring voices expressed by DAP non-cabinet members and others, are giving people hope.

Existential: When someone yells 'fire', don't just blame the messenger. Go find the source of fire, put it out and apprehend the arsonist.

Telling people not to worry about a bonfire in their own backyard does not do your reputation any good.

ICAC: Actually, many recent issues could have been resolved swiftly by high-level negotiations within the powers granted by the country’s laws and constitution, but the issues were allowed to become racial and religiously orientated problems. 

This will disrupt the New Malaysia vision and split the people.

Many know and understand what is happening nowadays. So, Kit Siang and DAP members should be prepared and move firmly ahead with their own principles for the nation.

Be cautious. Hopefully, DAP would not be played out in such issues in the future anymore.

Anonymous_1543475877: Everyone in the Harapan coalition must seriously heed the advice given by Kit Siang. He has been selfless and sacrificing in building this political alliance.

There will always be differences. But as Kit Siang advises, let these differences be quietly discussed and compromises sought as far as possible.

This advice must also be heeded by Mahathir and Bersatu. Harapan is truly our dream and our hope.

Only the party members can turn this dream into a nightmare. Not by having different opinions but by making rash provocative statements which will be pounced upon by those who want Harapan to die.

Enlighten: Staying in power but not doing the right things for people is meaningless. Ultimately it is not sustainable in any way.

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