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Yoursay: Zakir, in Malaysia we don’t denigrate other religions

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘You thrive only on hatred, a skill you have refined when it comes to Hindus and Christians.’

Zakir Naik apologises for hurt caused, says he's not a racist

Vijay47: (Controversial Muslim preacher Dr Zakir Naik), your statement of apology reflects the cunning you employ in your speeches. We are neither surprised nor disappointed, this is only what can be expected of you.

On one hand, you say you are sorry for causing hurt to non-Muslims, in the next breath you say that your words were taken out of context and embellished. You imply you never really made those offensive statements, you are simply the innocent victim of “detractors”.

Malaysians generally are quite immune and accustomed to claims of “taken out of context”, we have been fed heady servings of it by our politicians, a community you now seek to share membership with.

You also suggest that we should watch all your speech video-clips. When a sip tells us it is hemlock, why should we drink the entire chalice?

I find it personally offensive that you, of all persons, dare to lecture us on Muslim principles. We do not need such gift from you, our own respective faiths and lessons learned on mothers’ laps have guided us well throughout life.

You should have reserved your insights into the equality and brotherhood of man, as espoused by Islam, when you lectured to the frenzied crowd.

You failed to see that your very success with such rabble earned only our disdain and contempt for them. The sad, even dangerous, reality is that you can never sell peace to the audience so attracted to you.

The roars and applause reach deafening heights not when you preach amity and unity, you survive and thrive only on hatred and enmity, a skill you have refined especially when it comes to Hindus and Christians.

Race, the Chinese, seems to have been included lately since you realised quickly that it went down well with the mobs. If there were no non-Muslims, Zakir Naik would fizzle out like a damp candle.

As a Christian, I forgive you, reluctantly I must admit, though please do not expect me to warmly embrace you – I leave that to better Samaritans.

Your infamous talent has brought this fragile nation close to uncontrolled fires. We do not need nor welcome you. Ply your trade, sell your wares, in more ignorant and gullible lands.

Perhaps after you bravely, proudly, face the charges in India.

OceanMaster: Of course, Zakir Naik is not a racist but he is a bigot of the highest order. If you read his apology, that is exactly the message you will get when you read between the lines.

You are not a person of peace. You insinuate hatred against non-Muslims. Where you can't argue against other religions grandeur, you twist and turn your words and claim those parts of that particular religion is actually Islam.

For the novice, naive, illiterate and the ones who have been brought up believing that Islam is under siege, you are the perfect antidote. You take those little voices of these people, magnify it, nurture it and provide them perfect narratives of belittling others and hatred as acceptable.

People who listen to you walk away feeling rewarded, as your poisonous words permeate into them. You are a phoney person and an illusionist.

Go back to India and face the courts. Till then you are just a manipulator, exploiting the goodwill of Muslim Malaysians.

Mighty Bear: Zakir Naik, saying you're not a racist doesn't mean you're not.

Why are you only suing Malaysians ministers of Indian descent? When you sue, you are doubling down, not being remorseful. Hence your apology is dishonest and invalid at best.

Iskandar Agus Sulaiman: Kick this bigot out. I have heard his speech in Indonesia where he condemned people in mixed marriages.

Indonesia has a religious tolerance level much higher than ours, and he was out there to ruin it.

Frankie: Didn’t you said that Indian Malaysians were more loyal to the prime minister of India instead of Dr Mahathir Mohamad? Didn’t you say that Chinese Malaysians were guests in Malaysia?

There you go, being a PR (permanent resident) does not entitle you to question Malaysians. You're a guest and you'd breached the rule. Stop beating around the bush, your departure is needed instead of your apology.

Artong Penang: Bukit Aman’s declaration that Zakir Naik has been barred from delivering public talks in all states in the interest of national security is itself an admission that he is dangerous and a real threat to all Malaysians. Period.

DolR: You have done the right thing to apologise. Since you have been banned by so many states, now also banned by the police to give public speeches in the whole of Malaysia, your purpose of preaching here is finished.

There is no reason for you to be here anymore. Go somewhere where you can preach peacefully and tell them all are equal.

If you still want to have any respect and try to make things easy for all, leave peacefully. Thank you.

Worried Sick: Reading Zakir Naik's statement of apology makes me wonder whether the hours of police questioning have made him see the truth of the Quran.

That is good because the preacher was actually going off at a tangent when the intoxication of being exulted by the susceptible masses went to his head and he forgot the true verses of peace in the Holy Book.

However, leopards have never been known to change their spots, or have they?

Anonymous 435551439668541: You are known to portray your religion as superior amongst the Abrahamic faiths and others.

As a religious person, you fail to understand that God is one, and those who believe do so in their own way. No one way is superior.

And what’s this that you advocate that Muslims must only select Muslims regardless of ability or moral and ethical standing? Is that not discrimination and exclusion?

Cascara: We need to hear from you that no religion is superior to another and all religions preach love and understanding.

Also, an assurance that you will stop your comparative religion bulls**t.

Why Zakir Naik's style of preaching is disrespectful

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