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Yoursay: Don’t be hypocrites, boycott ALL non-Muslim products

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | 'Will PAS leader Abdul Hadi Awang give up his Toyota Vellfire?'

Ramasamy mocks PAS' approach to Muslim entrepreneurial empowerment

Mat MD: Malays, especially the youth, should rise and get rid of the short-sighted and outdated Malay leaders who do not have the capabilities to motivate and mobilise the Malay rakyat to be self-reliant and ready to face competition in all fields.

In business, the things that consumers want to see is the quality of the goods, nice packaging and competitive pricing. If Malay small traders can provide these things to satisfy the needs of the consumers, it will draw consumers from all ethnic groups.

Malay traders are quite intelligent and they should be taught to stand on their own feet, to work hard, to be self-reliant and be ready to compete to be successful.

Once this is achieved, Malay traders would be given the due respect, be able to stand tall and feel proud and not be looked down anymore.

Mohd Isnin: It's disappointing that PAS and Umno extremists have to resort to boycotts. Muslim traders used to trade with the non-Muslim world from the beginning of history. These traders came to Tanah Melayu to trade their wares. They were fearless and competitive.

Today, the Muslim traders of Malaysia feel threatened by non-Muslim traders. Apa dah jadi ini (what has happened)? Sungguh memalukan (this is shameful). Do you need to boycott other businesses to succeed?

Def Leppard: Usually when they are frightened, they will bark like mad dogs. Continue with the ‘buy Muslim first’ campaign. Let's hear what Penang Deputy Chief Minister P Ramasamy has to say after that.

Remember these statistics - the demographic composition in the country are 50.1 percent Malay, 22.6 percent Chinese, 11.8 percent indigenous bumiputera groups other than Malays, 6.7 percent Indian and other groups account for 0.7 percent. Finally, non-citizens make up 8.2 percent of Malaysia population.

If 50 percent of Malays don't buy from the non-Malays, this means that the money stays in the Muslim community. If the non-Malays cannot survive without the 50 percent Malay support, so be it. Get out of Malaysia and do your business somewhere.

The Malays can always fill in the vacuum left by the non-Malays easily. Be it in manufacturing or services, no sweat. I'll bet in 12 months’ time, Ramasamy will be begging for mercy from PAS.

PW Cheng: PAS, together with Umno, think that they have the numbers now and are rallying for a boycott with the skewed thinking of using this to punish non-Malays.

Most Malays are intelligent and practical enough to know that this veiled threat will not work as almost 90 percent of products like computers, cameras, handphones, iPads, networking equipment, textiles, housewares, toys, aircraft or, for that matter anything that can make our lives easier, are mostly from non-Muslim countries.

If they want to boycott, please do not be a hypocrite. You cannot even drive a Proton, especially the X70 or even Myvi, as many of the components are from non-Muslim countries. And please stop using handphones, WhatsApp and Waze.

Go ahead and boycott, but make sure you don't eat your words.

Cicak Boy: Will PAS leader Abdul Hadi Awang give up his Toyota Vellfire?

Anonymous 770241447347646: How many of the products on the shelf in the department stores in Kelantan and Terengganu are made by non-Malays?

How many thousands of Malay staff will be unemployed if the boycott is upheld? They are actually throwing salt into their own rice bowls. How many more outlets all over the nation will suffer, especially the Malay staff?

If Umno and PAS leaders are economically savvy, Kelantan would not be in such a state. Thousands of their people leave to find employment all over the country.

Firstly, we have unqualified leaders. Today, after ruling the nation for so long, hundreds of thousands leave Malaysia to find employment all over the world. Instead, they attract lowly paid labourers to migrate to the country for work, while intellectuals leave in droves.

The people pinned their hope in Pakatan Harapan to change all that, but they have been disappointing. They are just continuing all of Umno's policies and ideas. If this continues, there will be many more who would definitely try to migrate to foreign countries.

To PAS and Umno, it will be like good riddance to bad rubbish, but the best brains will be lost to other nations.

Iphonezours: PAS, your type of governance is the root cause of why so many Kelantanese youths have moved to the west coast to find jobs. It is because you just don’t have the brains to manage the state economy and create jobs.

Look at Terengganu. Now you want to make an issue out of women’s gymnastics just because of attire.

With such a narrow mentality, your type of governance will only make Malaysia a failed state.

Anonymous 1689721435778173: If the government is serious about uniting the various races and people of different religious backgrounds in the country, it must take firm action against calls to boycott products by one group against another.

All along, the government has been seen practising double standards by favouring one group against another. For instance, if there had been calls for non-Muslims to boycott Muslim products, would the government’s reaction be as muted and soft?

People are watching and they are now not as timid as before. If the authorities want the respect of the people, they must be seen to be objective and professional, and not be biased or practice favouritism.

YOM: Hello, you great PAS thinkers. Please educate me as to how "buy only Muslim products" is inclusive.

In my freshman year in university, a compulsory course we had to take was "straight and crooked thinking". This is certainly the most crooked thinking example I've come across.

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