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Soldier on, war for New M'sia is not over – Kit Siang's clarion call

This article is 5 years old

Continuing to urge Malaysians to watch "M for Malaysia", Lim Kit Siang said the documentary film is a reminder that May 9, 2018, marked the victory of a single battle in the war for a New Malaysia.

Similar to how Pakatan Harapan's historic win in the last general election was the result of decades of blood, sweat and tears, the DAP veteran said the mission to build a New Malaysia would also take more than one national election to accomplish.

Lim also pointed out that the 14th general election (GE14) was not a revolution drenched in blood, where the heads of dissenters were decapitated.

“It was a peaceful democratic transition where we must win over those who had earlier disagreed with a change of government – while restoring the fundamental rights of freedom of speech and expression which were quelled by repression by the previous government,” he added.

Noting how the nation had become polarised along racial and religious lines due to the prevalence of fake news and hate speech, Lim said Malaysians must have the stamina, perseverance and foresight to ensure that what transpired in GE14 does not come to nought.

“The war for a New Malaysia has not been lost yet, although we must be nimble and agile to adapt to the new battleground to win the hearts and minds of the people – from television and earlier forms of media to social media, whether Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and, most important of all, WhatsApp,” he added in a statement this morning.

Lim, who has often rued how DAP is the target of fake news and hate speech, highlighted the existence of a new video on social media which accuses certain party leaders of renouncing their Chinese ethnicity in claiming to be Malaysians.

“This is a new low in dirty politics and character-assassination in Malaysian politics.

“Previously, Malay leaders and members in DAP were accused of betraying the Malay race and Islam by being in DAP. Now DAP leaders of Chinese descent are accused of betraying the Chinese.

“How low and illogical can Malaysian politics be?

“How in the world is it possible for anyone to accomplish both contradictory goals one and the same time? What is possible and true is that both these charges are wrong and baseless,” he added.

Lim said Malaysians must reject those who advocate that a corrupt Muslim is better than a good, honest and non-corrupt non-Muslim.

“Just as Malaysians must reject those who advocate that a corrupt Christian is better than a non-corrupt non-Christian, a corrupt Buddhist is better than a non-corrupt non-Buddhist, a corrupt Hindu better than a non-corrupt non-Hindu,” he added.

Lim reiterated that Malaysia is a confluence of four great civilisations of the world – Malay/Islamic, Chinese, Indian and Western.

“Let Malaysia show the world the success from the Alliance of Civilisations instead of a failure from the Clash of Civilisations.

“This is the battleline between Harapan and the opposition,” he added.