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Yoursay: A ruling coalition will need multiracial support

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Voters from the two east Malaysian states are still the kingmakers.’

Annuar Musa mocks Mujahid's interest in Umno-PAS charter

Doir: If it’s all about race and religion, then race-based political parties like Umno, Bersatu, MCA, MIC, PAS and Amanah would have won big at last year’s general election.

Instead, the biggest winners were PKR, DAP and Warisan.

We can see that the trend on the ground is very different from the perception created by politicians in the media.

Pakatan Harapan should be even more focused now on fulfilling their election manifesto and not to get distracted by all the noise created by the opposition.

Harapan should deliver on their promises, uplift the people’s living standards irrespective of race and religion, and they will be guaranteed to rule for another term.

Those prone on fanning divisive and racial propaganda will ultimately learn that Malaysians are living in a multiracial country and the needs of everyone should be taken care of fairly.

Retnam: Even before their signing of a formal political pact this weekend, the PAS-Umno combination has already won three by-elections (Cameron Highlands, Semenyih, Rantau) since last year.

Hopefully, the pact will spell out clearly how Umno and PAS are going to treat the non-Malays in the country if they come to power in the next election.

But most likely, the two political parties will be making a feeble attempt at winning them over as their real intent is on uniting the Malays.

Undecided: PKR's Pasir Gudang MP Hassan Karim’s advice to Harapan not to resort to dirty tactics, such as deregistering Umno because of petty technicalities, is spot on.

If Harapan stays honest, has moderate and inclusive policies, and prioritises socio-economic issues especially in Sabah and Sarawak, it will win again in the next general election.

I doubt the Umno-PAS relationship will last for a long time anyway due to the totally different ideologies of the two parties.

Anonymous_1537370890: Honestly, as the minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Mujahid Yusof Rawa should just concentrate on the government’s current agenda, rather than wasting time commenting on Umno and PAS’ cooperation.

Inadvertently, Mujahid has given more free publicity to this tie-up.

And as a seasoned politician, Umno secretary-general Annuar Musa is taking advantage of the situation.

The best thing for Mujahid, or for that matter the other Harapan leaders in the government, is to stop watching out for, and caring about what happens in the opposition ranks. They should just concentrate on their current tasks at hand.

Move on, Mujahid. Umno and PAS can join hands and cut cakes, if they wish to.

It is more important for the current Harapan government leaders to be seen solving the people’s issues and moving the country forward.

Anonymous 0123456789: With Umno and PAS working together, Mujahid and the other Amanah leaders are starting to feel the heat.

In fact, all the other Harapan leaders would have started to get worried over the two largest opposition parties’ intended pact.

I believe the Umno-PAS move to work together will attract many Malay/Muslim voters to back them in the next election.

The Umno-PAS union will be a force to be reckoned with and Harapan leaders will not have it easy from now on.

Guafikir: Annuar Musa should realise that political parties exist to serve the people.

It is normal that everyone, including Mujahid, is eager to know what every party, in this case Umno after signing an official pact with PAS, has to offer.

My Understanding: Without the support of Sabah and Sarawak voters, Umno and PAS would not be able to control the Parliament.

Voters from the two east Malaysian states are still the kingmakers, and I hope they know how to capitalise on their position and role in the run-up to GE15.

Malaysian-United: Money and economic activities are vital to keep the nation going.

Any party or coalition which has intentions of ruling the country needs to have a plan on how to drive the economy and generate wealth.

What have Umno and PAS given prominence to since losing last year’s the last general election except to promote racial and religious issues?

Drngsc: At present, the deep wounds afflicting the Malaysian society are racial and religious bigotry.

As described by Annuar Musa and numerous other Umno or PAS leaders, instead of putting the nation first, race and religion will be given the top priority when the two political parties work together after signing a formal pact this weekend.

Basically, their action will divide this nation further.

Every Malaysian, especially politicians, must learn to uphold the Federal Constitution at all times, and not divide this nation along racial and religious lines.

Orang Biasa: When the Dewan Rakyat passed a motion to condemn former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak's failure to produce audited accounts for 1MDB, both Umno and PAS abstained from voting.

This single action shows they are likely to put self-interest above the country’s interest, even after they sign an official partnership pact. 

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