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Haze not a deterrent for joyous Hari Malaysia celebration nationwide

This article is 5 years old

The haze blanketing most parts of the country for the past week did not affect the 2019 Malaysia Day celebration today with the national level celebration scheduled to be held at Stadium Perpaduan in Kuching tonight.

Besides the festivities in Kuching, celebrations were also held at the state and constituent levels with carnivals and parades held nationwide since early morning.

In KELANTAN, 67 contingents involving 2,345 participants took part in the Malaysia Day celebration at Stadium Sultan Muhammad IV in Kota Bharu.

Involved in the parade which started at around 7.45 am, were various agencies including the Malaysian Armed Forces (ATM), the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM), the Civil Defence Force (APM) and various state government agencies.

Each contingent carried the Jalur Gemilang and state flags to celebrate the spirit of unity.

Also featured in the celebration in Kelantan was a pantomime by Kelab Jihad Putera Jeram Pasir Puteh, depicting the struggles of Haji Mohd Hassan Munas or better known as Tok Janggut in his fight against the British occupation of Pasir Puteh.

The celebration was officiated by Deputy State Secretary (Management) Tengku Azmi Tengku Jaafar.

In NEGERI SEMBILAN, the Sikamat Community Service Centre organised a Malaysia Day Carnival to celebrate this special day.

The programme, held at the Raja Melewar Teachers Education Institute beginning 7 am, was aimed at attracting visitors from various races to celebrate Malaysia Day together.

At the carnival, Negeri Sembilan Menteri Besar Aminuddin Harun also took part in a 14-kilometre Merdeka cycling convoy with the people of Sikamat.

Other activities included hot-air balloon rides, a fun run, entertainment shows featuring traditional dances and other fun-filled activities.

Also in Negeri Sembilan, some 300 cyclists took part in a 16-kilometre Classic Bicycle Ride at Batu 8, Labu, Seremban where participants were garbed in various traditional costumes of a multi-racial Malaysians.

In LABUAN, more than 6,500 people from all walks of life converged at Dataran Labuan to join and witness the 2019 Malaysia Day celebration.

Over 1, 500 participated in a parade witnessed by Federal Territories Minister Khalid Abdul Samad, Labuan Member of Parliament  Rozman Isli and other government officials.

Featured in this year’s celebration was the "Bunga Raya Fiesta" procession involving 58 parade contingents comprising of 1,473 children of kindergartens and pre-schools all over Labuan.

The theme for the 2019 National Day and Malaysia Day is "Sayangi Malaysiaku: Malaysia Bersih" (Love our Malaysia: A Clean Malaysia) to stress the importance of unity and patriotism for the well-being of the people and shared prosperity. - Bernama