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Yoursay: Muslims should reject Hadi's racism

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | 'Hadi, please don't use the word 'we'. Sarawak has no place for you or your kind.'

Hadi: DAP wants to give Chinese control of S'wak and its wealth

Myviews: Just a day or two earlier, at the marriage of PAS and Umno, they loudly proclaimed to the whole world that their action was not extremist but for the good of all Malaysians.

The ink on the marriage certificate has not dried yet but here we have PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang spitting out venom against the Chinese (using DAP as the bogeyman).

Can anyone who is sane in thinking trust such a heinous character who is totally devoid of moral truth?

Constitutional Supremacy: Yes, what a great deception. The charter signed with Umno says it will protect the rights of all communities in accordance with the constitution.

On Malaysia Day, a day of unity, Hadi gives the biggest divisive message of race and religion. It is the fault of authorities for not charging a person with uttering such seditious remarks.

Well Thats Fantastic: Wait, is Hadi pinning blame on the situation in Sarawak on DAP?

BN and Umno held power for almost 60 years, leaving many Malaysians poor, and when you and Umno join forces, all of a sudden, it's DAP's fault?

Mustafa N: Say, wasn't PAS (under the leadership of Hadi) in coalition with that very same DAP in GE13?

The current leadership of PAS should stop pretending they're promoting Islam when in fact they seem to be promoting ethnocentrism.

Some Chinese Malaysians are Muslims - what about them? And many of those "bumis" in Sarawak are non-Muslim. It sounds racialist, if not straight-up racist.

BehtahanBN: Hadi, please answer these few questions:

1. Who banned Sarawak and Sabah natives from using Allah in their Bible?

2. Who banned them from saying Allah in their prayers when they are in Semenanjung?

3. Who mentioned that all government ministerial positions or the country’s leadership posts should be held by Muslims?

4. Who wanted to implement hudud law?

5. Who discouraged Muslims from conveying festive greetings to non-Muslim Malaysians during Christmas and Easter, etc?

6. Who said that it is better to have a corrupt Muslim leader than an honest non-Muslim leader?

I am sure there are many questions like the above that can be added to the list.

On Malaysia Day, instead of making statements to encourage unity, Hadi spewed poison and hatred among Sarawakians. He should be banned from entering the state.

Rupert16: What’s the inspector-general of police (IGP) waiting for? Obviously Hadi is inciting hatred against the Chinese, and evidently what he said is completely untrue.

Anonymous_1548727643838.24631548726807520: Hadi is the most toxic politician in Malaysia. He unashamedly twists history and facts to suit his anti-Chinese and anti-DAP narrative, while wearing his turban to adorn himself with a religious patina.

What a far cry from the late Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat, who has wide respect among all races.

Hadi is a danger to the religious and racial harmony in Malaysia because he peddles untruths and hate ideology.

Harjit Singh Rattan Singh: Hadi’s speech is hate speech. He wants Malaysians, especially the people of Sarawak, to hate the Chinese.

I wonder whether his religion allows him to condemn a specific race at the expense of creating disunity among Malaysians.

He is yearning for political power. He is willing to use the name of God to gain political mileage. Indeed, I don’t think Tok Guru would have done that.

Anonymous1827364923836: Indeed, there is no room for arrogance and racism in Islam. The Quran calls on all Muslims to learn about humility, equality and the appreciation of differences.

All Muslims should reject Hadi’s racism.

NNFC: Hadi should realise that his racist type of politics is no longer acceptable among smart and educated Malaysians.

PAS, it appears, has nothing to offer Malaysia except that Malays should rule and control the country.

It does not matter to him whether the people who run the country are thieves, as long as they are Malays. This is his mentality.

Headhunter: Hadi, please don't use the word "we". Sarawak has no place for you or your kind. Sarawak belongs to Sarawakians and racists like you are not welcome here.

Here, people of all races live in peace and tolerance. You should be banned from entering the state for exporting your politics of hate to Sarawak.

'Hadi has shown his true colours with DAP and S'wak claim'

Wake Up: Seriously, Lim Kit Siang, now that DAP is in the government, why are you still writing like you were in the opposition?

Isn't anything you in the government can do to stop PAS and Umno from inflaming this nation further by pitting Malays against the non-Malays?

In the past, DAP was quick to make police reports on such slander, so why waste time writing to an audience that already knows what Hadi is?

Take him to court whenever he defames the good name of DAP so that all these imbeciles know where the limit is.

Tidak Harapan: BN enacted an anti-fake news law to silence the opposition when in fact the news was not fake. Now that Hadi and Umno vice-president Ismail Sabri are peddling fake news, isn't it time to arrest and charge them under the law which they passed?

Although Pakatan Harapan has said it will repeal the law, as it stands, it is still law and they should be arrested. The police are sitting on their bums and waiting for the signal from their new political masters.

How about it? Let them have a taste of their own laws, especially when they attempt to sow discord among the races. 

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