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Yoursay: Mahathir has become New Malaysia’s dilemma

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘As far as his track record in choosing his successor goes, his failure rate is 100 percent.’

No guarantees after I go, Dr M on Malaysia's future

Otak Otak: Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, you are the reason why Malaysia has landed in such a dilemma – a country that is weak in everything but exceptionally strong in corruption and racism, where you are still actively championing it.

The way you deal with the issue of religion is no different from the way you treat the different races. Worst is when one particular race can only have a single religion, which is conveniently being exploited to the maximum by all politicians of your kind.

Have some dignity (if you still have any) and step down immediately.

Antiracial: “So even now I cannot guarantee that whoever succeeds me will do well. But what we can do is put in place measures for success,” said Mahathir.

See he worded his statement carefully - "whoever succeeds me" - did he say PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim may not his successor?

He also said he will step down before the next general election, so his initial decision to step down after two years plus has changed?

Anonymous_4020: Who needs your guarantee, Mahathir? As far as we are concerned, the problem is you, and if you go, Malaysia has a better future, provided racist Umno and PAS are not in power.

I have this sneaky feeling that Bersatu will join PAS and Umno after Mahathir goes. Probably, this is a grand design by the old horse to grab power again.

Existential Turd: One cannot talk his way to development while doing the exact opposite. One cannot expect a different result by doing the same thing over and over again.

As far as his track record in choosing his successor goes, Mahathir’s failure rate is 100 percent. I am not sure what guarantees he is talking about. Usually, guarantees are for good things, not bad ones.

PW Cheng: Two famous quotes of Abraham Lincoln came to my mind when Mahathir regaled at the American Foreign Relations Council.

"A house divided against itself cannot stand" and "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time" best fit his speech.

Hmmmmmmmm: Was Mahathir referring to Malaysia in his speech? I don't recognise many of the things he said about this country.

"Today, Malaysians are less identified by our race"? In the next breath, he identifies the poor in the country as Malays and the rich as Chinese.

YTMQ: Just look at how much of a racist and out of touch Mahathir is.

He goes to Western countries where immigrants are generally from war-torn countries like Syria who have yet to obtain citizenship, yet they have progressive leaders there fighting hard for their rights and eventual citizenship.

This moronic of a prime minister is referring to Chinese and Indians, some of whom are now in the third and fourth generation, as immigrants at the time of independence.

He even lies saying that, “we” gave them citizenship, when in fact it was the British who made it a pre-requisite for independence.

He is the main cause of many problems in this country. He laid the foundation for the eventual abuse by people like former premier Najib Abdul Razak and the fourth-floor dealings by Umno leader Khairy Jamaluddin.

In fact, corruption was little known in Malaysia in the 1970s. It was only after Mahathir became PM that all hell broke loose.

Quigonbond: Discrimination breeds entitlement. It’s like offering a bag of candies to the brat every week and chiding them for taking too much sugar. Why would they change?

Then they get older with illusions of grandeur and a lot of them think only of easy ways to get more sweets without putting in the hard work.

I get really put off every time Mahathir perpetuates the myth of urban rich Chinese or whatever race. He doesn’t even blink at the inconsistency after saying 40 percent doctors are now Malays.

The fact is there are poor in every race. The tragedy is only some in the poor category are getting assistance. But when you are a poor minority, you’re literally third-class citizen. This is the part Mahathir can never see.

Anonymous_1548727643838.24631548726807520: This is the same 60-year-old narrative dressed to look like new.

Did Mahathir mention Malays being over-represented in the civil service, the government-linked companies (GLCs), the police and military, and that they control major businesses such as banks.

If not, then this is a distortion of current realities and downright dishonest. A country's success or failure rests with its leadership. We know why Malaysia is in the state it is in.

Pies and Satay: After 60 years, Umno and you, as the previous PM for one-third of that time, have failed miserably. Especially the poor Malays. The successful ones are politically connected.

How do you define success? Only in real worth? But no resilience to stand on its own. Educated but jobless?

Vgeorgemy: The success of a country rests upon the opportunities provided to its citizens to work hard to earn their livelihood.

We haven’t provided such a platform of equal opportunity to our communities to excel while ensuring the social justice programme implemented by the government of the day.

If we follow such a dignified way of life, all will be in order.

Wong Fei Hoong: Mahathir, remember, no one is indispensable.

MK Follower: I patiently finished reading the first 80-plus comments (in response to this Malaysiakini news report), and I managed to draw the conclusion that the clear message is written on the wall - our dear PM should make way for the next PM in a “statesman-like” manner for the good of Malaysia.

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