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Perak PKR willing to accept Salleh - Farhash

This article is 5 years old

Perak Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) has no problem with and is willing to have former Communications and Multimedia Minister Salleh Said Keruak (above) as a member of the party, said chairman Farhash Wafa Salvador Rizal Mubarak.

He said, with his wide experience and leadership qualities, the political leader could contribute to and help strengthen PKR, especially in Sabah.

"I know him personally from the time he was a minister, and to me he is a good person, hard working and is among the political figures who had always fought for the people of Sabah.

"He also feels that PKR is the appropriate platform for him, especially in Sabah's multi-racial scenario and I cannot agree more," he told reporters after officiating the Tambun PKR branch annual general meeting, attended by over 500 party members at Dewan Taman Perpaduan, Ipoh, today.

Yesterday, PKR Communications director Fahmi Fadzil confirmed receiving Salleh Said's membership application online, and said the matter would be discussed at the next meeting.

Farhash did not rule out the possibility that there would be different opinions from various levels if Salleh's application is accepted by the PKR political bureau.

"For now, I have not heard of anyone opposing. But it is normal in politics to have some against and some for Salleh joining the party as he has made a name for himself," he said.

- Bernama