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Yoursay: A special law to punish racist politicians and 'lock them up'

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘And there should be a body independent of the gov’t to identify the culprits.’

Anwar points finger at political leaders for causing racial tensions

Ordinarycitizen: PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim is absolutely right on this - it is the politicians playing up racial issues.

They do this for selfish reasons such as to shore up their popularity, power and control. These politicians are toxic to the nation.

We ought to call them out and expose them every single time they try to play up racial division.

Undecided: This being the case, there should be a law just to punish politicians or those who aspire to be politicians to rein in such despicable behaviour.

In addition, there should be a body independent of the government to identify the culprits for punishment.

This has been going on for too long and for the sake of a better Malaysia, we really need to do away with this, once and for all.

HanafiahPuteh: Anwar’s suggestion for an open dialogue is excellent and those who oppose this dialogue are traitors to the country.

Let's keep tabs on the real culprits who come out with their justification to oppose this dialogue. We must make a list of them.

These despicable people thrive on racists agenda for their own self-interest. Expose and shame them.

Sarawak4Malaysian: Anwar, the moment you become prime minister, please just criminalise racism.

Ban talking about race or religion. Regardless of who it may be, if any individual starts fomenting racial and religious animosity, send the individual to jail.

Many other countries have done it.

Fair Play: Anwar, you said it - that is why I do not think that this is the problem of the rakyat, but a problem among some of our leaders.

Good on you for speaking up on this and it is about time others followed suit.

But you should be more explicit and explain why Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad attended the Malay Dignity Congress.

Maybe you can tell us which leader or leaders in the leadership who are causing racial tension in our country?

Apanakdikato: "We need to admit that the rising temperatures on this issue actually come from political leaders and that is why there need to be specific measures to hold a meeting or dialogue to ease the situation," said Anwar.

The main reason is that we have weak leadership in Mahathir himself. Instead of bringing people together, Mahathir’s actions and words have been creating the opposite unwanted effects.

We still see many political leaders, both from the ruling coalition and opposition parties, allowed to make incendiary and hate statements which further polarise the society.

In this regard, Malaysian leaders have to learn from Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew.

He took a no-nonsense approach on statements and remarks coming from politicians and members of the public - anyone making incendiary or sensitive remarks will be quickly brought to task and he will face the full brunt of the law.

The nonsensical racial and religious issues going on in Malaysia will never happen in Singapore today.

If we compare the news headlines in Malaysia and Singapore, it is not difficult to understand why Malaysia is lagging far behind Singapore in terms of economic progress and nationhood.

Kangkuong: Anwar is correct about divisive politicians but wrong on asking for dialogue. Dialogue will do nothing.

When you become prime minister, please get an inspector-general of police (IGP) who will actually follow the rule of law and arrest politicians who are sowing the seeds of racial disharmony.

Siva1967: Indeed, there is no need for dialogue. Just take the necessary action against those who spew racial and religious remarks.

There should be no compromise regardless of who uttered them, even if it's the PM.

Pandangan: In my book, Anwar would be hailed as the greatest Malaysian ever if he can show these racists and bigots the door to the prison cell.

Yes, Anwar, the rakyat are united. It is these politicians who are causing trouble. Put them behind bars.

Mazilamani: Go into public places, commercial hubs and the markets to witness the cordial relationship among Malaysians. There is no fear among Malaysians.

Then tune into the news on the different TV channels and social media and the nightmare begins, with one race accusing the other of domination and unfair treatment.

These people who kick up the dust of misunderstanding and strives are the politicians or clerics who belittle other races and religions.

Religion teaches us to become better human beings by calling for regular examination of our thoughts and actions and to love others as yourself.

Anwar has got it right this time around.

Anonymous_1404366050: Indeed, the true root of racial divide comes from politicians and the little Napoleons in the civil service.

The corrective narratives must be continuously driven down to the public on a grand scale.

Educate and reach out to the ignorant which form the majority of the population. It's a long process to tilt their minds to the middle ground and it must be done immediately.

One: Yes, lock the racists and bigots up and throw away the key. The rakyat will be happy to have our country back to how it was before.

We would love to work hard for our own future and our children’s future so that we can enjoy living in this country - in peace and harmony.

Responsible Malaysian: Anwar, you rightly point out that politicians and related personnel are the ones who make racial remarks most.

However, it would be good to spell out why they like to make those remarks. Are they really racist? Do they have ulterior motives or they are being used by someone?

Open Mind: If politicians stop championing racial narratives, what can PAS and Umno leaders talk about?

If politicians can stop promoting racial issues. then it will be a big step change for the country. Go for it and please don’t give up.

Oriole: It’s time to find out if anyone among our politicians has the wisdom of a statesman. All we have now are street thugs and crooks and feudal warlords.

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