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Yoursay: PAS getting into a twist over its support for MCA

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | 'They can make 'halal' of anything at their whims and fancies.'

Opposition needs moderate non-Muslims like 'one seat' MCA, says Hadi

Quigonbond: I am just surprised that PAS leader Abdul Hadi Awang can continue to spew nonsense after nonsense and the professionals and educated in the rank-and-file of PAS somehow continue to lap it up (or are there none left?).

Where do we draw the line on non-Muslim participation when it comes to power-sharing? Two MCA seats in Parliament is okay but three is not?

As it stands, the number of non-Muslim MPs is about 40 to 50, which is about slightly less than one-quarter of the 222 seats in Parliament and is totally reflecting the population of the country.

If that is extreme (I mean, since when are numbers "extreme" compared to a handful with the most hateful, inciting ideas?), then PAS is living in its own fantasy.

What PAS is proposing about not trusting non-Muslim leaders is also contrary to the Federal Constitution. MCA candidate Wee Jeck Seng in the Tanjung Piai by-election can keep avoiding the topic, but he did say he follows the Federal Constitution. This already puts MCA at odds with PAS.

PAS is no longer even talking about welfare Islam, as when it pretended to be a friend to Pakatan Rakyat previously. Its real stripes are showing.

Yet MCA is trying to compare itself with DAP's acceptance of PAS in the past. It just goes to show MCA has really lost its plot.

Adi Purusa: Hadi, do take note that frustration and anger are fuelling a wave of unrest in the Arab world.

A president has been toppled in Algeria, violent protests are happening in Morocco, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Yemen, Tunisia, Lebanon and lately, more than 100 demonstrators were killed in Iraq.

The toppling of regimes, riots, civil wars and insurgencies are daily occurrences in that region. The Lebanese prime minister’s resignation was brought about by protesters who say they are just getting started.

The main reasons for the agitation are unemployment, corruption at high levels, nepotism, escalating food prices and housing issues. Sounds familiar, Hadi?

Youth unemployment in the region is the highest in the world, according to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), which is more than double the international average.

Some stability is maintained due to oil prices, but with the advancement in renewable energy and the depletion of fossil fuels, we have an explosive situation.

Why don’t you send your vanguard to help with the struggles in the Middle East and leave us simple folk alone?

Newday: Hadi, you really wouldn't know or even care to understand what a true multiracial society actually is. Your only interest is power.

You label all who are opposed to you as extremists when it is you who are being extreme by condemning DAP and liberal Muslims alike.

MCA is there only for your political convenience. There is a good reason they were decimated in GE14 - everyone could see how much they had become the whipping boys of the majority BN partners.

Worried Sick: Hadi, the fork-tongued religious bigot, is talking rubbish as usual.

Once he said only Malay Muslims can be ministers in a government where his party is the majority and non-Muslims are to serve the ministers in their capacities as 'experts' in their respective fields. Now he says PAS wants non-Muslims who are 'not extremists'.

What does that actually mean? Hadi is confusing the people as and when he likes and hopes to get away with it.

Not this time, my friend, not this time!

'Voting for MCA like buying Malay-Muslim items from Chinese salesperson'

Apa Lah: PAS leaders have shown, time and again, that they are just politicians milking religion for their own despicable agenda.

They can make "halal" of anything at their whims and fancies. Now, being caught with their bigoted view about not to vote for non-Muslim leaders, they try to wriggle out with silly logic.

Of course, those blind followers will shout praise to God for such wisdom.

Anonymous 1689721435778173: "While they (the products) are sold by Chinese (MCA), the owners are Malay-Muslims (Umno-BN)," said Kedah PAS state commissioner Ahmad Yahya.

What an indictment of the MCA, but it is true. MCA has all along been a lackey of Umno. When Umno stamps on its foot, it is not even allowed to yelp in pain - otherwise MCA will be accused of questioning Malay rights.

To the two Wees (Jeck Seng and Ka Siong), is this kind of humiliation worth the support of PAS? Notwithstanding the fact that it should hurt more because it is true.

Gaji Buta: If the Chinese in Tanjung Piai can't see this as the ultimate insult by the BN-PAS axis of hate, then they have lost any shred of dignity left.

I wait to see what Jeck Seng will say about this statement. Maybe he will nod his head like a desperate salesperson trying to meet his KPI (key performance indicator).

Harapan Tinggi: What is wrong with buying things from the Chinese?

I am Chinese and our family members buy nasi lemak from a Malay makcik almost every week because her chicken rendang is delicious.

We are not racist like you. It is people like you who are creating problems among peace-loving Malaysians.

Zakar_Naik: In other words, this is an official confirmation that MCA dances to Umno's tune. Thanks, Ahmad. You have a gift for stating the obvious.

What then about PAS and Umno? Who is selling what to whom? Please enlighten us. (I am not sure what Bersatu is selling for DAP, other than a lot of grief.)

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