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Yoursay: The New Malaysia that never was

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘There won't be a next time as they have had enough and would be leaving when they can.’

Fear and loathing in 'New Malaysia'

Newday: I am in a workplace that is roughly 70% Malay Malaysians, 25% Chinese Malaysians, and 5% Indian Malaysians. This just about translates to our national race demographics.

Right till today, there is no friction due to race or religion. We don't always mix, but when we do, we have fun, let off some steam including jokes about each other's races and sometimes religious idiosyncrasies.

This is a long-term locally-developed business. The company board is about the same mix as the staff. There are no silos. The bosses are very keen to keep our workplace harmony going and so far, there are no signs of the far-right rubbish we see in the media daily.

It does make me wonder how much this racial and religious superiority garbage actually has real traction in our society, given how my workplace is.

Maybe I cannot see beyond the capital, Kuala Lumpur, where we are based. Maybe it is entirely different in Kuala Terengganu where the vast majority are the majority race. Maybe not.

The Dignity Congress was certainly an eye-opener for my Malay workmates who have never really thought in those terms. They were repulsed by the obvious attacks on non-Malays and liberal Muslims. They firmly reject all that it represented.

Some of these are graduates of Universiti Malaya (UM), but some 20 years ago. They are dismayed what UM has become. They are more dismayed that fellow Malays have been conned into believing this rubbish.

They are mostly dismayed that the Pakatan Harapan coalition has been hijacked to look more like BN each passing day as these enlightened Malays had voted for Harapan.

Who do they vote for next time? Most of them say the same thing - there won't be a next time as they have had enough and would be leaving when they can.

These feelings condemn this country to a dark and fearful future if this racist and religious supremacy attack is not challenged and firmly put down.

Anonymous 770241447347646: Is there a solution to the problem? They can keep on pointing fingers at the other races blaming them for their insecurities.

The big question is that, will it solve their problem. No, they will forever remain dependent until there is nothing to depend on. Then what?

Those in position will have nothing to worry as they and their families will be insulated against any event. Their financial position will see them through their trying times.

What about the millions of ordinary folks? What about their position as the administration has nothing to offer them?

Those who are not dependant will move to greener pastures as they see that there does not exist a light at the end of the tunnel.

Sixty-over years, the blame game has not stopped, and maybe it will go on for God knows up to when.

Those who exploited them, and looks like they want to keep on exploiting them, very intelligently pass the blame on others.

As long as the people can be manipulated, they will keep on doing it, hoping that they do not lose the power of their hypnosis.

It is time those in Harapan wake up and get out of the coalition with Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his Bersatu - a party with such a small number of parliamentarians is calling all the shots.

What happened to the idea of making of a New Malaysia? What happened to all the promises made to the millions of Malaysians? What happened to all those who dreamed that finally they will see the light at the end of the tunnel by voting Harapan?

Quigonbond: If Harapan screws up the transition to PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim and ushering in a really New Malaysia, there is always be a third force waiting in the wings.

And I'm not talking about Umno, PAS, or people still hanging on to the coattails like MCA or MIC. I'm talking about NGOs who finally need to get down to the trench, sleeves rolled up, and get dirty.

Otherwise, we are really done for as a nation.

Kafir Latte: Enjoy your life. Make your money. Spend time with your loved ones. Do charity. Live a life of meaning and joy.

Do the best you can for your children and encourage them to chase their dreams beyond Malaysia.

That is all non-Malays can do in this land. Don’t dream of equality and good governance.

Nononsense: Yes, leave and find your future in a better country where you stand a chance to fulfil your dreams.

Is there another Malay leader after Mahathir who can dismantle the damage and lead?

Two families I know left for another country 35 years ago. They had meagre beginnings. Their children are now professionals, making a good living in a safe environment.

Existential Turd: Once upon a time, the sheep made a pact with the wolf. The sheep promised to serve the wolf meals in exchange for not eating her.

Over the years, the wolf's appetite grew and grew. Each time, it demanded more food from the sheep and the sheep's resource is getting strained.

One day, another wolf came with the promise to overthrow the greedy wolf and put an end to the ever-increasing demand. The sheep was overjoyed and cooperated.

After overthrowing the old wolf, the new wolf slowly cast off its pretence and began to exploit the sheep like the old one.

The new wolf went against all the promises it made before the coup. In fact, it increased the pressure on the sheep, threatening to eat it every time the sheep raises its voice to protest.

Finally, the wolf could not wait any longer and ate the sheep. Having never learned to hunt, the wolf soon starved to death.

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