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Yoursay: ‘We await Rafizi’s return to politics’

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘For his genuine sacrifices, all patriotic rakyat should be grateful to him.’

Rafizi Ramli intends to take a backseat from politics

Tidak Harapan: PKR leader Rafizi Ramli, like Nurul Izzah Anwar, are the future of this country - the next generation leaders with vision.

He will be a loss to the nation if he chooses not to return after this witch-hunt trial.

No thanks to the BN government and its corrupted police, and the flawed trial. The case should have been thrown out.

Giant Pygmy: Revealing a crime taking place or potentially will take place should take precedence over any secrecy or confidentiality law.

The defence of justification to report a crime should be enough to dismiss any charge of breach of secrecy.

No Fear Nor Favour: I have always have trust in Rafizi. His intellectual credentials, righteousness, integrity and farsightedness say it all.

He has quality of the mind. He foresees the untrustworthiness of Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his hidden agenda. His appointees of Bersatu ministers and menteris besar are glaring examples.

I envisage he will be back come hell or high water.

Anonymous 2475091498015598: Yes, people criticised him for speaking out against Mahathir but now on hindsight, he proved himself the true checkmate.

We would have been the happiest, wisest people had we listened to him. I pray that he is like this forever and his credibility untainted as long as he lives.

He deserves to be the PM of this country in the near future.

Anonymous_1371546140: Indeed, please get our facts right before criticising or praising.

I was speechless when most of us at one time were attacking Rafizi and PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim, but sang praises of Mahathir.

Kamapo: @Anonymous_1371546140, you are perfectly correct. I, too, was wondering why the majority here at one point was anti-Rafizi.

It was alleged that Rafizi wasn't happy with the finance portfolio going to DAP’s Lim Guan Eng?

For his genuine sacrifices, all patriotic rakyat should be grateful to him. No other politicians have taken such grave risks for the good of the nation.

Anonymous_85ea2381: Come back, Rafizi. We misunderstood you. Sorry.

Anonymous_d9858528: In the US, they often speak about "profiles in courage", about people who resist being trampled by the powers-that-be.

In Malaysia, the phrase could easily be applied to Rafizi, who had the temerity to expose Cowgate.

I believe the cows (apart from the former Umno minister) never actually made it to One Menerung. What a shame.

Undecided: Rafizi is definitely one of the smarter and more capable fourth-generation Malay-Muslim leaders.

Without his help and ingenuity in exposing corrupt acts by Umno leaders, Pakatan Harapan may not be in power today.

He has a likeable personality and most would agree he is a patriot.

More importantly, he does not have a ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ complex and would be good for the future of PKR/Harapan and the country.

My2cen: I hope Rafizi will continue to lead Invoke as an independent analytic company, and prepare both physically and mentally to make a comeback, sooner rather than later.

Judging from the support here, 98 percent here will gladly donate to Invoke and even his campaign fund.

I looking forward to him and DAP’s Tony Pua being brought into the government soon.

Moontime: I would like to see Rafizi be the next deputy prime minister when Anwar takes over from Mahathir.

He can do a lot of things for the country. Heaven knows we need a leader of his calibre to repair this country.

The current crop of leaders is mostly pencil pushers and who are still stuck in the honeymoon phase.

Shovelnose: Good on you, Rafizi. I wishing you a restful period and quality time with your family before making your comeback in the near future.

We need more men like you at the forefront of the government. Technocrats are necessary, not just blabber-mouths.

Kangkung: People who put their head on the chopping board, fought for 20 years for what we have today, do not hold any posts.

Instead, we have the likes of Perak Menteri Besar Ahmad Faizal Azumu, Entrepreneur Development Minister Mohd Redzuan Md Yusof, etc, holding top posts and spewing racist remarks.

Headhunter: They are afraid that Rafizi will outshine them all. He has contributed a lot to gain support for PKR. They know his potential and popularity and that's the reason he is placed in cold storage.

Too bad, he doesn't have grassroots support due to his refusal to bribe his way to the top.

Look at the current line-up of leaders we have from both sides of the political divide. They make you want to throw up, don't they?

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