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Yoursay: Sing Negaraku and recite Rukunegara, then go steal

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel - Samuel Johnson.’

Yoursay: BN MP - sing Negaraku, recite Rukunegara before Parliament sitting starts

Appum: This is the ultimate insult to MPs whose loyalty and patriotism are being questioned.

I wonder what the MPs are doing in Parliament if they are not loyal and patriotic to king and country?

Didn't they make a pledge before they took office? Are they kids who need to be reminded of their duties?

Drngsc: Why sing Negaraku and recite Rukunegara before Parliament sitting begins, Salim Sharif (BN-Jempol)?

What for, if the hati (heart) is busuk (rotten)? What for, if after singing and reciting, they go and steal billions?

They were people not even afraid of the Almighty. They robbed Tabung Haji.

I Am Sabahan: It is definitely a good idea, but it is funny that it is suggested by a BN MP.

If the leaders from his coalition did love our country and had held fast to our Rukunegara, they would not have been found corrupt and stealing public funds.

Anonymous 2447881480303517: If singing the national anthem can instil patriotism, I wonder what happened in those many decades of schooling where the national anthem was sung at weekly assemblies.

How come we are still facing so many problems, many of them the same problems?

Just a Malaysian: I have been singing the Negaraku and reciting the Rukunegara all my life in school.

But after school, being discriminated against, being called all kinds of names, being threatened, being asked to leave the country, etc, I feel like an outsider in this land.

Any more singing or reciting will not help.

The Third Man: Singing the national anthem and reciting the Rukunegara isn’t going to work if there is no end to the rhetoric of race and religion venomously spewed by MPs with their political agendas.

That has to stop, period.

In fact, it should be mandated as a standing order that no MP can use race and religion to foment hate against any individual, party or group. The penalty should be a heavy fine – removal of parliamentary privileges and legal action in a court of law.

In addition, let’s make it very clear that no Malaysian is an “orang asing” (foreigners) and that Malaysia belongs to all Malaysians who have worked hard and contributed productively to the prosperity and development of the country.

ABetterFutureWhen: A good suggestion but what’s the point when so many, especially the opposition MPs, were part of a kleptocratic government, are only superficially patriotic and utterly corrupted, stealing money at every opportunity, throwing unfounded insults at one another, abusing the Constitution, etc?

Like our previous “patriotic” prime minister and his ilk.

The Analyser: I sometimes wonder which century these politicians think they are living in?

It’s very clear that constipated, ultra-conservative non-thinking has retarded the social development of this country by decades. This suggestion is ridiculous beyond belief.

Coward: Why are our MPs fixated on performing symbolic things rather than sitting down and debating issues and drafting laws for the benefit off all Malaysians?

Is it because it is easier to take part in a ceremony? Even schools don't have the time to do it every day.

Annonnon2: Wow, that's so deep. Needless to say, with all that singing and reciting, racism, corruption and stupidity will evaporate from the country.

Well Thats Fantastic: Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel - Samuel Johnson

Not about 'going streamless' but new subject packages, Education Ministry clarifies

Muruga: Does Education Minister Mazlee Malik understand this nonsense of students' choice being caveated by a lack of qualified teachers to teach the choice subjects?

Pandangan: Indeed, what ministry's stupidity is this? Packages offered, but subject to availability of facilities and teachers.

OrangTua: This is much ado over nothing. It's more or less the same system with no real choice because it depends on:

a) The demand for or popularity of a particular subject;

b) Subjects a school is able to offer in the first place depending on the availability of qualified teachers to teach the requested subjects;

c) Scheduling issues. Offering more choices means schools have to consider extending schooling hours.

Jefferson76: How about the wildly radical idea of letting students choose whatever they want outside the core subjects from a list of all the science and art subjects?

Why does it have to come in rigid packages which are either science or arts, which is basically how it is now?

Why can't students choose both art and science courses for a more balanced education?

Ranjit Singh Malhi: Education is not a competitive pursuit. It encompasses, inter alia, empowering every child to optimise his or her potential (self-actualisation).

Hence, we must not label or categorise students as "good students" or "less good students". I know of many brilliant students who pursued arts and humanities because of their passion for such subjects.

Negative labelling of students can affect their future performance.

Anonymous_1398599207: We have an Education Ministry. We have education departments. But there is no education here.

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