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Yoursay: Dr M, nation’s future is more important than you at Apec meet

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Why is it so important for Dr M to show his face at the Apec meeting?’

Mahathir pledges to step down for Anwar, but not before November

Kural: For much of the last 40 years, Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has been a dominant leader-cum-politician in Malaysia. For a long period during this time, he has led the government in the country.

A nation that was poised to attain developed nation status like its successful neighbour down south is now viewed as struggling in most aspects of governance and socioeconomic attainments.

Some of the more visible real-world negative indicators concerning Malaysia over the past several decades include huge transfer of resources to a select few, the debilitating corrupting behavioural entrenchment in select sections of politics and governance, and the increase in radicalising race and religion.

Not much of a legacy left behind by the long-term leader.

JK 7462000: Can all the politicians please just give the matter regarding the prime minister’s transition process a rest and get on with running the country efficiently?

Mahathir has already given his word that he will step down after the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) leaders’ gathering in Malaysia in November 2020, so let it be.

To the supporters of the prime minister-in-waiting Anwar Ibrahim, just trust the old man for once.

Odysseus: Mahathir is getting too old for the prime minister’s position.

If his reason to stay on as the premier is mainly to make sure the Apec summit is hosted well, it shows his unwillingness to relinquish or share power. At the moment, quitting and passing on the baton seems far from the 94-year-old’s mind.

If he is truly sincere about the handing over process, Mahathir should have fixed an exact date by now and start to assimilate Anwar into the cabinet or the administration.

I am sure Deputy Prime Minister Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail will be more than happy to relinquish her position in the cabinet for her husband.

Apollos: Mahathir gave his word that he will hand over the reins to his successor after the Apec summit.

However, there is the possibility of another major event cropping up after Apec, which will provide Mahathir with another convenient excuse to stall the transfer of power to Anwar.

Annonymous 080: The Apec summit in Malaysia next year is important, but it should not be used as an excuse for not stepping down from power.

If Mahathir is really concerned on Pakatan Harapan’s survival, he should step down after completing a two-year term, which is in May 2020.

He needs to avoid becoming a lame-duck prime minister. Mahathir also needs to provide Anwar enough time to formulate his own policies ahead of the 15th General Election.

Anonymous_b3cdcd05: Why does Mahathir keep harping on Apec as if the international summit was the event agreed upon by the Harapan presidential council to hand over power to Anwar?

What has it got to do with the transition agreement? Is Mahathir the only Malaysian leader capable of helming Apec? Why not Anwar?

Is it safe to keep Mahathir until November, considering the country's socioeconomic decline and the damage that has befallen Harapan in the 19 months since he took charge?

These questions should be answered by the Harapan presidential council.

Kim Quek: There is still no fixed date given by Mahahtir on when he will step down.

With the urgency that crops up from the latest police investigation of Anwar, the main parties in Harapan - PKR, DAP, and Amanah - need to act now before it’s too late.

The power to decide when the power transition is going to be is vested in the hands of the Harapan coalition, not the prime minister. The coalition needs to make full use of that power now while they still can.

Bluemountains: All the trouble about the transition is due to the members of the Harapan presidential council playing “dumb”.

No one has the courage to stand up and tell Mahathir that he must go after two years in charge as agreed upon verbally prior to the last general election.

Big Data: Harapan’s huge loss in the Tanjung Piai by-election last month delivered the message that the people are not pleased with the coalition’s performance in government. A change at the top is needed urgently to regain public support.

Governing the country effectively should be given more importance than the Apec summit. After all, Malaysia is not in a position of power to influence the major deliberations in Apec on its own, just like how it is at the Asean summit.

I am sure the Apec summit in Kuala Lumpur can be managed by Anwar.

Clever Voter: It will be undignified if Mahathir is forcefully removed from office.

In most cases, a leader who steadfastly clings on to power against public sentiment is usually forced out. Mahathir will surely know that it's the best for everybody if he quietly retires. His job is done and he will be remembered.

Whether Anwar performs is not Mahathir’s concern. Only the people will judge, and by the next general election, anything can happen. Hopefully, the oldest prime minister in the world will still be with us to witness the outcome.

Kangkung: If you were to count the number of times Mahathir has said he would step down and hand over power soon, it would be more than former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak giving “don't know” answers 46 times during his SRC International corruption trial at the Kuala Lumpur High Court.

Prudent: November 2020 is way too late for Anwar and Harapan to salvage voter support before GE15. Mahathir must step aside for Anwar after completing his two-year term - on May 9, 2020.

Shanmugam VK Subrayan: Dear Mahathir, remember the saying "Man plans but God decides".

Why is it so important for you to show your face at the Apec meeting?

Enough is Enough: Indeed, the Apec 2020 summit in Malaysia would be an appropriate and suitable time for Anwar to introduce himself to world leaders and share the stage with them.

Mahathir needs to hand over the prime minister’s post to Anwar several months before the summit.

The Harapan presidential council should come up with a transition date and not give Mahathir the onus to decide when. Fix the date.

Mee Hoon Kuay: Mahathir said he would step down after November. He didn’t mention which year. 

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