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Yoursay: Altantuya’s murder - so cops needed permission to question VVIPs?

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | 'The police are still beholden to politicians and their first instinct is to protect them.'

I slept well, says ex-IGP when needled on Azilah's SD

Gerard Lourdesamy: What was so special about Abdul Razak Baginda that the police must refer first to the then prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (Pak Lah) and later to then deputy prime minister Najib Abdul Razak?

This, in itself, shows the extent to which the police in this country defer to VVIPs (very very important persons) and have to obtain their consent to investigate them.

Former inspector-general of police (IGP) Musa Hassan has admitted that the investigation was compromised because it lacked independence, integrity and objectivity.

Just imagine the police discussing a case with a possible accomplice to the murder before deciding to proceed further.

This is why the police are opposed to the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC). They are still beholden to politicians in the government and their first instinct is to protect them.

Why so quick to dismiss former Police Special Action Unit (UTK) officer Azilah Hadri's statutory declaration as slander?

Indeed, what was his motive to kill Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu? He did not receive any financial reward for the deed. Neither did his former colleague and accomplice, Sirul Azhar Umar.

The UTK does not kill people just because they are a nuisance to others. Musa and all those involved in the case need to be investigated by the police and MACC.

VP Biden: Yes, why Musa had to ask Pak Lah for permission to bring in a suspect? Is that the police’s standard operating procedure (SOP)? Do they not know that they serve king and country and not politicians or the government of the day?

Then deputy public prosecutor (DPP) Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah did not appeal Razak Baginda’s acquittal, but two weeks ago former AG Mohamed Apandi Ali stated in relation to former PKR leader Rafizi Ramli’s Bafia (Banking and Financial Institutions Act) case that an appeal is automatically lodged when an acquittal happens.

Why are there two different processes? Is the SOP for acquittals not being followed, misunderstood or abused?

All these traitors from the police force to the AG’s Chambers and other government institutions must not be allowed to go scot-free.

Anonymous 1689721435778173: Musa, it was reported that there was a furious and desperate exchange of text messages between a panicky Razak Baginda and Najib.

Najib allegedly assured Razak Baginda that he would see you to sort this matter out. So how did you help "sort" this matter out?

Altatunya was harassing Razak Baginda and it so happened that the ones who did away with her were Najib's bodyguards. So circumstantial evidence pointed strongly to the involvement of Najib and Razak Baginda in the murder.

Was there any investigation conducted on how the two bodyguards had access to the C4 explosives? Not so fast, Musa. Don't think that your hands are clean.

Mushiro: Wasn’t Musa aware that the two police officers - Azilah and Sirul - were part of Najib’s household security arrangements and Musa Safri was Najib’s ADC (aide-de-camp)?

How come Najib was never a suspect in spite of the talk then that Altantuya was moving around with both Razak Baginda and Najib?

Razak Baginda’s defence was not even called, while Safri was not even called to testify in court. Many believe the then IGP was protecting the VVIPs allegedly linked to the murder.

Mazilamani: I salute you, Musa. It concerns a person's life. It should be about truth, not about slandering.

This has become a new culture in our country in recent times. Some people are lighting up make-believe situations for political reasons and gleefully enjoying a hefty laugh at the expense of the targeted victims.

Answering mankind is easy but not the Creator. I pray for truth to prevail.

Myviews: Musa, in your own words, you went to speak to Pak Lah and later Najib (as though you were seeking permission to bring in Razak Baginda).

What kind of IGP were you? You were then the top cop. For heaven's sake, we expected you to behave like one.

If there is a murder case, you investigate, or get your men to investigate straightaway irrespective of the suspect's status. You act independently under such circumstances.

Anonymous_f0124ca6: Musa said he had to get permission from Pak Lah and later Najib to question Razak Baginda. The police are supposed to be independent. His admission suggests deference to higher-ups.

An independent police force cannot be beholden to anyone. That was Musa, who was IGP. What about his junior officers? The rule of law is therefore easily subverted and discredited.

RR: We all know that Altantuya's case was a cover-up. This is because the IGPs and the AGs were never independent, especially in cases involving VVIPs.

We pray that the present IGP and AG wiĺl never be intimidated by the PM or the home minister. They should be principled and bold to do their duty and fight for justice, even at the cost of their jobs, for the sake of the nation and rakyat.

Middle Path: I guess what else could you say except to deny, Musa? Azilah stated in his SD that evidence has been suppressed and never investigated.

Did the police investigate the missing immigration record? Did the police interrogate the murderers on why they killed the Altantuya? How were the explosives obtained?

There are so many questions. Why weren’t all of these issues investigated? Deny all you like but the doubt and questions remain.

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