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Yoursay: Dr M continually hounded by the 'transition' question

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | 'Your mandate is to win the election, not to solve all the problems.'

PM after 2020? Dr M says promised to resign after solving past gov't problems

Kural: It’s amusing that Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad is quoted as saying that he wants to right some of the wrongs done by the previous administration.

Previous administrations, with an ‘s’, would have been more appropriate as his previous term as PM was quite a consequential stretch and there are those who think that those were the very decades when some of the many ills confronting the nation now were spawned. Wittingly or otherwise.

And what about now that he is at the helm? What are the specific initiatives about nation-building including economic growth, governance efficiency and competence, reigning in a bloated civil service, fairer if not equitable wealth distribution, promoting multiracial harmony by suppressing radicalisation of society by racial and religious sensitivities, and focusing on infusing quality education in the public-funded education system?

Does Mahathir constantly speak and make effective policy pronouncements in wanting to right the wrongs of the previous administration?

Vijay47: Let me start off by stating that I do not care a flying hoot for Mahathir. Now that I have cleared any doubts about my sentiments regarding the country’s leadership, let me give my two bits’ worth on the national obsession with Mahathir’s promised transmission of powers to PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim. Let me do a quick flashback.

In the months leading to the 14th general election, Mahathir was the messiah guiding us to the promised land of liberty, equality and justice. He could do no wrong, he was feted with garlands and flowers, the clash of cymbals and the sound of trumpets at every town he rode into.

Now, suddenly, the long knives are out for him, Mahathir must go. Perhaps because once he had his hands firmly on the helm, the real Mahathir stood up – surprise, surprise, it was the same Mahathir of yore.

Mahathir had become a great disappointment and worse, an intense disillusionment despite his flunkey Lim Guan Eng crowing of Pakatan Harapan manifesto-implementation success and glasses 60 percent full.

Day-to-day and bread-and-butter issues are important, certainly, but the rakyat also want something more meaningful, including the removal of abhorrent laws and balanced application of regulations.

Instead, we are saddled with a rotten inspector-general of police (IGP) more given to copious tears over a female terrorist who now wishes to return to Tanah Air, following other extremists who, after having a field day in Syria and thereabouts, came home to be miraculously rehabilitated. Meanwhile, abductors and kidnappers remain free to enjoy the fresh air.

And while Muslim preacher Dr Zakir Naik is an embarrassing detail, the icing on the ‘ketupat’ was the Malay Dignity Congress which Mahathir blessed with his divine presence, giving his imprimatur to racist demands.

The cry now is for Anwar on his trusty steed to save the nation. Like, for Mahathir, I don’t care a flying hoot for Anwar either. How can we ever be sure that Anwar would never do another Mahathir?

In my book, none of them, despite their touching songs, can be trusted. Mahathir, Anwar, Abdul Hadi Awang, Najib Abdul Razak, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi - they are bedfellows from the same pool contaminated by Umno. And that goes for you also, DAP leader Lim Guan Eng.

Yeah, I know, who will then bell the cat? You tell me.

Quigonbond: “Meanwhile, Mahathir was also asked if he would endorse Anwar as the best candidate to become the next prime minister.

“‘Well, I can't guarantee who would be the best person to take over because I've had bad experiences,’ he said in reply.”

Mahathir, please stop misleading the public. The promise made at the Harapan convention going into GE14 is that you will step down when Anwar is free. That he's giving you two years is already very generous. Your mandate is to win the election, not to solve all the problems.

Malaysia's problems will make a very, very long list and you won't solve them all even if you hit 120. Also, no one is even asking you to promise if you will hand over to someone great. The ask is for you to hand over to Anwar as you promised the public.

Mushiro: Mahathir wants to solve the past government problems but he did not mention specifically which ones as there are too many problems. But sadly, the Harapan manifesto election promises have also not being delivered fully.

Problems will be there and too numerous and Mahathir should just leave these problems to whoever who takes over. Giving too many different excuses to prolong his stay as PM is dragging on for too long.

Hearty Malaysian: There are always unending problems in running the government, such as removing overstaying politicians who have no qualms of breaking agreed arrangements, more interested in personal agenda than country’s interest, underperforming ministers and power-hungry ministers who are less interested to work or even attend Parliament.

Harapan must sort out these issues before 2020 ends. Dr M can’t assume if it is not himself, then there is no one else who can solve these problems. Otherwise this would be the big elephant in the room he can’t see himself.

Capo: Mahathir, you have neither the power nor the authority to decide on who becomes the 8th prime minister. Just like you were declared as the 7th interim prime minister.

Anwar was declared the 8th prime minister as per the transition of power agreement that you agreed and signed with Harapan coalition parties. So we have already saved you the agony of choosing your successor because of your past bad choices.

You can go around telling the whole world about your wish to stay until you drop dead. But here in Malaysia, if you don't leave by May 10, 2020, you will definitely be drag out by your nose.

Anonymous_1537050742: You are taking the people for a ride. You need this second term of your premiership to finish off what you could not finish in your first term - destroying the country for good.

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