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Yoursay: Betrayal of the people’s trust laid bare by phone transcripts

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘What is more shocking is how the exchanges were so nonchalant, matter-of-fact and....’

Full transcript of phone calls leading up to then AG Apandi clearing Najib

TYT: Former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak had earlier claimed he was not involved in the operations of the 1MDB entities. After hearing the tapped audio recordings and reading the transcripts, it appears that he was involved in every single matter.

I think even his wife, Rosmah Mansor, was aware of all the nitty-gritty details. After everything has been laid bare to the public, how can Najib still dare to claim he was in the dark regarding the entire matter?

Sadly, his fanatical supporters will continue to back him even though he had allegedly stolen right before their very eyes.

B18CR: Malaysiakini did a good job translating the entire telephone conversation transcript.

I tried listening to the audio recording but it was a mess. It doesn't make much sense until I read the translated transcript.

I renewed my subscription just to read this explosive article. I have since shared it with many of my friends.

Gerard Lourdesamy: All the suspects identified through the tapped telephone conversations should rush to the nearest mosques to take the ‘sumpah laknat’ so that the investigations would be dropped by the relevant authorities.

If this issue had happened in China, the whole lot would have been arrested, charged, found guilty and executed by a firing squad for such serious crimes, which in my view, border on high treason.

Never has this country in its history, or for that matter in any other representative democracy in the world, witnessed such a high-level conspiracy of key officers of the state representing supposedly independent agencies conspiring to conceal crimes of corruption and abuse of power, and perverting the course of justice and effectively rendering the rule of law an ornament to be discarded at the altar of greed, avarice and political expediency.

The actors deserve to be arrested, charged, denied bail, put on trial and sentenced to a long period in jail for their respective roles in this scandal of huge proportions.

It is a disgrace that a few individuals have succeeded in destroying the very edifice of our democracy simply to further their private interests.

Those involved should also be stripped of their pensions and titles, especially those with legal and judicial experiences who took an oath to defend the country and constitution.

This makes a mockery not only of their character and integrity but also calls into question their judgment and decision rendered in the course of their public duties.

Another Komentar: On an underlying national context, the latest expose did not come as a surprise.

The tapped telephone conversations illustrate what has been widely known among Malaysians - that the powerful ruling class openly abused and manipulated the system of check and balance for their self-interests.

In the 1MDB scandal, Najib and his co-conspirators allegedly stole billions of dollars and when exposed, were prepared to use every means possible to cover up their trails.

What is more shocking is how their exchanges were so nonchalant, matter-of-fact and interspersed with religious hypocrisy as if they are not subject to morality and rule of law.

There was not a hint of mild shame and embarrassment of their shocking criminality. This is a reminder of what banality of evil is really like.

Kangkuong: Pakatan Harapan should seize on this opportunity and do a series of townhall events in Umno’s heartland to play the tapes and explain an economic plan where tackling corruption is part of the formula.

There is an urgent need to explain how the nation’s coffers were plundered, to join the dots and show the kampung folks the true story so they can understand that rebuilding Malaysia is a joint effort between the rakyat and the government.

Both parties have to invest, and it is not just the rakyat waiting for the government to subsidise everything.

For all the incompetence, frustrations and negativity of the past 20 months, there is a beacon of hope every once in a while.

The releasing of the audio recordings which revealed the detailed cover-up was definitely a defining moment for the country. Any politician who is thinking of delving into major corruption will be wary.

Bravo to MACC and Malaysia Baru.

Anonymous 2293481434643651: It is really disheartening to see this kind of scenario taking place by the leaders of the country who openly screw the people but on the other hand, accuse others of taking away their rights.

This is a classic example of “harap pagar, pagar makan padi” (the person we trust most is the one who betrays us).

Anonymous 7d1ca773: The MACC did a good job to share the audio recordings with the media and the public.

The anti-graft body needs to check if there are still many insiders or informers like former MACC chief commissioner Dzulkifli Ahmad within the government system who were involved in the 1MDB scandal.

These officers, who could have been around either in the past or are still in service, need to face justice.

Headhunter: For those public officials and politicians who had dirtied their hands with corruption and are yet to be exposed, their turns will come. There must be many such recordings out there yet to be exposed.

When an official is given a high position, the person needs to perform the job professionally and honestly. And remember, don't preach to others if your hand is dirty.

It's time the government reward whistleblowers for their public service. It will also put some fear into those who are tempted to dip their hands into the kitty.

Malaysian Malaysian: Isn't it shocking how all the government or government-linked agencies that are supposed to be independent are working with one another to "allow" people in power and position to cheat and steal from the people's coffers?

Najib could not have caused so much damage through the 1MDB scandal and got away with it alone. He had help from others both within and outside the government system. These officers had been destroying the public institutions like termites, unbeknownst to the rakyat.

The poor rakyat who sweat and toil, then queue up for hours to receive government handouts, to beg for scholarships, to put up with a dumbed-down national education system, treated badly at government agencies, and live as a fractured society, are being fed lies by the political leaders.

I cry for Malaysia.

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