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Yoursay: Nation’s future cannot be left up to one man to decide

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Some people seem to think Anwar is a magic wand that can make all of our problems go away.’

DAP leaders pressure Harapan council to set date for Dr M's exit

DAP rep backs call for 'Anwar as PM' by May

Albert Ponniah: It will be good to know who the DAP leaders who are doing the pressuring? Or is it just underlings like DAP’s Klang MP Charles Santiago?

It will also be good to know the views of DAP leaders in the Pakatan Harapan presidential council. I hope top DAP leaders will speak out.

My take is that these are just wishful statements from people getting desperate, who dislike Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad or hoping for a career boost under Anwar Ibrahim.

Until some matters are resolved in Mahathir’s corner, I don’t think the transition is going to happen anytime soon. This is just publicity is sought by none players for self-propagation and by the media to sell their stories.

I want to see Harapan implements its GE14 election manifesto as well as settling racial and religious issues, remove unfair rules and practices.

Mahathir failed when it came to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Icerd) and Anwar was in cahoots with him. Neither of them has any sincerity to stand up for what is right and correct for a progressive society.

It is okay for Mahathir to vacate the premiership as and when appropriate and for Anwar to succeed him. However, Malaysians need more than just a changing of the guards.

Mushiro: DAP Sungai Pelek assemblyperson Ronnie Liu and similar voices should be louder.

Mahathir has tried to lead the country but obviously his focus is more on his personal preference and politics.

He is not magnanimous as he picked too many of his incapable Bersatu MPs as ministers or deputy ministers. We have waited for long enough and Malaysia cannot wait much longer.

Middle Path: We fully support Liu’s stand on this. We, the people, cannot afford to keep silent but must say it out loud for the sake of the nation.

Many others in DAP also share such sentiments but lost their courage since they are now part of the government.

Yes, fix a definite date and no more being wishy-washy about it. Time waits for no man and definitely, the nation’s future cannot be left up to one man to decide.

Fair Play: I suppose DAP has to “use” Liu to do what their top leaders in the cabinet didn’t dare. Mahathir is now cornered. It looks like a May 2020 exit could be a memorable day if it comes to pass.

Perhaps Anwar could consider appointing Mahathir as the education minister for two years with the daunting task of cleansing all religious elements from the national education system, from primary to tertiary levels.

Anonymous 0123456789: Former minister Zaid Ibrahim, to Mahathir, these voices from Liu and Santiago are nothing but irritating noise.

If you ask DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang and DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng to open their mouths, then maybe the old man will listen. Better still, give the Lims some of your courage to them to ask the PM to go.

Cogito Ergo Sum: Who in the Harapan presidential council dares to set a timeframe for Mahathir to step down?

DAP has the plumb finance portfolio, PKR has economics affairs, and defence for Amanah. All are grateful to Mahathir for giving them these posts.

No one has the gumption or the will to set terms for Mahathir. Anyone dares to even try it, they will be facing some criminal investigation or some scandal, imagined or real.

Let’s stop hoping for a miracle to happen in the presidential council meeting. All of them are beholden to Mahathir in one way or another.

Anonymous_1543386425: Anwar's toadies are yelling louder now. Mahathir had stated that he wants to stay until after the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) summit in November. So why can't the Harapan presidential council defer to him?

Is Anwar is pushing DAP to force a decision? DAP, please do not play into the hands of extremists who then would say that Anwar is Chinese puppet. The presidential council may create instability if Mahathir is asked to go earlier as Anwar may not have the support of the majority of MPs.

Perhaps PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli has counted the MPs from PKR, DAP and others including those from PKR deputy president Azmin Ali's camp. But like the Kajang Move, Rafizi would be surprised at the outcome if he, with Anwar's blessings, goes ahead to push Mahathir.

DAP watch out, this Malay game is not for you. Better to allow Mahathir to continue until after Apec.

You can do that for the 93-year-old man who came back to serve the nation. Without Mahathir, Harapan would still be in opposition and Anwar still behind bars.

Shalimar Abdullah: Yes, what’s the hurry? Who says that sentiments on the ground want Mahathir to step down. That’s only a small fraction of the rakyat and mostly from Malaysiakini readers.

The truth is Anwar’s men in DAP and PKR are impatient to make quick bucks for themselves.

The Analyser: Good point, Shalimar Abdullah. One can hardly claim that Malaysiakini readers are an unbiased sample of Malaysian opinion.

Their desperate need to blame others for their own shortcomings makes Mahathir their logical target.

Mazilamani: Mahathir may spring some surprises, if pushed to the wall, to continue remaining as PM till the end of his term.

Harapan leaders should have carefully considered many things before agreeing to appoint Mahathir as PM.

Mahathir is like a piece of silken cloth spread over a thorny rose plant. You have to exercise extreme patience before removing the cloth. You pull hard, the damage is going to be irreparable. If removed with extreme caution, you may run out of time.

You have brought a ferocious wild lion into our home. You smart leaders must face your own decision, for you have brought him in.

Anonymous_2d09ced0: I hope Mahathir will do the right thing and will go down in history as the PM who ensures a smooth transition.

This will set a precedent for future PMs. Mahathir will then be looked upon as a wise and honourable leader.

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