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Yoursay | A case of yet another hand in the till

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Kleptomania, big and small, seems to be the order of the day.’

Man pleads not guilty to using foundation's funds for cigars, oven for wife

The Third Man: The incidences of corruption are so widespread that it appears there is no internal and external checks or monitoring conducted. It’s like everybody has their fingers in the pie.

No wonder our public administrations are so riddled with all kinds of scandals and corruption, leaving nothing left to the imagination.

When the head rots, all parts of the body will go the same way.

Anonymous_f9ff4347: Yayasan Pengurusan Ilmu's former board of directors member Abdul Rahman Mohamed Shariff’s case has a lot of similarities with you know who?

This disease infects the whole the country and at every government level like cancer. There is no hope for Malaysia if this continues.

Anonymous_Gem49: Kleptomania seems to be the order of the day given the example of our country’s leader in the previous government.

No prizes for guessing who that is.

Kural: Good effort. Now the government must go on a national drive to prosecute all those involved in corrupt practices.

There should be no problem looking for them as they can be found at various entities, such as the government-linked companies, the civil service and other statutory bodies.

All reasonable attempts to bring about a mindset change to eradicate the scourge of thievery that hurt the country will be applauded.

Bruclax: What sort of upbringing would lead one to follow the path of corruption?

This kleptocrat must have had a decent education, possibly funded by the Public Service Department, Mara or some other government agency.

Albeit, what does he do for his race, never mind national development - smoke cigars and siphon off money for his wife to buy coffee maker…

Ipadder: Good work. Now when is MACC going to nail the big fishes like former Sarawak chief minister Abdul Taib Mahmud and the like?

Even Umno leader Annuar Musa and his gang had allegedly stolen more than this from Mara.

Anonymous_1544340881: This is yet another example of the pro-Malay/Muslim policy (I won’t say pro-bumiputera because the natives of Sabah and Sarawak do not seem to benefit).

This is where someone gets into a high position not because he has the experience or qualifications. He must be “connected”.

This is just the tip of the iceberg and there are many (kleptocrats) like Abdul Rahman.

Blessed Or Cursed Land: The problem with people like Abdul Rahman is that they want a luxurious lifestyle without working hard for it.

Imagine, this man bought cigars costing US$3,049 and for who? Was it for him to show off like millionaires do?

One thing for sure, this man knows how to burn money.

MS: Cigars, eh? Must be a follower of the rather late Umno politician Jamaluddin Jarjis - the man with many secrets who left abruptly to meet his maker.

But leaving that exit aside, it must be always remembered there is no smoke without fire... even if it’s a smouldering tip of a hand-wrapped one.

Quo Vadis: Someone’s hand in the till again? Oh, Malaysia, is there a light at the end of the tunnel, or even more darkness to come to light?

Vijay47: Abdul Rahman needs to be given an award for sheer arrogance.

The 1MDB controversy has been raging like a forest fire these last few years and yet this hero dipped his hand into the till as recently as November 2018 and worse, in January 2019.

The only thing that I can make some sense was his purchase of an oven – perhaps he envisioned that his goose was going to be cooked someday.

Syed Saddiq to suspend ministry officer nabbed in drug bust

Coward: The government’s standard operating procedure (SOP) should deal with this type of misconduct (of a ministry officer arrested for alleged drug abuse).

If suspension is not in the SOP, then our minister will have to come up with a good reason for intervening. After all, it is the Public Service Department’s duty to deal with government employees.

Stand For Truth: Even if these officers hold a “low” position in the government, they still have to be responsible for their conduct in public. The problem is that some of them think they are above the law.

Same mentality from the same pool of political parties.

Madey: No one is above the law. However, the government must ensure that there is conclusive evidence to nail them.

If there is no evidence, then there will be no prosecution.

Anonymous_1544340881: I really hope our drug tests are reliable.

If not, we may need to send the evidence to the US for experts to verify and make sure those involved are guilty of their crime and are punished.

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