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Yoursay: Religious and racial hypocrisy in Kelantan?

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | What happened to ‘buy Muslim products’ in this purchase of Mercedes fleet?

Yoursay: Deputy MB: We got a Merc each, cheaper to maintain than old Protons

Apanakdikato: This European luxury cars purchased by the PAS state government is an excellent example of religious and racial hypocrisy.

In recent times, PAS has aggressively promoted its “Buy Muslim products” campaign. If PAS leaders are honest, then they should buy the Proton Perdana instead of a Mercedes Benz.

While the PAS state is badly managed to the extent that they have to constantly borrow federal funds to pay the salaries of its civil servants, how could PAS justify the purchase of these cars with extravagant prices?

Anonymous_1392781899: The most important aspect when you compare the cars is the total cost of ownership (TCO) over a fixed period of time. There is no point in saying which is cheaper if you cannot support your case.

It looks like they will replace the Mercedes every five years when the full warranty expires as the maintenance cost after the warranty period will shoot up sky high.

A Mercedes has more electronic parts than a Proton and they are expensive to maintain. A tyre on a Mercedes will cost double or more than a Proton’s. It’s a no-brainer.

Newday: Mercedes is cheaper to maintain but at four times the purchase price of the Proton - what wonderful reverse logic. We are talking about modern cars here, deputy menteri besar.

You buy a fleet of expensive fully imported cars while the citizens of Kelantan have to put up with public infrastructure falling apart (that includes the toilets).

Admit it, all of you love cruising around Kelantan in luxury vehicles feeling self-important. You lot pass yourselves off as religious to the extent of being holier than thou, yet you love and even hunger for the material trappings of human existence.

This is really not much of an example of good humans when you keep on running your public service into the ground and then ask the federal government for a bailout over civil servants’ salaries at about the same time you were purchasing the fleet of Mercs.

Anonymous_1545203009: PAS, we are not questioning your decision to change your fleet, but why Mercedes and not Proton Perdana?

These additional costs can be channelled for mopping out vaccination among the Orang Asli, to develop better infrastructure in mitigating floods, and subsidise local SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises), among others.

It seems you prioritised your ego and comfort over the welfare of the state. Please stop being manipulative with rhetoric, we are not idiots.

Anonymous #33227154: So it's like former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak saying he needs to use a private jet as it’s cheaper than buying air tickets, or his wife Rosmah Mansor saying that Birkin bags last longer than ordinary bags.

PAS has proven that they are a bunch of money and luxury-loving politicians. They live in luxury while the majority of the Kelantan people can only afford motorcycles. Perhaps PAS will try to convince them that their Mercs are gifts from God.

Anonymous_1548760893: Perhaps MACC chief Latheefa Koya's next stop should be Kelantan to investigate these so-called squeaky-clean government servants.

Also, if special allocations are made to an opposition-controlled state government, it should be based on a well-placed justification, lest it be abused.

MACC kindly take note. We know that you are doing your best and we are appreciative of that. If we are looking at anti-corruption, it should be applied with full vigour and purpose.

The impetus of this new government that we voted for should highlight on continuous improvement, especially in the area of fighting corruption.

This new government is doing its best to accommodate the handicapped, senior citizens and the homeless. Within two years, there are already several improvements in healthcare. It is one area that deserves special mention.

The reasons I believe are due to properly managed funds and tighter and better fiscal controls. All these are because of fighting corruption and the results are beginning to show.

Anonymous 133971438080786: What a shame PAS is no longer in the era of the late Tok Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat. Now after linking up with Umno, they are talking about Mercedes and soon they will become money crazy.

I feel sorry for the rakyat who voted for PAS in Kelantan. A poor state in Malaysia and yet their politicians have become arrogant. Money has gone into their heads. Shame on them.

Evin K: At the risk of sounding unpopular, older cars are undoubtedly terribly unsafe to use. The newer cars come with state-of-the-art safety and security features that give the driver and its passengers peace of mind.

It is well known that MPs and certain high-ranking government officials travel vigorously by cars. They travel long distances, particularly when they need to come into the capital for official matters, all the way from their own home states. They spend many hours in their state-sponsored vehicles.

It is understandable that these MPs and officials prefer the safety, security and comfort of these newer cars, especially ones of better branding that is known the world over for its quality.

These are not multi-million-ringgit super luxury cars like the Bentley or Rolls Royce that they’re using, or even sports and supercars like Ferraris and Lamborghinis.

Continental brands like Mercedes and BMW are used as taxis in some parts of Europe. Only in Malaysia, it is expensive to own due to the multi-layer taxation the government slaps us all with.

A point to be noted is that this is conveniently waived off for government-sponsored vehicles, making it not as expensive to utilise.

Most of these continental brands also provide a five-year warranty period, topped up with free service and maintenance for five years. Compared to non-continental brands that do not provide these extras, the cost of maintenance and upkeep will end up same if not more during the same period, so it makes more financial sense to opt for continental vehicles.

These so-called low to mid-range luxury cars also get fantastic fleet discounts. Plus, we will only further entice these luxury brands to continue to invest and do business in Malaysia by endorsing and encouraging sales of their products indirectly this way.

The continental car industry is a massive one that has helped create tens of thousands of jobs in Malaysia. Look at how much Kulim and Pekan have benefitted from this alone. Let us also not forget that these multinational companies pay a lot of taxes to the Malaysian government by choosing to do business here.

There’s always a silver lining if we are willing to see it.

Gutenberg: Safer and cheaper to maintain? Does this guy know how much the servicing cost and the price of spare parts for a Mercedes-Benz? With more than 14 cars to maintain it can cost hundreds of thousands a year.

This is PAS for you. Their people suffer never mind, they enjoy first.

Hang Babeuf: If you ask and push him, Kelantan Deputy Menteri Besar Mohd Amar Abdullah Mohd Amar will say that it is his rezeki (divinely provided sustenance and livelihood).

Such windfalls are a grace of good fortune that is to be accepted and seized eagerly, not questioned. To do otherwise is to be ungrateful to God, to "second guess" His wisdom.

That means, if you receive such a windfall, you were meant to receive it and are entitled to have it. As part of His plans.

That’s why Mohd Amar sees nothing wrong with receiving luxury vehicles.

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