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Malaysia views ICJ approval of genocide application as a step in right direction

This article is 4 years old

Malaysia considers yesterday’s approval by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) of provisional measures requiring Myanmar to prevent genocide as a step in the right direction to address the situation of the Rohingya.

The Foreign Ministry said Malaysia also wished to reiterate its supports towards The Gambia, which brought the case under the 1948 UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, and in its capacity as chair of the Ad-Hoc Ministerial Committee on Accountability for Human Rights Violations against the Rohingya. The committee was established under the ambit of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.

In a statement, the ministry said, as a member of the committee and also as a fellow State Party to the Genocide Convention, Malaysia calls on Myanmar to fulfil its obligations under the convention to ensure that the crisis is not prolonged.

“The decision reflects the serious concern of the international community on the need to effectively address the plight of the Rohingya, and establish accountability and justice in respect of alleged serious human rights violations against the Rohingya.

“Malaysia is currently hosting more than 100,000 Rohingya refugees who fled Myanmar due to the crisis,” the ministry said.

Myanmar given four months to take precautionary measures

According to Turkish news agency Anadolu, ICJ President Judge Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf gave Myanmar four months to take precautionary measures against genocide, and take effective measures to preserve evidence relating to the genocide.

Wisma Putra added that Malaysia looks forward to the next proceedings on the application by The Gambia, which requests the ICJ to adjudicate on five matters:

“Namely, for Myanmar to be declared as breaching its obligations under the Genocide Convention; to cease forthwith any ongoing wrongful act and fully respect its obligations under the Genocide Convention.

“To ensure that persons committing genocide are punished by a competent tribunal; to perform the obligations of reparation in the interest of the victims of genocidal acts who are members of the Rohingya group; and to offer assurances and guarantees of non-repetition of violations of the Genocide Convention,” said the statement.

- Bernama