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Yoursay: The difference between season’s greetings and political speech

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Lim’s festival message ended up sounding more like a stern admonishment.’

Avoid Chinese personalities supporting divisiveness - Guan Eng's CNY message

Dr Suresh Kumar: The rakyat are worried about the direction our economy is heading.

The B40 (bottom 40 percent) and the M40 (middle 40 percent) groups are worried about the daily living expenses. Our education system is going down the pits.

Cronyism, racism and religious bigotry is not only very much alive but has become worse under the Pakatan Harapan governance. Race relation has taken a turn for the worse.

Instead of addressing such important issues, Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng is warning Malaysians about “imaginary divisive Chinese personalities” in his Chinese New Year message.

Who are these “Chinese personalities” he is referring to?

Dharma: The following is the essence of Lim’s Chinese New Year statement: There are some evil people out there. Stay away from them. I won't mention names but you know who they are.

A senior minister spreading a festival message to the people should educate and enlighten them. Lim’s statement is merely releasing his frustration, but not on the appropriate platform.

The Malaysian: Lim’s message is true though maybe a little too hard-hitting for the festival season. All Malaysians must indeed stop supporting divisiveness in any shape or form.

Mazilamani: I am sure Lim had an honourable intention to use the Chinese New Year celebration to express his hope or prayer for true understanding and unity among Malaysians.

However, when his advice is openly targeted at specific groups, he is effectively doing the opposite of uniting the divided groups.

As a minister, Lim could have assembled a team of relevant ministers and prominent personalities, including from the enforcement and justice divisions, to openly address the actual sensitiveness, concerns and misunderstanding among the various races that can inflame this nation.

The “Chinese divisiveness” speech could have been delivered separately to a particular interest group to effect a semblance of healing.

His festival message ended up sounding more like a stern admonishment.

MW: Lim doesn't seem to understand the difference between a season’s greetings and a political message.

Anonymous_ba958b7b: Lim is seen to be sincere in his work. However, he needs to hire a good public relations person to handle his speeches and media statements.

He needs to use a less combative language and tone. By improving the wordings and with a better overall presentation, his messages will have a better chance of being well-received.

Regardless of his tone and message, I still appreciate the hard work put in by Lim.

Kim Quek: In his Chinese New Year message, Lim failed to address the elephant in the room, which is the transition of power.

This is what Chinese Malaysians are most interested in, as this is the main issue wreaking havoc with Harapan’s promised reforms for a New Malaysia.

In this respect, Lim and his colleagues, both in DAP and Harapan, have deeply disappointed their supporters for having failed to stand up for their principles.

It is still not too late for Lim and his Harapan colleagues to pull up their socks and perform their duties to the nation by acting courageously and wisely to overcome the single hurdle and put the promised reformasi back on track.

On the other hand, continuing to bury their heads under the sand will only invite the inevitable - political oblivion.

Anonymous_f34cda3a: Does Lim realise what would happen to Harapan if a snap election was to be called right now?

As seen from recent by-election results, Harapan will suffer a heavy defeat. The people have lost trust and confidence in the government to reform the country and set things right.

I looked up to Lim during his tenure as Penang chief minister. However, he has been ineffective since moving to take up his new position in Putrajaya.

The Wakandan: Lim’s hard-hitting message is clear and precise. It is a strong message but fair and right. It is hard-hitting against extremists who want to divide Malaysians along racial and religious segregation.

All are Malaysians, and as such, everyone has rights to live in their country according to its laws.

Barring non-Muslims from becoming cabinet ministers, dispossessing Indians and Chinese the right to vote and showing outright contempt for the religious celebrations and practices of the non-Muslims is not constitutional.

The authorities need to come down hard anyone who pursues these courses of action. In fact, they should be tried under the appropriate law to ensure the unity among the different races and religions in the country is not jeopardised.

In normal times, a minister’s festival message should be a joyful message. But we are not living in normal times now, and Lim is entitled to use the occasion to send out a strong message.

Sending a political message during a festival is not unprecedented.

Sinan Belawan: Lim, please do not turn your Chinese New Year greeting into a political attack on BN that governed Malaysia for over 60 years.

That is not statesmanship. Furthermore, the speech is filled with negativity.

During festivals, a cabinet minister should reach out to all Malaysians as you are a minister for all Malaysians.

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