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Nga: DAP will not hesitate to leave gov't if UEC not recognised

This article is 5 years old

Editor's note: This article has been amended for clarity.

DAP has failed to communicate its efforts to fulfil the aspirations of its core constituents, including efforts to seek government recognition of the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC), said deputy secretary-general Nga Kor Ming.

In assuring the party's supporters that the party will pursue key issues in the cabinet, Nga said DAP will not hesitate to forgo being in government if it failed.

"Just like the UEC issue, the DAP ministers were never silent. It is just that we did not elaborate (on cabinet discussion) in the media, but chose to fight for it through the cabinet.

"We have even reached a consensus - if UEC is not recognised, DAP will go even to the extent of not hesitating to withdraw itself from the government.

"It's okay not to be in government. This is our basic principle that we will continue to uphold," he said in an interview with Chinese news organisation Oriental Daily that was published today.

A video clip of the interview was published by Oriental Daily, but the questions could not be heard.

Unified Examination Certificate: Are the criticisms justified?

Nga said the DAP and Pakatan Harapan allies were weak in communicating their accomplishments, which led to the lack of public recognition of their work.

"We might have completed 70 percent of our tasks, but the people only see the incomplete 30 percent. The 70 percent completed jobs did not receive recognition," he said.

For instance, he said Harapan was not praised by the Chinese community for instituting new government funding schemes for Chinese schools which BN did not provide.

"I hope the commentators and netizens are kind (to us) when commenting. You can comment, but (you need to) compare apples with apples.

"Compare things that didn't exist in the past 60 years (of) BN rule and what we have now. Don't you think we deserve some recognition and praise?" said Nga.

The UEC is an examination certificate issued by Chinese independent high schools operated by Dong Zong.

It is a British A-level equivalent that is recognised by many universities across the globe, but is not recognised by Malaysian public universities.

Harapan had pledged to resolve this in its election manifesto. The relevant portion reads:

"Pakatan Harapan will undertake to recognise UEC certificates to enter public institutions of higher learning (IPTA) provided that applicants have a credit in Bahasa Melayu at the SPM level."

Meanwhile, Nga urged the Chinese community to continue supporting the DAP to prevent the formation of an Umno-PAS government.

"We are on the same boat. You should not be complacent. If DAP sinks, PAS and Umno, which practice religious and racial extremism respectively, will return.

"When the two extremisms come together, Malaysia will be like playing with fire and the country will be doomed. The collusion of Umno and PAS is disastrous for the country," he said.

Nga cautioned the Chinese community that the two opposition parties would be intent to play up the racial sentiment. 

Citing the controversy surrounding the Chinese New Year decoration in SMK Pusat Bandar Puchong 1, he said there is a possibility that the Chinese cannot hang lanterns and give out ang pow in the future. 

"It is significant for the Chinese community to be with the Harapan government. We don't have to do much, just stick to the (principle of) pluralistic and moderation.

"Failing so, Malaysia will no longer be the Malaysia (that we live in)," Nga said.

"This is something everyone should be alert of. You should not perceive that MCA will return to the government when DAP is wiped out, as what will return are PAS and Umno. 

"At the end, it is not a better future for the Chinese community, but a speechless ending," he said.