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Yoursay: Cows, pigs and Hadi’s version of 'ketuanan' Islam

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | 'He works on an equation that by going to the extreme end, he may muster sufficient Malay votes.'

Hadi to Muslims: Would you rather herd cows or pigs?

Veritas: PAS leader Abdul Hadi Awang's politics is to persistently activate the herd mentality in Malay-Muslims. PAS wants to corral Malays into a fenced-up mentality and keep them obeying leaders such as Hadi.

An interesting test of his poisonous ideas is to ask how many Malays cross the Causeway between Malaysia and Singapore to find basic work, and what is the nature of the flow.

The PAS leaders can't even pay their civil servants without extracting the money from non-Malay sweat. So, it is clear and plain the Malays would settle for good leadership that provides them with some ease in life.

The parasitical, cruel Malay leaders cannot allow this to happen because they would end up as cow herders and not people who dress like wannabe Arabs in fancy Mercedes Benzes.

Instead of fighting against the idea of ‘ketuanan’ (supremacy), as any good moral person would do, Hadi is implicitly supporting all ‘ketuanan’ projects, such as ‘ketuanan’ Hindu in India, ‘ketuanan’ Han in China, and ‘ketuanan Yahudi’ in Palestine.

It’s time to replace the tuans (masters) in PAS and Umno. Or else, over time, we will find Muslims scrambling to live in non-Muslim areas of the world.

Mazilamani: Hadi, I cannot understand your motive to talk about cow and pig herders. To begin with, both are menial jobs for the uneducated with nothing much to show as income.

We are in an age of education and technology advancement. If people become cowherds, who would it reflect on but the educationally impoverished leadership?

China has a Muslim population larger than Malaysia, and the religion was brought into China just three decades after the death of the Holy Prophet, meaning Islam was striving in China centuries before it was introduced to ancient Malaya.

Don't be surprised if the Chinese were the first to introduce Islam to our ancestors long before the Indians and Arabs. The signs may be there in eastern Peninsular Malaysia.

Now coming back to the pockets of Chinese population in Kelantan, have they ever attempted to influence the Kelantanese Malays in any way over the generations? The Chinese as I know have assimilated into the Kelantanese society and take singular pride speaking the Kelantanese language (dialect) and to some extent taken to practising its culture.

The non-Malays can never dream of taking over this country even in their remotest dream. They want to ride along with others, both in good and challenging times.

Hadi, as the man of the Holy Book, do you really think this is the right time to talk about herders? The problem in this country is not with the people but with politicians like you, talking out of season.

I am truly sorry to say that you have left a bad taste in the mind of every nation-loving Malaysian.

Anonymous_1541405466: If there was ever a poster child for the demise of intellectual capital and utter moral bankruptcy of the Muslim world, then Exhibit A would be Abdul Hadi Awang and Exhibit B, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman.

These two individuals in two different parts of the Muslim world encapsulate the rot in the Muslim world.

The fact that this fascist, racist, xenophobe is one of the leading Islamic leaders in Malaysia just goes to show how far the Malays have sunk.

As someone born and raised in Malaysia; it is truly mind-boggling that any political leader can utter such words without anyone in the Muslim community, even batting an eyelid.

It is leaders like Hadi that will eventually cause people of his faith to lose their faith.

FairMalaysian: Hadi has been completely "Talibanised". So, anything coming from him shouldn't be a surprise.

He works on an equation that, by going to the extreme end, he may muster sufficient Malay votes. All he needs is a stronger dose of religion/race rhetoric, and it will do the trick. The little extra he needs to top it will come from MCA/MIC fools who care only for their own livelihood.

It is all about politics. Anyone using religion to gain votes leaves open the possibility of irredeemable stain and possibly earn the shame.

Religion, if considered and treated with reverence, should not be used as a political tool. Look at all those who are champions of religious politics, they are the ones who cause the most damage to the particular religion.

Left alone, it may have survived the taunts and bruises but greedy politicians know how it can cut deep into the vulnerabilities of man.

Iran and Saudi Arabia are Islamic nations but they are at each other’s throats, with the ideological Islam between them being as wide as Islam and any other religion.

Hadi may believe that his path to Putrajaya lies in flashing his Islamic credentials. Make no mistake, he detests the non-Malays and he makes no secret of it. He lives and sleeps as a hardcore racist and religion simply suits him to get his job done.

MCA and MIC are there to earn him a few votes but if he has the means to get at his dream without them, yes, he will dump them. He needs them only for the votes, and these people from MCA/MIC probably know that too.

Mat Md: Indeed, it is not appropriate to state that Muslims who live under cruel Muslim rule are treated better than Muslims living under non-Muslim rule.

The wholeness of an honest and just leader is not dependent on the religious faith that he professes. If a leader is corrupt and dishonest, whether he is a Muslim, Christian or Hindu, he would be a bad leader and a bad ruler.

Under the World Islamicity Rankings, Malaysia is placed at 47, Indonesia, 64, and Singapore, 22. It clearly shows that Singapore is placed in a more favourable position in complying with Islamic rules than Muslim countries.

Muslim Malaysian leaders should work doubly hard to raise Malaysia's World Islamicity Rankings, not to boast and blare and make empty promises.

Yoursay: Hadi’s attack a diversion from PAS’ Mercedes Benzes

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