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Thailand confirms first human-to-human coronavirus transmission

This article is 5 years old

CORONAVIRUS | Thailand has seen its first case of human-to-human transmission of the new coronavirus inside the country, a health official said today.

The case is a Thai taxi driver, said Tanarak Pipat, deputy director-general of the Department of Disease Control.

“The Thai person who got infected does not have the record of travelling to China and it is likely that he was infected from a sick traveller from China,” Tanarak said.

Thailand’s previous cases have all been either Chinese tourists or Thais who had visited China, where the virus originated.

Meanwhile, according to Bernama, Thailand's Ministry of Digital Economy and Society said yesterday that two Thai suspects were arrested and charged with spreading false news in regards to the outbreak.

"We have been closely monitoring news and rumours regarding the coronavirus outbreak on social and online media via the Anti-Fake News Centre Thailand to ensure that people receive only verified news and not to cause panic among the public," said Minister Buddhipongse Punnakanta yesterday.

"We have also found out there is plenty of false news in regards to the new coronavirus and are working with the Technology Crime Suppression Division (TCSD) to investigate and arrest the offenders," the minister said.

"As for now, the TCSD has identified 15 sources of false news via social and online media," said Buddhipongse. "After investigation, we found that six of those sources have violated the section Computer-related Crime Act 2560."

The Computer-related Crime Act 2560 stipulates uploading falsified information into a computer system which may affect national security, public safety or may cause public panic.

The DES minister added that two of six offenders had been arrested and charged.

"The other four offenders had no intention to cause harm on their parts and were let go with a warning after signing a police report," Buddhipongse said.