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Yoursay: Kelantan leaders should follow example set by Nik Aziz

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Buying luxury cars clearly shows the mentality of the people governing the state.’

Ibrahim Ali shocked 'poor Kelantan' needs leaders with luxury cars

Kural: Lack of empathy for the poor is deplorable, especially by a clergy-led state government. Evidently, there is much hypocrisy in using faith and race to win elections, foster racial sentiments while exercising indulgence for self and select groups.

Such deplorable character traits in leadership are often enabled by the unenlightened acquiescence of supporters to the insidiousness of their leaders.

The populist “Malu Apa Bossku” propaganda revolving around an internationally notorious alleged abuse of power and crime is symptomatic of what ails a society and what underwrites the moral bearings of supporters of wrongdoers. And that this is happening now and here should be a cause for serious worry.

The genuine practitioners of preaching faith and combining power in political office must be more judgmental in calling out the wrongdoers amongst them. Good on Parti Bumiputera Perkasa Malaysia (Putra) president Ibrahim Ali to air his views.

Fairperson: They will have to answer to God one day. God has no time for petty things like this.

It is we, as citizens, who must reprimand them through laws and regulations. Buying luxury cars clearly shows the mentality of the people governing the state. Their thinking, talking and actions are not straight, lacking the basic quality of a good leader.

Anonymous 5237890145285379: This is not just a plain S-Class Mercedes. It has to be an AMG-badged S-Class, which means that it has a sportier style and a more powerful engine than the normal S-Class.

No, it appears that a normal S-Class cannot meet the security needs of this religious figure. Only an AMG-badged can.

I would dearly love to see what type of security risk assessment was done by these religious people to conclude that only an AMG-badged S-Class can meet their security needs of the Kelantan Menteri Besar Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah.

And, only an E-Class Mercedes can meet the security needs of the remaining PAS leadership team. Even the C-Class cannot meet their security needs. Needless to say, cars like the Toyota Camry, Honda Accord or the Volkswagen Passat are not good enough for these PAS politicians.

What are the security criteria being considered and what are the factors for Mercedes to stand out among other cars in terms of security?

What are the security issues faced by these PAS politicians that do not affect federal ministers and the prime minister? Only these PAS politicians are facing security issues?

It will be good if PAS can share the security evaluation so that the poor people in Kelantan can appreciate the threats faced daily by these PAS politicians who work so hard to help them.

It reminds me of a number of religious figures in the US who fly around in private jets using money from donors. And these religious figures claim that commercial jets are too slow for them to go around to spread the word of God so they need private jets to move around quickly.

Dont Just Talk: This shows the mentality of the Kelantan people who keep voting for PAS in every general election resulting in a clean sweep of the state.

The Kelantanese are brainwashed with religious teachings until they are unable to differentiate right from wrong.

While the majority of Kelantanese are living in poverty, PAS leaders drive new Mercedes Benz. And Malay Dignity Congress organiser Professor Zainal Kling is still unsure how the Malays lost their dignity?

Doc: It looks like Kelantanese people love living in poverty. That is why they keep voting PAS back to power.

If the Kelantanese people are happy with PAS and keep voting them back to power, then I guess there is no harm for the menteri besar to buy a RM600,000 Mercedes Benz so he can ride around the state to ensure that poverty is doing well in Kelantan.

Not Giving Up On Hope: While the act by the Kelantan state government is senseless and totally irresponsible, and Ibrahim Ali is no angel, some are generalising Malays as being irresponsible, which is not right.

We should not equate the acts of politicians without morals to that of the common folks and ordinary citizens.

Anonymous_1544340881: Whether he is jealous or not, Ibrahim has a point. When the state is so poor and the people there among the poorest in Malaysia, leaders should not indulge in extravagance. Even more so the political leaders of that state that pride themselves on their so-called religiosity and religious credentials.

Perlis mufti Asri Zainul Abidin seems remarkably silent on this issue. After all, like PAS, he claims Muslims should buy Muslim products first.

Surely buying cars made by children of pig herders (among other occupations) is not consistent with "buying Muslim products".

PW Cheng: I remember when this matter cropped up a few days ago, I wrote "Now what has Ibrahim Ali and his cohorts have to say?"

Well, it's good to hear him say something though he is the no lesser devil. This is a spin-off from the “ketuanan” mentality. “Takde makan tak pa, style mesti ada.”

I hope by now the poor kampung folks can realise how these religious leaders have used religion to mislead them.

The Wakandan: We may wonder, why only after so many days, when this news is already stale, that Ibrahim made a statement?

The belated comment by him perhaps tells us that he was unsure what stance he had to take. Probably he thought that it was all right to buy the Mercedes since Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad said it was PAS’ right to do with the oil royalty money (RM400 million) given to them by Putrajaya as they saw fit.

Maybe Ibrahim checked with Mahathir first before making this statement that buying a fleet of Mercedes when the state is so poor did really shock him. Again, just out of curiosity, when did he actually get shocked?

With this kind of people, it is difficult to get logic out of them. Their stance is due to expediency – if it suits them politically, then it is okay. It is never about truth or logic. Hypocrisy usually comes to mind when we try to understand what they say or do.

Gutenberg: PAS in Kelantan is no longer the same as when it was under its former menteri besar Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat.

The Kelantan people should realise now that a new breed of PAS leaders have taken over the state government and they are not the same as their previous humble leader.

The current ones are materialistic and like to show off.

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