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Yoursay: Finally, fiery words from Lim

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Now get Harapan in order and deliver on your promises.’

'Pakatan Nasional' a clear and present danger

Looking On: Under Pakatan Harapan, there is a lot more freedom unlike in the previous police state when people were nabbed on the flimsiest excuses of going against the national interest. This and other improvements made under Harapan rule are taken for granted by the people.

One example is the reduction of highway tolls, all this while a great pain in the neck for Malaysians. And yet there has been little or no applause from the public when the pain is relieved. Generally, there is more freedom embracing each other's culture across the races too.

Finance Minister and DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng's write-up serve as a timely warning to Malaysians to be wary of the dangerous path the nation is taking - back to the arms of political parties who had almost destroyed our economy and social fabric until Harapan saved us on the brink of disaster.

A re-emergence of the 3Rs (race, religion, royalty) issues will be our doomsday. To the people who so easily forget the evils of the BN government, stop saying the “new government is still the same”.

Rather, it should be the “new government is better, though it is hard to be perfect”.

Galaxy M: All the wise and right-thinking Malaysians should rally to the call made by Lim. The worst political parties are none other than MCA and MIC, both who support Umno and PAS, forming an alliance aimed at fulfilling their despicable racist agenda of Muafakat Nasional.

We should never allow Umno and PAS to regain the power to rule the country. It will be the end of the country should they succeed in the next general election.

Meanwhile, all of us must make sure these collaborators comprising MCA and MIC are taught a lesson for remaining in BN.

Constitutional Supremacy: Thanks Lim for sharing your thoughts. The warning given should be noted, especially by Sabah and Sarawak. They have the most to lose if Pakistan Nasional (PN) materialises.

Lim and DAP alone cannot do anything. The warning given is to alert Malaysians. Some of us here talk illogically like calling to sack the prime minister, et cetera.

One remedy will be for Sabah, Sarawak, DAP, PKR, Amanah to have an understanding that this (PN) will be unconstitutional and thus, together reject it when chips are down.

Longjaafar: Immediately after GE14, it was euphoria. Then soon after, racism reared its ugly head among the very people who had united to topple BN.

From then on it was downhill all the way. Freedom of speech was assumed to be the freedom to post racist comments on social media and hurting each other’s feelings. My take is that PN is the unfortunate result of all this.

Kim Quek: Lim is contradicting himself. While claiming that PN is fiction a while ago, he now issues a long statement enumerating its evils.

So, is PN fiction or fact? I bet it’s the latter as Lim wouldn’t have wasted his time producing a long list of its evils.

The next question is how did PN come to this stage when both PAS and Umno are seriously pondering its pros and cons?

It takes two hands to clap. Without a powerful hand in Harapan making the first move, would these two parties have responded the way they did?

So, Lim, instead of lecturing the public on the evils of PN, wouldn’t it be more fruitful for you to extinguish the power hand in Harapan that is discharging the toxic fumes that may eventually engulf us all?

But judging from your past records, the public is not keeping its fingers crossed.

SavingTunDrM: I think it's unfair for many to say that Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad is undermining Harapan. He is the reason the additional Malay votes helped topple Umno during GE14.

I was there at Pasir Gudang and so were you, Lim. Mahathir walked by himself to an unsteady stage only to hear Wan Azizah Wan Ismail greet him inaccurately in the salutation and you yourself did not truly embrace the prime minister-to-be then.

Stop thinking of Mahathir as free-riding on your coattail and more as the person who stuck his finger in the dyke and saved us all. There is not enough recognition and gratitude shown to him. Instead, all the coalition members do is think of ways to kick him out.

You reap what you sow, Lim. If Mahathir can trust you with the coffers of our country - and sorry to say, you are not even a bumiputera - please try harder to appreciate his leadership and reciprocate his trust in you with posts that don’t evaporate all the Malay hospitality given to you as finance minister.

Beluga: Take Umno Deputy Mohamad Hasan’s advice and look at governing and improving the economy and stem the coronavirus infection instead of worrying about PN. All of this is a waste of time and it is distracting Harapan from doing its job.

PAS and some in Umno are just baiting Harapan and the coalition will always fall for it because they lack confidence and trust amongst themselves.

Muhibah 76: Finally, Lim, you speak and remind us that you are not mute. About time. Now get Harapan in order and deliver on your promises.

N Jules: Lim, when you and your DAP feel the heat, you came out with this “charming” statement which sounds rather preachy.

When the rakyat was burning, we heard nothing from you. It's not about being moderate, it's about being able to quickly take action when things go awry.

Now, things are going awry for DAP, you take action. Too late, Lim. No one is listening.

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