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Yoursay: Dr M should focus on how to make M’sia great again

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Mahathir’s second stint as PM is to save Malaysia, not the world.’

Dr M's call for Trump to resign not in spirit of US-M'sia ties - US Embassy

The Wakandan: The US Embassy’s response (to Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s call for US President Donald Trump to resign) was basically “your insult is noted, and taken”.

It then listed the fruits from good bilateral relations between Malaysia and the US, meaning that those were as a result of mutual respect between the two nations without which there will be no fruits.

The embassy was saying it is up to you, Mahathir, to decide.

US President Donald Trump has heard worse being said of him. So far, those who were on the wrong side of him did not prevail well. Foreign dignitaries who insulted him personally found themselves at the wrong end of his stick.

Love him or hate him, Trump gets the desired results in whatever he does, which we cannot say for our PM, unfortunately.

As a president, his priority is to make his country great again and he has quite an amount of success in that – improve the economy, bring back manufacturing to his companies, create millions of job, control unwanted immigration, change those treaties which his country was at a disadvantage with, and beat the terrorists without losing much of his own soldiers.

Today, from public polls, many Americans are happy with their lives and with him. His critics are mainly arising out of jealousy and hatred of him. None of their complaints could be generally agreed by non-partisan commentators.

So why, out of the blue, Mahathir wants to be on the wrong side of the US president with a very personal insult?

Probably Malaysia is too insignificant for the US to make any difference but Trump could hurt us just by a simple action.

He may not do that directly but indirectly he could just prefer our neighbours, like Singapore or Thailand, and make us look very much ignored or at a disadvantage in some ways.

Analyse This: Oh, there's a lot more about the disgust with Trump than jealousy. That's why he's facing several criminal investigations and civil lawsuits. He is a man with near-absolute zero redeeming qualities.

As for Mahathir, he's nothing, and I'll be surprised if he even comes to the notice of Trump. That interfaith congress (third conference of the League of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds) isn't even reported in the western press that I've seen (Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Bloomberg and Washington Post).

Well, I can't read them all. Maybe in some blogs.

Blackbeak: Trump may be the most despicable president the Americans ever had. A big bully, but there are always ways to counter him indirectly.

Learn from China President Xi Jinping on how to remain cool and strategise on countermeasures.

Going head-on with the US will only harm Malaysia if they were to impose trade sanctions and additional tariffs on our exports.

Clever Voter: Time has moved on, but not Mahathir. Years ago, he got away with his speech on shooting Vietnamese refugees, allegedly.

His attempt to create his own East Asia Economic Caucus (EAEC) as a regional free trade zone in 1997 backfired. He has, on occasions, shot from the hip but not many have taken him seriously.

Mahathir has become an international embarrassment and such words on the Palestinian issue were not new. Mahathir simply ignores history. If he has it his way, he would rewrite history the way he sees it.

Fast forward, the US is an important ally and trading partner, whether one hates Trump’s policies or not, many rely on Apple phones, Hollywood movies for entertainment and even medication for hospitals.

If there is one thing this old prime minister has to learn is that if there is nothing good to say, better remain silent.

Hearty Malaysian: Mahathir has not achieved much as prime minister after GE14. Hence, he needs to score some brownie points among his weakest Malay supporting base.

He is more interested to project himself as a defender of Islam in the eyes Muslims disregarding any potential repercussions to the national interests. His remarks on Kashmir and Palestine have certainly strained relationships between Malaysia and India and, now, the US.

Mahathir conveniently ignores his own track record for not rectifying the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Icerd) issue, attended race supremacists’ “Kongres Maruah Melayu” and insists to harbour wanted man Zakir Naik despite Malaysia having an extradition treaty with India.

Dr M is not above racial discrimination acts in his political career. He is not a statesman but just another politician like Trump who cares more for political mileage above all.

Proarte: Mahathir tells Trump to "resign” and "I wish the Americans would have made a better decision. Here is a man who denigrated his role and his policies, trying to use foreign pressure to win elections."

Doesn't Mahathir see the irony of his comments? Isn't he himself trying to influence the American electorate to vote against Trump?

Surely, it is disrespectful to the American electorate who voted in Trump, to be told by Mahathir, a non-citizen to "resign".

Isn't this an undemocratic call? More so, when the US Senate has given Trump a “full acquittal” following his impeachment trial where he was charged for trying to use foreign pressure to win elections.

How would Mahathir respond if Trump asks him to "resign" to make way for PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim as was promised to the Malaysian electorate during the last general election?

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