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Yoursay: Is Dr M the good or bad guy in this drama?

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | 'Honourable people do not renege on their promises.'

LIVE: Bersatu rejects Dr M's resignation

Quigonbond: The opposition coalition will not happen if Bersatu does not join them. If so, there are these possibilities:

1) Interim prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad is playing PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim inside out and Anwar either knows and is powerless, or he continues to believe what Mahathir told him about the handover.

a) If Mahathir is playing Anwar, then Mahathir is a culprit behind the whole conspiracy. That's hard to disbelieve, considering that Mahathir appointed Bersatu leaders to key positions such as Home Ministry that controls the police, he did not scrape the National Security Council (NSC) Act, he used Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (Sosma) to weaken DAP, and most of all, he appointed PKR’s Azmin Ali faction to the cabinet.

b) If Mahathir is not playing Anwar, then he has lost control of Bersatu. In which case, we need to ask, who is in charge of Bersatu? This is a possibility, but I find improbable.

Given the above, what value exactly can we gain from Mahathir saying he will keep his promise on the power transition but he won't decisively act within Bersatu to make sure that the promise goes through?

This is nothing short of a power grab, but one without any end goal in mind for Malaysia. It will be a gathering of people who are ultra-Malay and ultra-religious, it will comprise people who are the least technocratic, fully subscribing to kleptocracy. It will comprise bigots and hooligans. They don't even have a leader post-Mahathir. Best of all, they don't even have a manifesto.

As I've mentioned, the stock market has declined. Now it is set to crash. It might as well because that's about the only signal investors can send to the conspirators that they are not welcomed.

It's about time for a general election and to leave it to the wisdom of the people, whether they want continued reform, or they think with their religion and colour. We will either end up back to where we started, or we will finally wipe out those holding back our progress.

With conditions being better now, with the media unleashed and free and fair elections, at least the reformists stand a better chance.

Gaji Buta: I don't for a second believe that Mahathir had nothing to do with the plot to set up a backdoor government. Something did not go as planned and some tensions probably grew among the plotters and he walked out.

People seem so quick to absolve him from everything that happened over the last few days and even since GE14. I would not believe anything from him unless it was verified by a lie detector.

Anonymous 2413471460628504: If Mahathir had no part to play in this plot, and the traitors are merely using his name, then he should come out and roundly condemn them.

By doing that, he would have restored some dignity to himself and give the snakes a tight slap across their stinking faces.

FairMalaysian: There is a Tamil saying, "Don't ride into the river on a mud-made horse."

When Mahathir was mooted as the PM on a consensus basis, that was trust and beyond that, the honour and respect bestowed upon him.

Nowhere in this world has such a thing happened, and despite the doubts that swirled around from his earlier premiership of 22 years, the other coalition leaders and the people came to see him talk and listen to what he had to say.

That was not definitely a popular TV show. The great respect that Pakatan Harapan leaders Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Lim Kit Siang and Mohamad Sabu showed towards him should be compared to the overdose of disrespect and rude remarks that were heaped on him.

Former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak called him stupid and his Umno leaders followed suit. PAS took the disrespect to a cheeky level. Its leader derided Mahathir as someone fit only to run a clinic and not a country. Today, these are the chameleons who are supposed to be his new partners.

All the Harapan leaders asked was to honour an agreement. On everyone's lips was why this was not written down. That is the level of trust and respect they had for him. Think of the time when Wan Azizah could have been the PM if she had wanted and was offered to her by the previous Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

Honourable people do not renege on their promises.

Clever Voter: Power corrupts. It is obvious and glaring to the eyes and ears of the country of what took place. Elected MPs do not know the meaning of responsibility and trust. Easily half are self-serving people who only care for themselves, especially the Azmin faction.

Loyalty to the country, voters, party are all important. Yet we saw many, especially those from the opposition, who are willing to treat such opportunity as a ticket to get out of jail. What took place tells us about the real motives of these so-called ‘wakil rakyat’ (people’s representatives).

It’s shameless and deceitful.

Vijay47: As usual, we Malaysians are in receipt of tons of messages, all always from “reliable sources”, about the latest twist and turns in our political arena.

The current one with some traction is that Mahathir’s midnight raid fizzled out when the Agong refused to dance to the PM’s joget music, leaving the band of traitors holding an empty bag.

On the other hand, DAP and Amanah withstood the onslaught and remained steadfast to their commitment to adhere to the people’s mandate, their dignity intact.

That brings us to Azmin, the star of the show and lately of Hollywood fame. All the knives, daggers, guns and assorted weaponry will be aimed right where it hurts him most. So what can he do?

My suggestion is that he denies, denies and denies that he was anywhere near the scene of the crime. The inspector-general of police (IGP) can easily be persuaded to demand stronger evidence than common rumours. He may then choose to send all related video recordings to a night-school in Cox Bazaar, Bangladesh, for identity verification.

And what do you know, the tapes were damaged in transit, the person purported to be Azmin cannot be clearly discerned, the security bag containing the tapes had been sent by MH370, and the electronics wizard appointed to analyse the evidence had gone on leave to attend his second son’s third wedding.

Back at the ranch, the rumour mills keep milling.

Anonymous_1371547149: I look back to that day, May 9, 2018, with sadness. A day that was so full of euphoria and hope for Malaysians. I cry for those who flew back from all parts of the world to make New Malaysia possible.

I remember speaking to a fellow Malaysian who said she cried for a few days at the rakyat's victory over kleptocracy and corruption.

Malaysians were prepared to give Mahathir the benefit of the doubt and took his tears for real. Now we know the pain of betrayal, that those tears he shed were crocodile tears and that his agenda was to put himself back into power, for his cronies and his family's benefit at the expense of the rakyat.

This is the legacy he will leave behind - a despicable man - who stole the election from us. We did not elect for PAS, Umno, Gerakan, MCA or MIC to govern over us. Instead, we elected a wolf in sheep's clothing.

He has now cast off his sheep's clothing and we see him for what he really is.

Meow: If DAP plans to renominate Mahathir as the PM, there is something that we don't know. Is Mahathir a good or bad guy?

Apa Harapan: Anwar said he was touched by Mahathir's attitude. Wasn't Dr M the culprit who allowed all those snakes to come knocking from the backdoor?

If only he had said a big 'no' from the start, instead of entertaining these self-serving crooks and potential crooks that encouraged them to plot and counter-plot at the expense of national stability when a bigger virus threat is already upon us.

Xiao Zhu: Most nations are cracking the heads to contain the Covid-19 from causing more deaths and the impact of the economy. Yet in our midst, we have traitors - a disgrace to the race, religion and the nation - to create more havoc to the country.

Coward: A coup? Possible. So is the possibility that there was confirmation of the handover date, if one reads the signs slightly differently. 

So a coup driven by the knowledge and possibility of handover (Mahathir to Anwar) is equally possible. Maybe we know the answer by the end of the day.

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