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Yoursay: ‘You’re not doing it for the Malays, it’s just pure self-interest’

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Between money and principles, it's always the former that is preferred.’

Malacca gov't falls, DAP's 'Hulk' and PKR's Jailani defect

Fair Malaysian: I would have appreciated and welcomed DAP assemblyperson (Adun) Norhizam Hassan Baktee’s (Hulk) decision if he had given a thousand reasons to switch his support. But to say he is doing this for the interest of Malays - that shows he has failed all Malaysians.

Those who were with him should have given him sound advice but what can you expect other than this? He has the right to change his political allegiances, but he shames himself when he says that he was not a ‘real’ Malay all this while. His immaturity is telling. Why drag race into this?

Most probably, he may not stand for elections again. He probably knows the outcome but he knows he will be okay.

I know it will be difficult to do this, but anyone jumping ship or has been sacked by the party concerned should automatically lose his position as a member of parliament (MP) or an Adun. A by-election should then be called where voters will have the chance to say whether they accept such a decision.

This current practice of jumping to other parties is cheating the people. This is because they don't have to face the electorate when they do this, they don't give a damn.

Anonymous_1543386425: Lessons from the last seven days of political drama is that there should be a law in both federal and state constitutions that political ‘frogs’ are not allowed.

If anyone leaves or is sacked from a party which he represented when he won an election, his seat is automatically vacated and a by-election must be held. Additionally, he should be fined a substantial sum.

Anonymous 2408491459228145: Hulk, you are really a barua (lackey). When you joined DAP, do not tell me you were not aware of their stand and policies and you were with them until now.

You are infected with Muafakat Nasional Malay-dominated agenda.

Don’t Just Talk: This leap year has seen political frogs leaping everywhere, depending on where the wind blows.

The ‘Hulk’ is probably the biggest leap. Don’t be fooled by racist politicians who are corrupted to the core and who sold out the Malays.

Did DAP ever cheat Felda or Tabung Haji? Use your brain, Hulk.

Rakyatians: In Malaysia, when MPs and Aduns can jump ship, democracy can be considered "dead". Who are we kidding that there is democracy?

These politicians are people who can make their self-interests become national interests, they are demons trying to act like angels.

I am wondering why we should ever vote as we already know the eventual outcome.

4Malaysia: Malaysia memang malu (must be ashamed) from all this party hopping. Once again, Malaysia is the butt of jokes.

The nation and all states should implement a regulation that's already in effect in Penang - any state assemblypersons who hop to another party or leave their current party will trigger a by-election.

Clever Voter: Between money and principles, it's always the former that is preferred. That's the hallmark of a weak parliamentary democracy.

It is regrettable that Pakatan Harapan did not do something when they had the opportunity.

Anonymous_1543475877: People of Malacca should demand a state election. Test the response of voters to this power grab.

Fairman: I don't think the governor is inclined to dissolve the state assembly and to return the mandate to the voters in Malacca.

In all likelihood, this will just be like the Perak defections in 2009. I am ashamed of the four Harapan assemblypersons who defected to the losers of GE14 to steal the government from the people.

Anyway, this is not the first time someone from DAP crossed over. There was the infamous Chan Teck Chan in the late 1970s.

Previously, election victories were stolen before the election through gerrymandering and malapportionment exercises. Now governments are stolen lock, stock and barrel through defections.

Blessed Or Cursed Land: It looks like it's very easy to buy the Malays with money. If given a chance, these politicians will sell this country too.

Anonymous_52321582518688043: Please don't be a racist here and create more chaos. Be responsible with your words. All is not lost. We still have GE15.

Hmmm: I agree. We cannot fight racism with more racism.

Prudent: It's a unity government for Malacca as the two did not leave their respective parties.

This could well be the most sensible course for Malacca, instead of bringing down the government and triggering a meaningless state election.

The state is small and very vulnerable. It cannot afford too much politicking.

Bert: Even though the two assemblypersons from DAP and PKR say that they are in the Malacca state government in their individual capacity, stern action must be taken by both parties.

This shows how loyal they are to Harapan.

Capo: You don't serve the government in your individual capacity. It is the people who elected you and the party you represented who nominated you.

You want to work in your individual capacity, go work for your family. DAP and PKR should sack them.

Freddie M: Johor - done! Malacca - done! Perak and Kedah – next.

Harapan states are falling one by one.

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