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Yoursay: The sins of DAP, according to Tiong

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Politicians like Tiong are fearful of DAP because…’

Harapan members can blame themselves for their demise

Quigonbond: The blame falls to the current prime minister. He engineered a new coalition. It's public betrayal of the highest order.

Even now, he is singing a different, more conciliatory tune on 1MDB. He and his Bersatu colleagues lied to Malaysians during GE14 on Buku Harapan.

Even now, Umno is pushing for the next parliamentary seating to start without a motion of confidence. That would be a travesty to democracy. It would be the kind of wrong that is far worse than Umno attempting to rig the GE14 election through gerrymandering.

Contributory to the betrayal is Dr Mahathir Mohamad's dithering on making Anwar Ibrahim his successor. If his message has been strong and assuring, if he has effected the transition sooner than later, Bersatu and the Azmin Ali faction would not have the chance to organise themselves and succeed in the coup. He takes a lot of the blame too.

Even if Pakatan Harapan gets its wish to test the confidence vote on Muhyiddin Yassin, it is unclear at this juncture what happens if they win. Will Mahathir be PM until GE15, or he will still respect the transition plan, and for that matter, will he respect Buku Harapan?

The only fault of DAP is not arrogance, but overconfidence that Harapan will stay in one piece no matter what. Should they have compromised on matters of national importance? Hell no. Should they have reached out on the other crooks? Hell no. Honestly, I'm not sure what else they can do.

This crisis has turned out to be a very good fact-finding exercise for the Malaysian electorate. Now we can confirm that the majority of parliamentarians have no principles.

As a matter of social engineering, we need to elect better parliamentarians in place. We look to our youths to effect this long-term reformation.

It may also turn out to be a blessing in disguise. With Perikatan Nasional in power, we will soon see either Bersatu immediately siding with the corrupted, play down on 1MDB, double down on draconian laws, even reverse some of the reforms made.

Either that, or we see fissures between Bersatu and Umno-PAS. Bersatu as a minor party cannot hold the centre. It will amply demonstrate to the Malay electorate that a Malay supermajority government is only that - just a name - a political tool to gain power.

It has no impact on betterment of lives in the country, it does not improve opportunities for all, it does not make us gain respect internationally, does not improve our competitiveness, does not make our graduates more relevantly employable.

Malay Muslims have to make a decision whether they will sacrifice meaningful progress, reforms, clean government, etc, just to feel that the Malays are united and "safe" from Christian/Chinese manufactured threat.

Harapan minus Bersatu, and minus Mahathir, should win GE15 on its own. It is still the most viable future for Malaysia.

Justice: Most members of Bintulu MP Tiong King Sing's party of Progressive Democratic Party (PDP) are Dayaks.

But PDP has not defended the rights of the Dayaks to their customary lands over which PBB leaders as chief minister, first and second state ministers in charge of land and forest matters had arbitrarily granted logging licences, licences for planted forests and leases for oil palm plantations.

Also, why Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) only fight for sales tax against Petronas? Was it not in the first place, the PBB leaders with whom Tiong's PDP is a partner who surrendered Sarawak's rights over its gas and petroleum to Petronas?

Surely, if Sarawak has retained its said rights, Sarawakians would have earned tens if not hundreds of billions of ringgit over the decades from its petroleum and gas resources.

These are all not the makings by DAP or Harapan but GPS, especially PBB leaders who are Tiong's own gang whom he still strongly support until now. So Tiong, please look into the mirror before finding fault with others.

Vent: "We need to keep in mind that an honest, service-oriented government for all that focuses on the people and commits to fixing the national economy, and regain international investor confidence will stand the test of time and comfortably remain in power," said Tiong.

You bet! Now to wait and see if the government that you support "will stand the test of time and comfortably remain in power". No brainer. Thanks for the alert.

By the way, will this party you are in now be the last. Or will you leapfrog again as you have three odious times in the past?

I guess it's too early to say as things look pretty good for you in the Gang of Parasitic Sycophants called GPS.

Anonymous 2413471460628504: Nobody is a saint and politicians could possibly be the worse of the lot. If everyone's action in this whole sorry affair is examined, there will be red marks everywhere.

Having said that, there are sins and there are SINS. Tiong, did you or did you not condemn Umno before for their kleptocratic ways?

Do you approve of PAS and their religious extremism? Do your Sarawakian compatriots agree with your changed stance of working with kleptocrats and religious bigots now?

You think that once voted in, you do not have to answer for the representations you made on the election campaign? How is that different from all your accusations of DAP now?

You say GPS is only interested in getting back oil taxes. So if a thief promised you that, you are okay with him despite the fact that he may take everything else?

There are sins and there are SINS. What sins are you choosing to commit?

Headhunter: Politicians like Tiong are fearful of DAP because DAP has been exposing their dirty secrets. The same goes for GPS.

If you care to notice, those who continue to attack DAP are those who accumulated untold wealth by robbing the state through land grabbing and dishing out government projects.

JusticeNow!: Every political party seems to blame DAP for their own failure or to justify their action. Many sweeping statements of blame were levelled at DAP but I have yet to see any of these statements being backed up by concrete facts.

Umno say they are extremist and racist but failed to give an example (because they resolutely stand against corruption and abuse of power by Umno; by the way, Umno/PAS does not equal Malay).

Bersatu conveniently blamed DAP for supporting PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim (but they were only honouring their agreement and manifesto).

GPS, of course, blame DAP (because they lost most of their cities to DAP in elections). PAS (which does not represent Malay/Muslim) blame DAP (because they need to beg money to cover their mismanagement).

And when we look back over the past 21 months, every single DAP ministers has done well.

Jeffrey: Whatever faults that the parties in Harapan has, at least they are not corrupt. Whatever mistakes they make, they did it with the right intention, that is, to raise the standard of living for the citizens of our country.

On the other hand, members from the other side seem more interested in raising the standard of living for themselves.

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