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Time for ‘Save Malaysia’ activists to retake nation from politicians

This article is 5 years old

COMMENT | What is most worrying in Malaysian politics today has to be the destruction of parliamentary democracy, casting a dark cloud of uncertainty over the nation.

Malaysia is now under siege by the lack of moral conscience, clearly exhibited by politicians from all sides. The innocent ones, untainted by the political wheeling and dealing, are few. Many chose to flow with the tide. Parliamentary democracy is undermined. The rakyat suffer.

Politicians of conviction and principles are now an endangered species.

Malaysia is becoming a laughing stock; even the image of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is tarnished, with The Guardian, a reputable English daily, deeming the king’s recent decision of appointing the eighth prime minister a 'royal coup'.

To our politicians, winning power at all costs is their game, never mind the ramifications on the nation, concerns of the rakyat or the image of the country abroad. Already there is capital flight from the country and Sarawak Report has carried a poignant article on the billions to be lost from the 1MDB asset recovery initiatives.

Yesterday, the villain was that gay sex video fella. Before that, it was the grand old man. Now, it is the 'Malay first' guy. Many believe the show is not over yet.

If the troubled rakyat have a magic wand that can make people disappear, they would vaporise the whole lot of them (except the untainted few) and then, Malaysia may yet get the chance to see real governance and not phony leaders.

But where are our sincere and genuine leaders?

There is no viable alternative today and the new prime minister will surely face difficulties in appointing a cabinet of honest, capable and trustworthy ministers who are acceptable to the people.

The euphoria of GE14 was short-lived. The Pakatan Harapan win is now seen as a pyrrhic victory. Dr Mahathir Mohamad has to shoulder much of the blame, instead of pointing the finger at the 'Malay first' guy. If you have a Judas or Brutus in your inner circle, and you behave no better than them, you should not complain.

As I have written previously, he who digs a pit for another will fall into it himself. That we have clearly seen in the recent political mayhem.

The redemptive feature of Malaysian politics, however, albeit its slide into the moral abyss, is the peaceful manner in which political scores are settled. There have been sporadic fisticuffs, cursing and swearing as in the case of PKR politician Tian Chua. That was as bad as it gets here in Malaysia.

We do not see major violence breaking out as in May 13, 1969. It’s well and good that leaders come and go without serious violence. Things should stay that way and it is something Malaysians can be proud of.

Future of hope

Phony politicians should stop the humbuggery of sugar-coating and saying things for which they mean the opposite.

The trouble with lying is the liar soon believes in his lies. Spare Malaysians the shameless hypocrisy, it is adding salt to the wound. Hell is prepared for liars.

To our politicians, please stop saying you want to stop corruption when you are brazenly corrupt. Stop deceiving yourself by promising to work for the rakyat when you put self before anything or anyone else.

As long as politics is the 'popular way' to gain power and wealth, corruption can never be eradicated.

But back to the future of hope.

We do have in our midst among the young and old, men and women of diverse backgrounds who could be our “saviours”. They should be in politics to make a difference.

It is time for the 'Save Malaysia' leaders and activists and Malaysians in general to rise up and stand in solidarity for the nation.

The need of the hour is for Malaysians to say “enough is more than enough” and retake their country from the corrupt and self-serving politicians.

How? If there is a will there is a way, as they say.

Malaysians will have to fix the problem with their politicians before the politicians get the country into a fix - again.

STEVE OH is an author and composer of the novel and musical Tiger King of the Golden Jungle. He believes good governance and an engaging civil society are paramount to Malaysia being a unique and successful nation.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.