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Yoursay | No wonder Umno leaders hate to declare assets

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | 'Any amount is immaterial. It is in the manner it was obtained.'

RM2m is like pocket money to me, says Ku Nan

Anonymous 435551439668541: Corrupt income is corrupt income, regardless of the amount.

Two million ringgit may be small change to you, former minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor (Ku Nan), but if it is illegally obtained, then it is corruption.

Imagine what the two million could have done to upgrade the bottom 40 percent income group (B40), if used wisely.

PB: Yes, the amount is immaterial. How it was obtained is. It could be RM10,000 but if it was gained through corrupt means, it is corruption. End of story.

How did Ku Nan come to have RM900 million? He has become so rich that two million ringgit is mere "pocket money" for him. We all should be so lucky like him.

Chrysḗ Chersónēsos: "Why are you still accusing me, when you dismiss the charges against the former finance minister (Lim Guan Eng)," added Tengku Adnan

That is completely not related to this case.

The Wakandan: Ku Nan boasted that RM2 million is like pocket money to him. What is amazing is that he is not ashamed of his wealth. The source of money and assets are suspect.

He even used it to insult a government official who tried to do her duty. With the new government behind him, he can stamp his feet on the state.

Bruclax: There you go. Can you sense the increased confidence and arrogance? Have you heard of such nonsense in a court of law? Note that this man is charged with corruption.

Ku Nan, please stick to the questions asked as no one is interested in other cases or the attorney-general. Malaysians only want to know the truth.

Malaysian2: Indeed, the arrogance is disgusting. Now I know that what I earned working over 30 years as a career professional in government service is what Ku Nan considers pocket money.

What honest fools we have been.

The Mask: After working for more than 30 years, I don’t even have RM1 million in my savings. And here Ku Nan says that RM2 million is just pocket money.

He must explain how he managed to accumulate close to RM1 billion in cash and assets.

NNFC: I don't see any real billionaire speaking with such arrogance. Those people worked hard for every cent.

What did Ku Nan do to have this unspeakable sum of money?

S Rushdie: To the 12 million people from the B40 group, loose change would be a few ringgit for some roti canai and teh tarik. And with dignity and some self-respect, they will budget and wait for their next payday.

There is nothing wrong if you have a lot of money. It's the love of money that's the root of all evil.

Quigonbond: If they are just pocket money, why don't you donate to save the poor of your race and religion? It won't even make a dent?

Anonymous_1582764634350.32521582763879005: Ku Nan, you should have given subsidies to the poor fishermen and farmers when you were a minister.

Or you could have donated a building, improved facilities in schools and in the process, accumulated some good merits for yourself by doing charity work.

It should be no sweat for you since it was only pocket money.

Anonymous_1547638298718.20361547637684199: Hello, can spare me some of your pocket money, Ku Nan?

MACC initiates probe into Ku Nan's wealth

FairMind: Ku Nan’s net asset worth of almost RM1 billion would beat hands down the total assets of all Pakatan Harapan Members of Parliament who declared their assets last year.

There was a parliamentarian from Harapan who just owned a motorcycle.

According to the media, those who have yet to make their declaration of assets were from Umno (36), MCA (1), MIC (1), PAS (18), GPS (3), Star (1) and Independent (2).

Now you know why the Muafakat Nasional coalition did not want to declare their assets. And these are the so-called defenders of ‘bangsa’ and ‘agama’ (race and religion).

Anonymous_2dfe64eb: There is nothing wrong for someone to have a net worth of RM900 million if it can be proven that the money is legitimately acquired.

MS: The man is a patriot. He got his almost billion ringgit worth of assets only by struggling for "bangsa, nusa dan agama".

Why do you think so many people are so eager and desperate to join the struggle? And why do you think all those who were successful in re-joining the struggle through the backdoor last week are also multi-millionaires and billionaires?

GooseNBanter: Ku Nan, it doesn’t matter what you have sold and kept and flipped and what not. What MACC needs to probe is, where did you get the mojos to begin with?

Maybe you’re an exceptional and shrewd businessman.

Dont Just Talk: Malaysia needs a new finance minister and a man of such talent like Ku Nan, who can accumulate RM938 million.

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