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Yoursay: As expected, a cabinet not for all Malaysians

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘Does any Malaysian think that this is a cabinet of honest people with integrity and free of corruption?’

Muhyiddin's full cabinet lineup

Quad: After all that is said and done, this remains a backdoor government. No two ways about that.

Apart from a few senators and a handful from the former Pakatan Harapan, the rest are really not part of the coalition the rakyat voted for.

As the head of the then ruling coalition, Dr Mahathir Mohamad has to take full responsibility for this turn of events. There is no point blaming everyone else when the buck has to stop at the chief honcho.

The probability of getting a no-confidence vote through is very slim. Over the next few weeks, more will jump over to Perikatan Nasional.

Between now and the next elections, PKR, DAP and what is left of the other coalition parties need to rebuild their strategy.

Whether one likes it or not, DAP in its current structure must rename or reshape itself. DAP needs to accept that they are viewed with suspicion, rightfully or not.

Politics over the last 30 to 40 years have successfully painted that picture of them, making perception a reality.

Jay: I can see a few on this list who were on Mahathir's "support" list of 114 - Kuala Pilah MP Eddin Syazlee Shith, Ranau MP Jonathan Yassin and Kota Marudu MP Maximus Ongkili.

There are probably more I have missed, and even more who are going to jump. Muhyiddin will survive any no-confidence vote.

Drngsc: So, this is the cabinet. Does any Malaysian think that this is a cabinet of honest people with integrity and free of corruption? Did I miss something here? Are they trying to fool the people of Malaysia again?

This looks more like a cabinet to satisfy all parties and try to keep at least 112 MPs on their side.

Anonymous_86381547637684419: I can't take this line-up seriously with names like Federal Territories Minister Annuar Musa, Defence Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob, Home Minister Hamzah Zainuddin and Foreign Minister Hishammuddin Hussein.

They have Umno written all over their faces. These are the people that perhaps only because the previous attorney-general did not have enough humanpower, escaped investigations.

And PAS is heading the law portfolio?

Anonymous_7d1ca773: With PAS’ Takiyuddin Hasan as the law and parliamentary affairs minister, all draconian laws to suppress the opposition, limit freedom of speech, press freedom, et cetera, will be coming back just like during the Najib Abdul Razak days.

And there will be no impartiality anymore in the parliament for opposition debates and motions.

Anonymous_1544340881: The eighth prime minister was not kidding when he said he is Malay first. The entire list is just Malay Muslims save for some token posts for the Chinese, Indian and non-Malay bumiputera.

Anyway, I think we know who pulls the strings, which is Umno. Their influence runs deep simply because they have the numbers.

I think all the Melanau seats in Sarawak are safe, but I think the non-Malay Muslims in Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) would have some trouble in the upcoming state elections. With the economy so bad, I am not sure there is enough money to dish out to keep people happy until then.

Speaking Sense: Just when you think things couldn't get any worse - I wouldn’t even trust most of the cabinet members to run a kitchen.

And fellow Sarawakians, you can see what GPS has sold the state for - just give them minister posts and the country be damned.

MPJY: @Sense, let those from GPS have a go in leading the country. Test them in the parliament. If they can't stand the heat, then they will know that they have to leave the kitchen before they get burnt.

Anonymous_1527925538: Good! Finally, after pestering former finance minister Lim Guan Eng for so long, Transport Minister Wee Ka Siong can now abolish all highway tolls.

Also, Dong Zong can now go to MCA on the Jawi/khat issue and finish the last mile to get their Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) recognised.

CHY: Muhyiddin, you expanded the cabinet with new portfolio positions when you should be cutting costs.

A new minister, even if previously in a cabinet, will take at least three months to be familiar with his or her ministry. For those who are completely new, they will be given the run around by civil servants in the first six months

Have any of the so-called technocrats imported into the cabinet shown out-of-the-box brilliance like Indonesian Education Minister Nadiem Anwar Makarim who founded Gojek?

Doc: I wish the new cabinet the best. They are going to need it as they are going to be hit with an onslaught of the coronavirus pandemic that has devastated, and continue to devastate, many countries economically and in deaths.

The next issue will be the massive global economic downturn that is coming fast and furious. During the last 10 years of global economic boom, Malaysia’s economy was barely coping thanks to Umno’s mismanagement of the economy.

Now with the global recession deepening fast, can Malaysia survive economically given that Umno is back in power calling the shots?

With the 1MDB debacle and Umno’s corruption antics still fresh in investors’ minds and an Islamist party part of this government, will foreign investors invest in Malaysia?

The cabinet starts work when the oil price globally has sunk to US$30 per barrel and palm oil stock is taking a beating. Bursa Malaysia has taken a massive trashing. This government is still facing legitimacy issues.

These are bad omens and thus, will need extraordinary men with sheer brilliance to “make Malaysia jalan again”. Does this cabinet have what it takes?

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