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Yoursay: Mahathir’s real face unmasked

This article is 5 years old

YOURSAY | ‘It is doubtful that Mahathir was fully subscribed to reforms and a new Malaysia…’

Mahathir rejected Anwar's proposal to become DPM

David Dass: The issue was PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim's succession. It was a commitment made even before GE14.

Dr Mahathir Mohamad was to be made interim prime minister pending Anwar’s pardon and release from prison. It was to be for two years. And then perhaps three years. That promise was made time and again.

Those who voted for Pakatan Harapan knew that Anwar would become prime minister after Mahathir stepped down. Then it was after the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) summit (November 2020). Finally, it was agreed that it would be on a date of Mahathir’s choosing after Apec.

In the meantime, PAS and Umno, seeing the issue festering within Harapan, exploited it. They saw Mahathir repeatedly, assuring him of their contusing support. They made public statements to that effect. It was clear to everyone, perhaps except Mahathir, that they were simply driving a wedge between him, Anwar and Harapan members.

All recognised a need for more Malay support. Mahathir worked to bring in Umno crossovers. With repeated success in by-elections, Umno and PAS felt that they would win a general election. And they pushed for one. Mahathir built up former PKR deputy leader Azmin Ali as a means of challenging Anwar.

He was not interested in succession and was determined to hold on to the PM seat. He worked quietly with Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin and Azmin to set up a unity government. Muhyiddin and Azmin had other ideas. Umno and PAS would only deal - en bloc - as parties. Their leaders were firmly in control.

Then on Sheraton Day, they moved. Mahathir resigned his position, still convinced that he could form a unity government. He persuaded the king to appoint him interim prime minister whilst he tried to muster support for his prime ministership of a unity government.

Confused Harapan MPs did not initially give their support. It was only later, when they realised that it was either support Mahathir as the unity prime minister or allow Umno and PAS to form a new government with Muhyiddin as prime minister, that they gave him their support.

As it turned out, the king appointed Muhyiddin as prime minister. And here we all are.

JW: Mahathir should not say that Anwar was not a good administrator. It is as though he ever was.

As PM, Mahathir was hardly transparent even to his party and cabinet members. He kept everyone guessing while he would be alternately coy and sarcastic when asked about what he might be actually saying or thinking.

This was amply evidenced by his avoiding questions about when he would have Anwar take over as PM and postponing the date.

In other words, Mahathir is a consummate politician, always politicking, far more than anyone, let alone Anwar.

This explains why he had no idea about grooming a young generation of leaders. He would even engage in politicking with them, mercilessly playing them against one another when needed as he is always looking out for himself and his interests. Even when he is in his 90s.

And so, he is incapable of being a statesman as his age has not given him wisdom. He has no clue at all because he does not look at the country as a whole but as groups divided by race and religion with him using whichever group to advance his interests and power even if it leads to disharmony and disunity. It is his version of divide and conquer to stay on top.

Remember his grandiose Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) project when he was PM the first time. Where was his ability to administer it? Where is MSC today? How come no younger generations of leaders ever talk about it anymore?

Meanwhile, he still wanted to launch another national car when the first one has been tottering on the brink of extinction that began when he was still the PM.

The only reason Proton could continue was because of the high tax slapped on foreign/imported cars to jack up their prices arbitrarily in order to give Proton some chance to compete in the local market. Until today, Proton and Perodua made hardly any impressive sales outside the country.

Meanwhile, Mahathir's big mouth always got Malaysia ended up having to pay or lose out. Even when he had not finished two years as PM again, he managed to get countries to go cool on palm oil demand.

So, you, Mahathir, has failed as an administrator many times over. You stayed in power all this time only because of your Machiavellian, divide-and-conquer politicking.

More and more Malaysians finally got a chance to see your true colour in your less than two years as PM again.

Anonymous_2d09ced0: It is doubtful that Mahathir was fully subscribed to reforms and a new Malaysia as shown by many of his actions and politicking since GE14.

The fact is Mahathir with Anwar as DPM would form the most powerful team until Anwar takes over. But Mahathir could not relinquish his position even though this was part of the Harapan agreement.

Beman: If Mahathir is not prepared to let Anwar be DPM, it is highly likely that he has no intention of passing over the PM post to Anwar at any point in time and he is the mastermind behind the recent change in government.

That he is not prepared to let Anwar be DPM is now no longer a "if" - he had said it himself.

The facts that he and his supporters, including his son, are still with Bersatu and his son is still the Kedah menteri besar when Harapan state governments in Malacca and Johor had fallen only reinforce the view that he is the hidden hand in installing Muhyiddin as PM and his quarrel with Muhyiddin in public is just a show.

Odysseus: This is a really sad situation for Harapan. The old man can never let go of the past. How much does he expect Anwar to tolerate his humiliation?

I don't think the rakyat can stomach such cruel treatment the old man is giving to Anwar. I pray that Anwar has all the patience and calmness in dealing with the old man. His day will come and Anwar will step up to assume the premiership.

Clever Voter: Mahathir, what could be worse - appointing Anwar as PM or allowing the corrupt Umno/PAS parties to raid the national treasury?

Often ego stands in the way, one would have thought Mahathir had the common sense. Alas, it's over now, millions spent on capturing the big fish are wasted.

Anonymous 440691458633074: No good can come out of allowing Mahathir to lead Harapan now. So, it’s best for the Harapan coalition to break ties with him, remain in the opposition until the next GE and let the people vote Harapan again.

I must say to Harapan ministers and deputy ministers - you’ve done a terrific job. Syabas and thank you, and we will certainly vote for you again. Count on it.

Yoursay | ‘Liberal or not, we just want a non-corrupt gov’t’

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