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Yoursay | If not given free, face masks should be dirt cheap

This article is 4 years old

YOURSAY | ‘At least, sell it at a much lower price since it was purchased in bulk by the gov’t.’

Gov't to review new face mask ceiling price, agrees RM2 too high

Anak Malaysia: Face mask is essential for everyone, especially during the present coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis.

As we are aware that our government is not in excellent financial standing, the people are not expecting free distribution for everyone. But at least, sell it at a much lower price since it was purchased in bulk by the government so that many can buy. This is not the time for profiting.

We, the rakyat, are already struggling to cope with the escalating living cost, so please don’t further burden us.

Apanakdikato: “Putrajaya has agreed to review the new ceiling price for three-ply face masks which was recently raised to RM2 per piece."

This is the type of decision that can only come from an incompetent government.

Face masks are not difficult to manufacture and the government could quickly pull resources from our experienced and capable manufacturing sector to produce this under emergency need.

We have low-cost local materials that can be used. The same thing goes for certain medical supplies like plastic gowns. Don't end up like doctors and nurses in Italy who have to improvise rubbish bags to cover themselves.

Instead, senior minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob is focusing on a ceiling price that no low-income Malaysian can afford anyway.

We need a prime minister and ministers who are intelligent, especially when dealing with a crisis that is affecting the whole world. The country is literally in a state of war and the backdoor government is like a chicken running around without its head.

Vijay47: Once again, we see the stupidity of the government. Why did the question of price increase even arise?

The manufacturers never asked for the increase and their costs were tremendously reduced by the removal of customs duties. So if anything, the price should now be less than 80 sen.

By the way, did anyone see Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Alexander Nanta Linggi on TV? If you did not, lucky you.

It was torturous, he could not string two words together without a five-second break with several hmms and ahhs in between.

Each minister seems striving to beat each other in imbecility.

JusticeNow!: This new Perikatan Nasional (PN) government must prove that they really care for the rakyat, especially during the pandemic that we are facing now.

They should not charge us RM0.80 for a face mask and we won’t have to accuse them of taking advantage of the situation and profiteering from it.

The government should be selling a pair of face mask at RM0.20 so that anyone can afford to buy and use it.

Bornean: Dear government, how much is the price of face masks is not the actual problem. The issue is that we can't even find a pair anywhere.

Can the government guarantee that each person gets one mask at least?

Anonymous 2465861491622056: First and foremost, the government should be distributing free masks to the public as soon as possible.

This will help to reduce the number of Covid-19 cases and allow the country to relax its movement control order (MCO).

Also, it is pointless talking about the price of face masks when the much-needed item is not available to the public even if they can afford to buy them.

Headhunter: At a time like this and being a critical item, why do they allow an increase in the price of masks. It doesn't make any sense.

Even at 80 sen per piece, suppliers are already reaping profit due to the brisk sale of the item. It should have been considered a controlled item.

And with the millions of pieces that China has given to Malaysia, the price should be even cheaper.

Anonymous_1583943490743.66921583943221955: I import face masks for my staff and my family since we can’t find it locally.

For 2,500 pieces of three-ply medical mask, the import duty and service tax is RM38. Someone is still making profit in the current situation.

JW: What is the real reason for not being able to bring down the price? And, if there is to be a price increase, why so high and so fast?

These are common-sense questions. And it is not rocket science.

If the concern is for the health and safety of the rakyat and to flatten the Covid-19 curve, isn't it obvious that every effort must be made to make the price as low as possible?

The government is giving the rakyat unnecessary stress. And you want us to help in eradicating the pandemic?

Bluemountains: This is a sign of pure incompetence on the part of the backdoor government.

First, the health minister with his "air suam" comment and now the domestic trade minister with his unauthorised price increase.

Can the domestic trade minister allow the price increase without the approval of the cabinet?

Apa Harapan: In Singapore, the government gives away free masks to each family. In Malaysia, they increase the price.

People cannot afford to buy them after losing their jobs or no income due to the current situation. A family of four or five will need at least four dozen masks to cover two weeks if changed daily.

Speaking Sense: While the coronavirus spreads, PN ministers are debating the price of face masks.

Moral of the story - the most important thing is not the lives of our people, but the profits of our merchants.

Hands up those who believe that this latest circus in town will get rid of the virus and keep all of us safe.

Anonymous_1544340881: A recent ex-minister already has close to a billion ringgit such that RM2 million is pocket money for him. Maybe the government can ask him for sponsorship?

To others, please continue to voice your dissatisfaction. We have no one we can rely on except ourselves. 

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